Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 48: Zhongde on Cao Lu

Chapter 48: Zhongde on Cao Lu
"The revenge of killing one's father is irreconcilable! If I can't kill my enemy with my own hands, how can I, Li Zheng, live in this world!" Li Zheng's eyes were bloodshot, and he could not stand up for a long time. Li Dian also knelt on his side , the two looked extremely sad and indignant.

Cheng Yu is 54 years old this year, Li Zhengnian is [-] years old, and Li Diannian is [-] years old. These two children are like their juniors.

"Get up, I will never stand by and watch this matter!" Cheng Yu frowned deeply, and stroked his long beard.

At this time, Cheng Yu had received a secret order from Xun Yu, the governor of Yanzhou, ordering Cheng Yu to quickly return to his hometown, Dong'e County, to stabilize the county magistrate Zaoyi, and resist the attack of Dongwuyang Chen Gong.

Li Zheng and Li Dian were still kneeling on the ground, refusing to get up. Cheng Yu sighed: "Your acts of filial piety are really rare! If I can't help you avenge, I'm afraid the scholars in the world will laugh at me! I have a plan for this matter." , the head of Fan Yi will be taken within a few days!"

Li Zheng and Li Dian stood up, weeping with gratitude.

Cheng Yu said: "I have already found out that Fan Yi is already on the way to Fan County, and he only brought a few hundred infantry and crossed Juye Ze by boat." Then he said to Li Zheng: "I heard that your father is in Juye Ze There are thousands of knight-errants in China, is this true?"

"That's true!" Li Zheng said.

Cheng Yu raised his brows, "If this is the case, great things will come true! You immediately go back to Juyeze to gather your followers, then quickly seal off the waters around Linfan County in Juyeze, and send people to lie in ambush on both sides of the mountain road at the foot of Liangshan. If Fan Yi is defeated, he can be punished with all his troops!"

Li Dian said: "Mr. Cheng County, although the boy is young, but he usually practices martial arts diligently and can defeat several people. I beg you to go with my brother and swear to kill the enemy to repay the great kindness!!"

Cheng Yu said: "Li Dian, you also have an important task. This time I plan to go to Fan County in person to lobby Le Yun, but I am afraid that it will affect the schedule. Then Dong'e County will surrender to Chen Gong first, so you should take the cavalry from your headquarters and rush there as soon as possible. Go to Dong'e County and hand over my secret letter to my son Cheng Wu, he will make arrangements after reading the letter."

Li Zheng and Li Dian were ordered to go separately.

Cheng Yu then ordered more than 3000 remnants of the Li family in Juye to defend Shouzhang City, while he personally led [-] elite troops across the Liangshan Mountains and went straight to Fan County on the west side of Liangshan.

After crossing Liangshan and just arriving at the border of Fan County, Cheng Yu received a report from a scout: The prefect of Jiyin has arrived in Fan County and will meet Le Yun soon.

Cheng Yu hurriedly led more than ten cavalry into Fancheng first.

Le Yun, magistrate of Fan County, welcomed him into the mansion and asked, "Why is Cheng Zhongde here?"

"I came here specially to save the lives of your entire clan!!!"

Cheng Yu is eight feet tall, with a dignified appearance. Although he is a little old, he has an extraordinary bearing. He is well-known among several counties. He once led his clansmen to rebel in Pingdong'a. Yu Jie said that the disease should not be tolerated.Since then, Cheng Yu's reputation in Dong'e, Fanxian County, and Shouzhang area has become even greater. Everyone said that Cheng Yu has a big plan and will surely achieve great things in the future.

Later, Cheng Yu agreed to Cao Cao's request and became the county magistrate of Shouzhang.

Le Yun also believed in Cheng Yu very much. Hearing Cheng Yu's cry, he fell to his knees in fright and cried, "Zhongde save me!"

There is Juancheng in front of Fan County, Dong'a in the back, Shouzhang in the side, the Yellow River on the left, Liangshan on the right, and Juyeze hundreds of miles below. Juancheng, Dong'e, and Shouzhang counties are all dead against Cao Cao. Does Le Yun dare to rebel? !As long as there is a reversal and the three counties are encircled, Fan County is like a turtle in a urn, with nowhere to escape, and he will definitely die!

