Chapter 51
The few people were not lonely all the way, and soon the caravan passed the Hulao Pass.

After walking for a while, Feng Yao's attention was attracted by three strangers on horseback. These three people had appeared after passing the Hulao Pass, and they had been trailing behind for a distance of about a hundred paces.

Feng Yao is an archer, and he understands the meaning of a hundred paces very well. This distance happens to be the most lethal range of short archers, and these three people always keep a hundred paces away, neither too close nor behind, and What made Feng Yao most suspicious was that these three people were riding horses, but no matter whether they were on horseback, or they didn't have any luggage on them!
"Third brother, carefully observe the three riders in the back!" Feng Yao leaned into Chen Dao's ear and whispered, then touched Zhao Fu again, and gestured backwards a few times with his eyes.

After observing for a few times, Chen Dao turned cold, looked at Feng Yao, nodded, affirming Feng Yao's guess.

Feng Yao said: "Brother Zhao, Brother Qian, be careful on guard, those three riders have bad intentions!"

Zhao Fu turned his head and looked at Qian Feng in surprise, a little puzzled, Zhao Fu said: "Brother Feng, I noticed those three people earlier, but there is nothing wrong with them, right? They didn't bring any weapons, and there were only three of them. If you want to rob goods, you are looking for death!"

Qian Feng even turned around and shouted to the back: "Hey! What are you three doing?"

Qian Feng's shout attracted the attention of the guards in front of the caravan. Seeing that there were only three unarmed pedestrians, they continued on their way without attracting attention.

In the distance, the three riders seemed to be talking and laughing, as if they hadn't heard Qian Feng's shout at all.

"Look! It's nothing, it's just a few literati riding horses to imitate! If they are really thieves, they will either run away or rush up when they see me shouting like that!" Qian Feng smiled indifferently.

"Third brother, get on the horse!" Feng Yao didn't dare to be careless, pulled his own horse, and sat on the horse's back.

Chen Dao nodded, didn't say much, and quickly mounted the horse, but unnoticed, Chen Dao's right hand held the spear hanging by the saddle.

"Be careful, I'll remind you!" Feng Yao said, then lightly hit the horse and ran towards the front team.

Not a while after Feng Yao left, one of the three riders following behind suddenly fled towards a short hill on the left.

"Head! There are a few ghostly people following behind. I think there are few people here, and the mountains not far away are undulating. There may be an ambush!" Feng Yao said in a low voice as soon as he found Cao Xing.

After hearing Feng Yao's words, Cao Xing's already gloomy face became even colder. He turned his head slightly, looked at the terrain on the left and right, his complexion changed slightly, and said, "Feng Yao, go to the middle road immediately to remind Lu Jian and Zhang Fan Wait!" Then he explained the situation to Yang Ji, the captain of the caravan, in a low voice.

Yang Ji was so frightened that his face paled, his wrists were trembling, he cupped his hands towards Cao Xing and said, "Thank you, knight Cao, if you can get out of this difficulty, I would like to thank you with ten times the reward!"

Cao Xing nodded, "Brother Yang, you don't need to be too polite. I'm a chivalrous man who helps the weak and helps the poor, eliminate violence and bring peace to the good. If such thieves don't come to the door, I will find them to eliminate harm for the people!"

what a fear!This is the feeling of guessing that there is an ambush, but you have to bite the bullet and jump into the pit. The fear of the unknown is the most frightening thing!If it weren't for Cao Xing's words, Yang Ji would have abandoned his car and fled now!

Seeing the calm expressions of Cao Xing and the others, Yang Ji felt at ease, and quickly calmed down. He hurriedly ordered the caravan guards to take precautions, and ordered the caravan to speed up their journey, hoping to leave this barren land as soon as possible.

Everyone in the caravan advanced a few miles in this tense atmosphere, but they never encountered any abnormal situation, and many servants began to relax.

Even Feng Yao began to wonder if he had made a fuss.

