Chapter 49
So Le Yun sent people to invite Fan Yi and the Fan clan to hold a grand banquet. When everyone was drunk, they rushed up and killed Fan Yi on the spot. Le Yun brought Fan Yi's head to Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu When the governor was done, he took the head and rushed to Dong'e County overnight.

Le Yun then sent troops to arrest Fan's family, killing more than 800 members of Fan Yi's nine families. Fan Yi's remnant soldiers protected the surviving Fan family and fled to Juyeze by boat, but were intercepted and killed by Li Zheng. Only less than ten people escaped. One day, Xue Lan, the defender of Juye, was rewarded with Li Feng. Xue Lan was shocked and did not dare to attack Shouzhang.

After Cheng Yu arrived in Dong'e, he paid a lot of money to local people who were proficient in water skills to lead the way, and burned all the boats and boats along the Yellow River along the Cangtingjin area. After crossing the river, they were surrounded and killed by Cheng Yu. After more than half of the casualties, they retreated to their respective positions.

Due to lack of ships, Chen Gong's attack also ended in failure.

Lu Bu received the battle reports that the two attacks were blocked one after another, and he smashed the table with his palm in anger, but there was nothing he could do. There were less than [-] elite soldiers in Puyang City, and with the addition of [-] miscellaneous soldiers, it was only enough to defend Puyang City.

The prefect of Jiyin was killed. Lu Bu did not dare to be careless. He ordered Zhang Liao to lead the cavalry to Dingtao City, the prefecture of Jiyin County overnight, to control the situation in Jiyin County. Zhang Hong was stationed in Changyi as the prefect of Shanyang.Liu He, Liu Yu's younger brother, is the order of Juyang and obeys Juyang.

With Puyang as the center, Chen Gong is stationed in Dongwuyang, Gaoshun is stationed in Dunqiu, Liu He is stationed in Juyang, Zhang Liao is stationed in Tao, Xue Lan and Li Feng are stationed in Juye, forming a big pocket formation that will hold Juancheng. Dong'e in Fan County is surrounded by it.Counties have recruited a large number of soldiers, levied taxes, and prepared to fight against Cao Bing.

Seeing that Lv Bu was not going well in the battle, Zhang Miao wanted to send Chen Liu's soldiers to help, but just before he set off, the scouts found out the news: Xun You, the nephew of Xun Yu in Yingchuan, raised five thousand elite troops and ten thousand miscellaneous troops to attack Chen in Yingyin. Zhang Miao was horrified when he stayed. The two armies fought in Fugou and Wei's area.

On May [-]th, Cao Cao finally withdrew from the Taishan battlefield and stationed troops in Fan County. He wanted to reward Cheng Yu, but Cheng Yu refused, so Cao Cao promoted Cheng Yu to be the Minister of Dongping.Li Zheng, the son of Li Gan, was promoted to be the head of Linqiu. Linqiu County is a small county located between Juancheng and Liangshanbo. Li Zheng selected [-] of the [-] family members as the official trilogy. Stationed in Linqiu, guarding the grain road in Juancheng.

Li Gan's nephew, Li Dian, made great contributions in the Battle of Cangting. Cheng Yu praised Cao Cao. Cao Cao loved him very much when he was young and mature. Although Li Dian was only 15 years old and had not yet reached the age of hair, Cao Cao still made an exception and made an appointment as the Shou Zhang Order. He continued to lead the former Li Gan's old troops and ordered him to attack Juye City.

On May [-]th, Yuan Shao in Hebei took advantage of the stalemate between Cao Cao and Lv Bu, and when Lv Bu was unable to separate himself, he ordered Zang Hong, the governor of Qingzhou, to raise [-] troops from Pingyuan County to attack Chen Gong in Wuyang in the East, and at the same time, [-] troops from Liyang to attack the garrison at Fifty Li to the south. Gao Shun of Wai Dunqiu City, although Gao Shun desperately defended the city, but Dunqiu City was surrounded by groups.

"Dunqiu can't be lost! Otherwise, not only will Dongwuyang's retreat be cut off, but Puyang will also be besieged!" Lu Bu summed up this sentence after gathering all the generals under his command!
"Zang Hong and Zang Ziyuan are rare scholars in the country. They lead troops well and make good use of talents!" Zhang Chao once said to Lu Bu.

Chen Gong had only two battalions of [-] troops in East Wuyang, led by Song Xian and Hou Cheng respectively. The rest of the counties heard that Zang Hong had come to attack, and then defected to Zang Hong.