So Le Yun has been waiting and watching. If Shou Zhang Dong'a has a county that rebels against Cao and votes for Lu, Le Yun will immediately surrender to Lu Bu!For nothing else, Le Yun's parents, wife, and children have all been placed under house arrest by Lu Bu. As long as Le Yun dares to mess around, Lu Bu will hold his family members accountable! !

After receiving the family letter from Puyang, Le Yun was hesitant. At this time, his old friend Jiyin prefect came with troops again, and he was shocked. If he did not agree to surrender to Lu, he would definitely offend Fan Yi!Offend Lu Bu!

"Zhongde save me! Save my wife and children!" Le Yun held Cheng Yu's hand and begged.

Cheng Yu quickly helped Le Yun up.

"Who is cruel, Duke Cao or Lu Bu?"

Le Yun stopped crying, with a frightened face, "I don't dare to speak out!"

"It's okay, it's just you and me here, don't you believe me, Mr. Le County?" Cheng Yu said.

"Brother Zhongde, you are a virtuous person, I believe in you!" Le Yun cupped his hands and said, "Cao Gong killed more than 300 people from the three tribes of Bianrang because of a single word, and although Lu Bu was extremely brave, he was a man. Benevolence and righteousness have never killed other people's entire clan! Of course it is Mr. Cao who is ruthless!"

"Of course!" Cheng Yu said, "Lu Bu has the benevolence of a woman. Your family fell into Lu Bu's hands. Although he put you under house arrest and threatened to kill him, Lu Bu may not really kill you! And your family If it falls into the hands of Mr. Cao, I dare say you will definitely die, and not only kill more than a dozen members of your family, but all of your three clans will be killed!"

Le Yun was shocked, and raised his sleeves to wipe the sweat off his forehead!He whispered: "But my family is not in Cao Gong's hands now???"

Cheng Yu laughed loudly and said, "Lü Bu will definitely be defeated. Once Cao Gong defeats Lu Bu and regains Puyang, your family will be in Cao Gong's hands! You are also the leader of one side, don't you know that Xuzhou has dozens of How did the common people die? If you offend Mr. Cao... I’m afraid there will be no one to collect the corpses, please think about it yourself, Mr. Le County!"

"Lü Bu currently has tens of thousands of troops, how can Duke Cao break through Puyang?"

Cheng Yu said: "Have you forgotten the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of Yuan Shao in Hebei? Pu Yang and Yuan Shao's Li Yang are only two hundred miles away, how can they resist!?!?"

"Although Lu Bu is as brave as a tiger, he has no foundation at all. He and Chen Gong and others are just using each other. Although there are many troops, they are just mobs. They have only been trained for two or three months. Duke Cao has a million in Qingzhou alone in Juancheng." Men and women can get [-] strong men and women at any time, and what is currently lacking is only food. As long as Juancheng, Fan County, and Dong'a County are united as one, with the Yellow River, Taishan, and Juyeze as dangers, even if Lu Bu has [-] elite soldiers, it will be difficult Break through!! If we get another support from Yuan Shaoyi, Lu Bu will die!!"

Le Yun suddenly realized when he heard the words, and said: "Thank you, Brother Zhongde, for saving me! I will swear to follow Duke Cao to the death! It's just that I used to know Fan Yi, how should I face it, the Fan family is very powerful in this county, I'm afraid they will Rebel!"

Cheng Yu said: "Why don't you hold a banquet and invite Fan Yi to drink with the elite of his clan, pretend to form an alliance with them, and then kill them during the banquet, and then use the pretext of Fan Yi's rebellion to wipe out the nine clans. Once and for all? In the future, Fan County will only be dominated by your Le family, you guard this, I guard Dong'a, you and I form an alliance with each other, isn't this a great plan for the prosperity of the world?"

When Le Yun heard the words, he prostrated himself on the ground again, and said: "If it is true what Zhong De said, the whole family of the Le family will remember this kindness forever!!"

(End of this chapter)

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