Chapter 52
Within a radius of two feet around Chen Dao, countless corpses were piled up to form a circular wall of corpses. Although the pile of corpses was only half a person high, they were all in terrible condition!There were even half-lived ones, who were pressed under the corpses, only showing a frightened face, desperately trying to crawl out!But even if these dying bandits can get out of the pile of corpses, there is no possibility of them surviving!Most of them had their throats pierced by a bullet, or a big hole in their chests, and blood poured out as if they didn't want money.

Bandits still climbed up outside the pile of corpses, wanting to attack Chen Dao, but when he saw Chen Dao's sharp spear flashing, he clutched his wound and fell down in an instant!
Feng Yao was really shocked!
This is Chen Dao!That Chen Dao who is second only to Zhao Yun in martial arts in history! !
"Third brother! Hurry up and jump out, don't be surrounded to death!" Feng Yao shouted. At this time, the corpses around Chen Dao were piled up higher and higher, which was very unfavorable to him. Once exhausted, he would not be able to retreat even if he wanted to!

What the cavalry wants is the field, what they want is to run and charge!
Swish Swish Swish, relying on a shield to block most of the attacks, Feng Yao desperately swung his sword with his right hand, trying to maintain a gap for Chen Dao to jump out of the periphery, but the bandits killed a wave, In the eyes of the thieves, there was a long spear in the pile of corpses that no one could get close to, and Feng Yao became the target of their anger.

"Damn it, let me kill this donkey with a sword first!" At this time, a leader of the bandits pointed at Feng Yao and shouted.

"Kill!" The thieves rushed towards Feng Yao in a swarm!

Grass, cursing inwardly, but dared not slow down in his hands, even though he was protected by a shield, he still felt a sudden pain in his leg, a bandit with a spear stabbed Feng Yao's calf with a short spear, A smug grin appeared on the thief soldier's face!

"Ah!" Feng Yao roared, cut off the barrel of the gun with a sword, turned the horse's head, and trampled the bandit soldier under the horse's hooves!But looking at the number of thieves around who hadn't decreased much, a sense of despair surged from the heels to the top of the head! !
Suddenly, a series of dying screams came from around the bandit soldiers. Feng Yao looked over and saw that his horse was flying like a drop of cold water suddenly entering boiling oil, and the stumps were flying around him, howling continuously. The bandit soldiers were like dominoes Fall down one after another.

It's Yan Huan! !

Feng Yao recognized at a glance the cavalry general who came to save him from the gang of thieves!Yan Huan had a shield in one hand and a hatchet in the other, the hatchet was shining coldly, half of his head would fall off when he chopped off his head, and an arm would fly away when it touched his shoulder, smashing weapons when seeing weapons, and smashing shields when seeing shields!None of the thieves can stop them!
At this time, another cavalry came over with a long spear and a big knife. He also saw Pi Mi. When the knife went down, even the man and the weapon were cut into two and a half, and a bandit who couldn't escape was cut from the waist For the sake of the two halves, the intestines splattered all over the floor, but still didn't know it, and desperately scratched the ground with both hands to escape.

This is Zhang Fan!

"Haha! Vigorous! As expected of Zhang Liao's brother!" Feng Yao suddenly felt full of strength. He rode his horse and charged left and right among the thieves. gap.

"Brother, don't panic, I'll save you!" Chen Dao jumped onto the pile of corpses, and stabbed the bandits around Feng Yao to death with a few shots.

Feng Yao's pressure suddenly decreased, and with the charge of Yan Huan and Zhang Fan, the casualties of the bandits were nearly half.

The sword kept waving left and right, and the thieves fell one by one, but there was no momentum to retreat. Feng Yao already felt that his arms were starting to go limp.

"We can't go on like this, we must kill the bandit leader!" Feng Yao pointed his sword at the bandit leader who was hiding behind a dozen horsemen, and shouted at Yan Huan and Zhang Fan.

Several people understood, gathered together, and the four horses lined up, slashing and killing the thief all the way.

"Oh!" Chen Dao screamed wildly, and with a flick of his spear, he picked up the head of a beheaded bandit soldier, threw it hard, and the head rolled from the sky and smashed towards the bandit leader on horseback.

One of the bandit chiefs raised his saber in his hand, and more than a dozen horsemen behind them raised their various weapons angrily, and faced Feng Yao, Chen, Yan Huan, and Zhang Fan!

Four against fifteen!

But as soon as the two sides came into contact, Chen Dao, the spear commander, stabbed the enemy first and fell off the horse. Feng Yao, not to be outdone, swung the enemy's double whips with a shield, and cut off one of his wrists with a long sword swing in his right hand, and the enemy was injured. Wanting to retreat, Feng Yao leaned over and sent the long sword, hitting his heart!Feng Yao said inwardly, thankfully, thanks to the longer arm, the enemy general was unprepared and Feng Yao made a long sword with a range that was almost the same as that of a long soldier.

Yan Huan was even more ferocious, he slashed away with an axe, knocking the sword in the enemy general's hand to the ground, and then knocked him under the horse with a backhand shield, and the ax in his hand slashed at another enemy general nearby. Two or three times, one general will be killed with a knife.

In just a moment, five of the fifteen cavalry generals of the rebel soldiers were killed, while Feng Yao and others were unharmed!

The remaining ten cavalry generals were stunned. One of the enemy generals was wearing iron armor and seemed to be the leader of the bandits. He only heard him shout: "Retreat!" Two more generals fell from their horses, and the rest of the enemy generals fled in fright. Yan Huan was red-eyed and wanted to catch up with the enemy. Feng Yao stopped him and said, "Brother Yan, don't chase, it's important to protect the envoy!"

"Brother Feng, the envoy has been killed!" Zhang Fan said angrily.

Feng Yao's heart was shocked, and he looked at the caravan with grief and indignation, only to see that the envoy had an arrow stuck in his head and was sitting on the wheel of the carriage, already dead!
"Kill! Kill these thieves to avenge the envoy!" Yan Huan was already red-eyed, but only now did he know the news of the envoy's death, and he was furious, roaring and rushing towards the bandits who still wanted to escape.

Several people also charged and killed for a while, the remaining less than [-] bandit soldiers were scared out of their wits after being killed, and when the commander escaped, they all lost their fighting spirit. After throwing down dozens of corpses, they fled into the mountain depression .

The thieves were defeated, and less than 800 of the more than 500 enemy soldiers fled. On the slope on the side of the official road, more than [-] corpses fell, and some dying were struggling feebly. The caravan leader Yang Ji said: Only then did he come back to his senses, overjoyed, and ordered his servants to give those dying bandits a good time, and beheaded them one by one with a knife.

At this time, Zhao Fu, who had always been familiar with Feng Yao, ran over and said with admiration: "Brother Feng! Unexpectedly, you seem weak, but you are so brave in killing the enemy! I can't wait!"

"Brother Zhao, it's not a big deal to kill a few bandits! But, can you bother me and help me so I can get off the horse? My leg is already injured!" Feng Yao felt a sharp pain in his calf at this moment. Although the bandit soldier missed the most important part of his leg with his shot, he still left a wound of more than an inch on his calf.

"Brother, are you injured?" Chen Dao hurriedly dismounted, helped Feng Yao off the horse with Zhao Fu, Qian Feng and others, and sat on the ground to bandage the wound.

(End of this chapter)

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