"Third brother, I always feel that this is a bit wrong. There were three people in the back earlier, why are there two people now?" Feng Yao said.

At this moment, the front of the caravan suddenly stopped moving forward. Feng Yao looked from a distance and saw a tree with luxuriant branches and leaves was cut down by someone, lying in the middle of the official road. , Cao Xing shouted: "Slow down, don't move the tree, there is an ambush!"

While speaking, he shouted from the mountain depression, and hundreds of bandit soldiers rushed out. More than a dozen bandit soldiers rode horses first, shouting: "We are Songshan robbers, robbing wealth but not life, run for your life if you know the way, otherwise Shoot or kill!!"

Feng Yao didn't expect that there were so many bandits. The caravan had only 20 servants. Even if he added eleven of them, the difference in strength between the two sides was nearly twenty times!

When Cao Xing gave an order, several people hurriedly opened their bows and arrows, and four of the bandit soldiers fell down in response, but the bandit soldiers were not only not intimidated, but were aroused bloody, and divided into two teams on the left and right to double-team the caravan. Come over, at this time the distance between the two sides is less than ten feet!If you shoot another arrow, the bandit soldiers will rush forward. At that time, I am afraid that there will be no time to change weapons.

Yang Ji yelled loudly, ordering all the servants to gather together to form a defensive circle, trying to resist the bandits.

But Feng Yao can see the result at a glance, not to mention 800 servants, 800 servants are not enough, the number of bandits is at least [-], and there are more than ten cavalry among them, it does not need [-] people to punch all Come up, as long as the dozen or so riders charge, most of the twenty servants will be killed or injured.

Bandit soldiers don't know any rules at all, so they never think that only 100 people can take this caravan, and only send 100 people. Those who do that are not bandit soldiers, but officers and soldiers!
More than 800 rebels were divided into two teams, the first team had more than [-], and all of them yelled and swarmed forward!

It's too late to shoot arrows!Feng Yao quickly changed his weapons, took out his sword and shield, and was thinking about whether to focus on the mission and meet up with Cao Xing before making plans, when he suddenly heard a thunderous shout in his ear.

"Kill!!" Yiqi was like a puff of smoke, and a long spear went out to sea like a dragon, and went straight to the bandit soldiers. With just one stab, the bandit fell to the ground screaming.

"It's the third brother!" Feng Yao was shocked, leaning on his legs, Da Ma also rushed over.

At this time, Chen Dao was already surrounded by bandits, and there was a lot of danger, but Chen Dao's ten-foot python gun was slightly longer than all the weapons of the bandit soldiers. power.

Seeing Feng Yao attacking, the thieves took short weapons and surrounded dozens of them with a whistling sound. Feng Yao was startled when they came down with swords and guns. If they don't get out of the way, how can they be stopped with a sword and a shield?Fortunately, the horse seemed to have human nature. Feng Yao exerted a little force on his legs, and the horse neighed.

Feng Yao heard the sound of the thief's bones breaking, and couldn't help but gasp! "Fresh!" Another sword cut off the head of a bandit soldier with horsepower.

"Don't let the bandits surround you to death!" Feng Yao yelled in his heart, his eyes were like lightning, and he suddenly found a weak point. The weapons used by those bandits were short knives, which were less threatening to the cavalry. He rode the horse and rushed over. Sure enough, when the bandits saw the horse rushing over, they knew they were invincible, so they dodged in a panic. Feng Yao just cut off his long sword, but saw the head rolling down, flying with broken arms, and blood sprayed into the air!In an instant, dozens of bandit soldiers were brought down.

awful!awful!But Feng Yao's eyes were red at this time, he saw Chen rushing to the place where he was torn apart! !
But just when Chen was three feet away from the horse, Feng Yao was shocked!Shocked by the horrible scene in front of him, his heart stopped beating suddenly! !
 Not recommended!


(End of this chapter)

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