Chapter 53 Girl Assassin
After bandaging the wound, Feng Yao stood up and walked slowly. Although the wound was painful, fortunately it was not very serious.

Yang Ji, the caravan leader, came to Feng Yao in person after finishing some affairs, cupped his hands and bowed deeply, and said, "Feng Xiashi! Our caravan escaped this time, thanks to your recommendation at that time! I, Yang Ji, will never forget your kindness, if you need help with anything in the future, you can come to this address to find me..."


At noon two days later, the city of Chang'an was filled with smoke, and it was almost noon.

In a dilapidated alley in the southern part of the city, the houses near the alleys here are obviously much dilapidated than those in other places. In Feng Yao's words, they are "slums". "Look for a family surnamed Qin!

If the mysterious envoy hadn't died, there would be no need for such trouble.

"Hello, is there anyone with the surname Qin here?"

The old man who just opened the courtyard door and was about to go out was stopped by Feng Yao.

The old man shook his head, turned around and closed the courtyard door and left quickly. After walking a few steps, he looked back at Feng Yao suspiciously from time to time.

Feng Yao smiled wryly and sighed, this is already the ninth person he asked!These people either did not speak, or they denied it without waiting for Feng Yao to ask clearly.

I don't know, it's the answer Feng Yao has heard the most.

After walking for a short distance, a middle-aged literati approached slowly. Judging from his appearance, he should be very familiar with this place. Hope was rekindled in Feng Yao's eyes, and with a smile on his face, he stood by the side of the road, When the scribe first arrived, he bowed his hands and gave a salute.

"Brother, may I ask..."

"Go away! Go away, don't bother me!" The scribe waved his hand, and walked quickly in boredom.

"Fuck, what an attitude!!" Feng Yao cursed secretly, and sat down against the base of the wall. The injury on his leg hasn't healed yet, and he felt a little pain after walking for a while.

Although there is a courtyard a few feet away, although it is not very good, it is much better than the surrounding courtyard walls and houses. There is an aroma of stewed meat from inside, and Feng Yao can't help flapping his nose and breathing heavily. After a few mouthfuls, "It smells so good, this is probably the Qin family that Lu Bu is looking for!"

Feng Yao stood up, swallowed his saliva, and said in his heart: "It would be great if it was true, I just haven't eaten yet!"

After walking a few steps, the door of an unremarkable courtyard in front of him suddenly opened with a "squeak", and a girl's face so beautiful that Feng Yao could suffocate came out from inside. There was a mischievous smile on the girl's face, Hanging bun and pigtails, willow eyebrows and almond eyes, bright eyes and white teeth, about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Seeing that there was no one around, the girl gave a sweet smile, this smile was overwhelming, Feng Yao almost fell the whole world with a bang!

The girl leaped lightly and walked out of the courtyard with a light body, but she was only wearing a rough blue dress covered with patches, making everyone feel that I am pitiful!The girl gently closed the courtyard door, turned around and walked slowly towards the direction where Feng Yao was standing!

"Girl!" Feng Yao didn't know why he walked over.

The girl seemed to be taken aback, she stepped aside, her expression was a little frightened, she didn't dare to answer, she clung to the edge of the wall, trying to pass by!
"Girl! I just want to inquire about a person whose surname is Qin and lives nearby!" Feng Yao tried his best to sound kind.

"Who is the young master?" The girl asked cautiously in a low voice.

Feng Yao did not expect that the girl not only did not answer his question, but instead asked himself a question, feeling a little dumbfounded, "Am I so bad in her eyes? It seems that she regards me as a bad person!"

"Do you know someone surnamed Qin?" Feng Yao asked again.

"I don't know you!" After speaking, the girl turned around and passed Feng Yao, leaving Feng Yao behind.

A faint sense of loss crept into his heart, Feng Yao smelled the deodorant remaining in the air blankly, wanted to turn around and catch up with the girl, wanted to ask the girl's name, but didn't want to be misunderstood by the girl With bad intentions, "What's wrong with me? Why do I have such a weird feeling?"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, and the hairs on Feng Yao's back stood on end in shock, "Someone is sneaking up!" Relying on his survival instinct on the battlefield, he turned around with a sudden wrong step, and was about to draw his sword to cut it off. But he was shocked to find that the girl who wanted to put him to death turned out to be the girl just now!

"It's her!!!" Feng Yao could hardly believe it was true. "Why did she kill me?!!"

"Hiss—" the girl scratched the clothes on Feng Yao's chest with a scimitar more than a foot long.

Feeling a slight chill in his chest, accompanied by pain, he was already injured, and he didn't dare to be careless, but for some reason, Feng Yao didn't have any murderous intentions at this time, so he drew out half of the long sword and inserted it back again! !

The girl's almond eyes were round, her willow eyebrows slightly frowned, she didn't appreciate it at all, instead she turned her wrist and stabbed Feng Yao's throat again!
Feng Yao hurriedly dodged and shouted: "Girl, stop! If you have something to say, speak up!" The girl ignored Feng Yao's words, and stabbed Feng Yao's vitals with each knife.

"Didn't you just take a few more glances, as for wanting my life so much? If it wasn't for my decent martial arts skills and being killed by you with a single knife, who would I complain to?" Feng Yao was forced to grab the girl and hold the knife Unexpectedly, the girl let go of her right hand, dropped the knife, and deftly caught the knife with her left hand, stabbing towards Feng Yao's abdomen!

Feng Yao was really taken aback. He stretched out his long arms and once again controlled the girl's right hand holding the knife. He shook the knife in the girl's hand to the ground with all his strength. , or get hurt again!"

However, before Feng Yao could figure out how to deal with the girl, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the girl raising her knees and pushing towards Feng Yao's lower body!

"Grass, this is too vicious!" Feng Yao leaned forward and took advantage of the opportunity to hold the girl in his arms, defusing the "fatal" blow.

The moment the two of them were close to each other, a faint scent of a girl's body rushed straight to the mouth and nose, and the intersection of the skin was extremely soft and smooth,...,...!
Not knowing whether he was worried about his life being threatened by the girl again, or because he was reluctant to let go of the beautiful woman in his arms, Feng Yao forgot to let go after wrapping his arms around the girl tightly.

The girls were all slender, their foreheads had already surpassed Feng Yao's chin, and a face carved from jade, with firm skin, was less than a foot away from Feng Yao: smooth and bright forehead, straight and plump nose bridge, charming eyes, small and exquisite Looking at the red lips, Feng Yao's mind was disturbed.


The girl suddenly yelled loudly.

This cry woke up Feng Yao immediately, and he found that he was not only holding on to the girl's jade arm, but the other hand on the girl's back was soft and smooth, full of elasticity, like a girl's "leg"

(End of this chapter)

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