Chapter 50 Secret Mission
"What is this for?" Almost everyone has a similar question in their hearts.

However, Lu Bu did not speak immediately, but walked slowly in front of everyone step by step, his face gradually dignified. Every time he passed by someone, Lu Bu would pause and nod in satisfaction. Excited, he straightened his chest and stood up straighter than before.

Feng Yao was ranked eighth. When Lu Bu walked in front of Feng Yao, he stretched out his right hand and patted Feng Yao's shoulder twice. This change immediately attracted everyone's attention. The look was clear at a glance, Feng Yao seemed a little flattered by the sudden "special care", he unconsciously puffed up his chest, raised his face, and said in his heart: "Isn't it just two pats on the shoulder? As for everyone looking at me like that?" ?”

After inspecting everyone, Lu Bu returned to his original position, facing Feng Yao and the other ten people, and said, "The reason why I called you ten people urgently is because there is a very important task for you to complete. ! This mission must not be known to anyone except the people standing here now!"

Feng Yao's heart trembled, and he glanced around, but none of the guards in the surrounding corridors saw him.

"Everyone here is the most trusted and valued talent by the Marquis! This mission is likely to be very dangerous, so before the action, if you don't want to participate, you can quit!" Lu Bu said.

None of the ten people moved, but their faces became more determined!

"Okay!" Lu Bu nodded, then looked at Cao Xing and shouted, "Cao Xing! Come out!"

"Yes, my lord!" Cao Xing strode out of the queue, saluted respectfully, stood beside Lu Bu, and faced the crowd.

Lu Bu said: "This mission is led by Cao Xing and Cao Junhou. Everyone must obey absolutely. If anyone violates it, Cao Junhou can kill him immediately!"

"Obey!" Ten people knelt on one knee and bowed.


Eleven people and eleven horses, after getting ready, quietly left Puyang City in the dark!Run west along the Yellow River.

Feng Yao didn't even say goodbye to Zhou Cang and others!Not only Feng Yao, everyone is forbidden to have any contact with the outside world after accepting the mission, even close relatives!Without exception!

The Longmen Inn is already on the right track. Yuan Ping moved his family to Puyang when Feng Yao built the West Village, and brought twenty men and women from the same village with him. To Feng Yao's surprise, Hu The mother and daughter also followed.

Under Feng Yao's guidance, the villagers brought by Yuan Ping quickly mastered the making of steamed stuffed buns. Coupled with some dishes specially pointed out by Feng Yao, Longmen Inn quickly spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and the business was very hot. The daily income has reached about 100 taels. Excluding capital and expenses, it is conservatively estimated that there will be at least a net income of more than [-] taels in a month. One hundred thousand taels equals [-] taels of silver. Get all your money back!
Except for the mysterious man, all the eleven riders knew each other, and almost all ten of them were legends in the battalion.

Needless to say, Cao Xing, the one who impressed Feng Yao the most among the other eight people was a man with a stature of only seven feet. His surname was Yan and his name was Huan. Except for talking to him occasionally, other people rarely communicate with him.

"This Yan Huan must not be simple, otherwise Lu Bu would never have chosen him!" Feng Yao secretly kept an eye on him.

Most of the other men are between 20 and 30 years old, Feng Yao and Chen Dao are the youngest in the team.

All of them were dressed in light casual clothes, and their weapons were different. Cao Xing, Feng Yao, Chen Dao, and Li Jin were equipped with short bows and daggers. Short bows were more suitable for immediate use and small-scale battles.Yan Huan is armed with a shield and a short axe, Cheng He is armed with a pair of iron halberds, Wang Zepu's sword and shield, Zhang Fan's broadsword, Lu Jian's long spear, and Cen Wei's short halberd.In addition, Feng Yao was also equipped with a shield, and Chen Dao also brought a zhangshi python gun.

In the team, Cao Xing led the team, and the rest of the people vaguely protected the mysterious man in the middle.

Cao Xingming's team called them rangers, and they didn't arouse much suspicion along the way. After walking straight for a day and a night, they just arrived near Guandu. There were more pedestrians on the road, and horse-drawn carriages or caravans were often seen walking on the road. , Everyone can't ride their horses and run wildly, they can only slow down.

There was a caravan of more than 30 people standing in front of everyone, Feng Yao moved forward and whispered to Cao Xing: "Marquis Cao! I have an idea!"

Cao Xing said indifferently: "Oh, tell me!"

"Although our team is pretending to be rangers, it's still a bit conspicuous. Why don't we make a deal with the caravan in front and help it escort the goods, so as to have a cover." Feng Yao said.

Cao Xing's eyes lit up, and he said, "Since that's the case, it's okay for you to ask, just don't reveal our identities."

Feng Yao took the command and rode forward to catch up with the caravan. Seeing that Feng Yao had a weapon, the two servants walking behind immediately became nervous, drew out their knives, and shouted, "Who are you?"

"Brother, my younger brother's surname is Feng Mingyao, from Runan, I want to discuss something with your manager, can you recommend me?"

One of the family servants looked Feng Yao up and down for a while, and said, "Brother, I can't decide this matter, but I see that you are quite polite, you just follow slowly, I will ask!" After finishing, he rushed to the front of the caravan, and after a while, he led a middle-aged man back.

After the middle-aged man asked a few simple questions, he smiled and said, "My surname is Yang Mingji. Since you escorted me at will and happened to be on the same road, I can help you all. It's just a small business and I can't give you much. 11 people, how about 11 taels of silver?"

Feng Yao didn't know whether 11 taels of silver was more or less, but Feng Yao's purpose was to use the caravan to cover up his identity, so he readily agreed.

After returning to the team, Cao Xing praised Feng Yao a few words and divided the team into three teams. Cao Xing led four people at the front of the caravan, Feng Yao and Chen Dao were at the end of the caravan, and the others Several people and a mysterious man were mixed among the guards of the caravan.

Anyway, he couldn't walk fast anymore, so Feng Yao simply got off his horse and walked, handing the horse to Chen Dao to lead.

Seeing this, the accompanying servant asked puzzledly: "Brother Feng, isn't riding a horse much easier than walking?"

Feng Yao stroked his ass and said, "Brother, riding a horse is certainly not as easy as walking. If you don't believe me, take a look, my ass is almost smashed by a horse!"

This servant was the one who helped Feng Yao introduce Yang Qi before. Hearing this, he and his companion burst out laughing, and they got closer to each other immediately. The servant said, "Brother Feng, my surname is Zhao Mingfu." The companion introduced, "His surname is Qian and his name is Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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