Chapter 54
"Who is it! It's that bastard again to bully my Lingqi!"

At this time, a furious man yelled from the air. The master and slave of that voice were obviously furious to the extreme, and it was not difficult to guess that similar things happened more than once!Otherwise, this person would never use the word "you".

Feng Yao suddenly thought of his current situation, and thought: "It seems that the furious person thinks that someone is bullying that? Oh, Lingqi! Yes, it should be the girl in front of me, huh?! No, to be more precise, it is This beautiful girl in my arms!..."

"Uh—!?..., isn't it good?! Will I also...?" Feng Yao couldn't help but imagined a terrifying scene in his mind.

There used to be people with malicious intentions like this, and then they were beaten and maimed by that furious man?Or directly... kill?
Feng Yao's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the tragedy he might face in the next moment, he said secretly: "No!! I must not let that furious man see this scene!!!"



The two screamed and jumped back almost at the same time, the difference was that Feng Yao's face was still in shock, and the girl's face was smeared with pride at some point.

"It's you!! You're looking for death!!" The violent shout came again, but this time the voice seemed to be even more angry, and Feng Yao's breath was suffocated by a terrifying murderous intent.

Feng Yao raised his head fiercely, followed the source of the sound with his eyes, and saw a strong man of more than seven feet and nearly eight feet standing on the high courtyard wall, with thick black beard, lion nose and slender eyes, and matching facial features It looked a little hideous, holding a huge ghost-headed sword in one hand, and the eye of the sword seemed to weigh no less than fifty catties! !
These are not the main point, the main point is that now this unknown violent man shoots a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes, as if he wants to hack Feng Yao to death with a single knife! !
"I'm dizzy! This family is all crazy, right? What a beautiful girl, she wants to kill me when she sees me, and before it's over, another big man jumps out and wants to kill me?? What's the difference between me and them?" Enmity against the heavens? Also, even if you want to kill someone, you can do it. Why do you have to jump over the wall to chase and kill someone who is just playing tricks? Why don’t you just jump over the wall and go through the gate slowly? Come out slowly, I can run too!..."

"I..." Feng Yao stared dumbfounded at the big man on the wall, wanting to explain, but the big man only said "I" when Feng Yao just said "I", he roared angrily: "Kill!" He jumped down, and the huge ghost-headed sword in his hand slashed straight at the top of Feng Yao's head!

At this moment, it was too late to think, Feng Yao pulled out the long sword in his waist fiercely, and faced the Ghost Head Saber!


With a sound of metal and iron clashing, Feng Yao's long sword was almost out of his hands, but he felt numbness in his tiger's mouth and tightness in his chest. Fortunately, the long sword still held the ghost head sword!
"Grass! How strong! What a loss! My long sword is light, but his big sword is heavy. It's safe to hold up the head-slashing, or it won't cut me into two halves from head to toe with one knife? "Feng Yao seems to be able to understand why Xia Houyuan fell into Huang Zhong's hands in the history books.

The big man let out a light snort, but then he slashed at him again! "Die to me!"


...Dangdang, the two of them exchanged swords and swords, Feng Yao was covered in cold sweat from shock, he was almost killed by a knife a few times, and the wound on his leg started to hurt again because of the excessive force.

Feng Yao didn't know that the big man was even more frightened at this time. In his eyes, Feng Yao was young and his face was still childish, but he was born with a strange bone, a majestic appearance, strong martial arts, and rich experience in facing the enemy!It doesn't seem like that kind of frivolous son, why would he do such a thing of molesting civilian girls?Just as he was about to stop asking, he suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that someone discovered his identity, so...?
The furious look in the big man's eyes has disappeared at this time, but suddenly a chilling and strong killing intent burst out in the blink of an eye!
"Ahhh!" The big man shouted in a deep voice, ignoring Feng Yao's long sword that had already pierced his chest a foot in front of him, but using all the strength in his body, he slashed down diagonally!

From his eyes, Feng Yao has already felt the firm will not to kill the enemy and not to stop.

He secretly thought that it was bad, if Feng Yao didn't hold back his sword, although he could stab the big man to death, he would never be able to escape the big man's all-out blow!The big man wanted to risk his life, but Feng Yao didn't want to die!Especially in this meaningless place, being killed by a crazy man who ran out of nowhere!
That's right!Feng Yao has now almost decided that this man must have been stimulated mentally. Unfortunately, he was accidentally stimulated by himself just now, so that his madness relapsed!How could anyone be so desperate to kill a stranger who had no grievances in the past and no vengeance in the near future, regardless of his own life?

Feng Yao swished back the long sword that was stabbing at the big man, and blocked it with the big knife towards the ghost head!

With a buzzing sound, the sword's attack was blocked, but the long sword in Feng Yao's hand was knocked out of his hands, and he took two steps back to avoid the blow of the ghost's sword, "Yes! I'd better take the opportunity to escape!" Feng Yao was about to turn around. He ran away, but suddenly heard the girl beside him shout urgently: "Uncle Qin! Stop!"

The big man who was called Uncle Qin was startled when he heard the words, his eyes instantly turned loving when he looked at the girl, he nodded his head lightly, and forcibly took back the knife that was slashing at Feng Yao!The moment he withdrew the knife, Su's complexion changed, his brows frowned, his expression was painful, Feng Yao guessed that it might be because of too much force, the blood surged up.

Seeing that Uncle Qin was about to spit out a mouthful of blood, he swallowed it back vigorously, but the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth did not escape Feng Yao's eyes.

Feng Yao's heart moved, "The girl called this big man Uncle Qin just now, could it be that he is the one she is looking for?" The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, so he put away the idea of ​​running away, and asked, "Excuse me, is your surname Qin?" ?”

"Uncle Qin! Are you okay?" The girl's worried voice answered instead of Uncle Qin.

Uncle Qin smiled and said, "I'm fine!"

The girl came over with a distressed look on her face, and helped Uncle Qin wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, "She said it's okay, it's all bleeding!"

Feng Yao stared blankly at the girl, wondering why the girl suddenly let him go? "That's right! I heard this man named Uncle Qin call her something just now..., Lynch? No! Lingqi? It seems to be the name. Could it be that she...!" Feng Yao was startled by his own thought!But he shook his head in doubt, and said to himself: "Impossible! Such a coincidence?"

"Hello!" Feng Yao greeted the girl softly.

"Excuse me, is the girl really called Lingqi?" Feng Yao asked with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, the girl was a little shy, she didn't make a sound, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Feng Yao.

"Lingqi, did this kid bully you? Tell you, Uncle Qin, I'll kill him right away! Also, why stop me from killing him? I think he is most likely sent by the enemy!" Uncle Qin anxiously asked. Asked, seeing that he was unwilling to answer, he turned his face abruptly, immediately put on a fierce look, raised the giant ghost knife again, and said angrily at Feng Yao: "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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