With an isolated city of [-] troops trying to counter Zang Hong's [-] troops, the city will be lost sooner or later!Lu Bu quickly ordered Chen Gong to retreat to Dunqiu, attack Yuan Shao, and break the siege of Dunqiu city.

On May [-]th, twenty miles east of Dongwuyang City, barracks were connected to each other, and flags were planted in the camps. From the flags, it can be seen that this is the place where Qingzhou governor Zang Hong's army is stationed.

In the tent of the Chinese army, Zang Hong seemed unhappy.

To attack Dongwuyang, Zang Hong didn't want to come at all, but Zang Hong had no choice but to come. Although the troops had already approached Dongwuyang city for two days, Zang Hong had no intention of attacking the city at all!If his family members were not controlled by Yuan Shao in Yecheng, and if he hadn't shown kindness to Yuan Shao, Zang Hong would not even have sent troops.

If Zang Hong is grateful to Yuan Shao for using him as the governor of Qingzhou, then the relationship between Zang Hong and Zhang Chao is so deep that it cannot be expressed in words! !
Zhang Chao, in Zang Hong's mind, is a confidant!It's brother!It is a benefactor who is as heavy as a mountain.

When Zhang Chaogang was appointed as the prefect of Guangling County in Xuzhou, he enlisted Zang Hong as a meritorious officer, and then the two became confidants. Out of trust in Zang Hong, Zhang Chao even handed over all affairs to Zang Hong, and many Next, he strongly recommended Zang Hong to his brother Chenliu prefect Zhang Miao, Yanzhou governor Liu Dai, and Yuzhou governor Kong Ni.

"My lord, if you don't attack again, I'm afraid Yuan Gong will blame you!" Don't drive Chen Rong.

Zang Hong shook his head, Shen Ling remained silent.

In this way, two days later, scouts came to report that Chen Gong had retreated from Dongwuyang without a fight, and Zang Hong then ordered the whole army to station in Dongwuyang.

The next day, Yuan Shao sent someone to send a letter from the prefect of Dongjun, demoting Zang Hong to be the prefect of Dongjun, ordering him to be stationed in Dongwuyang, with Dongwuyang as the county government, and manage the counties of Dongjun on the north bank of the Yellow River. Zang Hong silently accepted. .

Cao Cao ordered Le Jin, an assistant official under Cao Cao's tent, to go back to his hometown and recruit more than 1000 strong men. After returning to Fan County, he was promoted to the false Sima of the army and captured Chen Duwei.


Twenty miles west of Puyang City, May [-]th

Feng Yao was braving the hot weather to command a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and more than 20 miscellaneous servants were struggling to carry a tree to Xizhai.

At this time, a fast horse appeared in front of Feng Yao. The clothes of the man on the horse's back were already soaked, and beads of sweat rolled down his face from time to time.

"Geng Zuoshi, why did you come here?" Feng Yao asked loudly.

"Brother Feng! It's not because of you! My lord ordered me to call you back to Puyang, come on, get on the horse! Hehehe!" Geng Liang let out a hearty laugh, pulled the stiff rope, and turned the horse's head.

Although Feng Yao was a bit puzzled, he still jumped on the horse and said, "Geng Zuo envoy, why don't you go directly, I haven't reported to the Marquis yet!"

Geng Liang hit his horse and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, no need, I've already said hello!"

"Drive!" Although the two were riding together, they quickly rushed tens of feet away, raising a cloud of smoke and dust on the sandbar.

"Hey! You carry the tree back to Wuchang Zhou, don't wait for me!"

In the distance, Feng Yao's shout came from the smoke and dust, and the more than 20 handymen who were stunned then retracted their staring round eyes, shouted the chant again and walked forward!
less than half an hour
Feng Yao was already standing in front of Lu Bu, but this time he was not summoned alone. There were ten people standing side by side beside Feng Yao, and only three of them were known to Feng Yao. What surprised me was that Chen Dao was on the list, and the other two were Cao Xing, a military marquis, and Li Jin, the chief of the first rank.

Lu Bu's expression was not as calm as before, but slightly agitated. After making sure that everyone was present, Lu Bu waved his hand, and a man with a dark complexion and dusty face came out from behind the screen in the lobby. After they bowed their hands and saluted, they stopped talking and stood respectfully behind Lu Bu.

(End of this chapter)

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