Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 55 The Peerless Beauty Is Diao Chan

Chapter 55 The Peerless Beauty Is Diao Chan

"My surname is Feng and my name is Yao, from Runan!" Feng Yao said.

"Who are you?"

Feng Yao was taken aback, and thought to himself: "Didn't I say it! Didn't you hear clearly?" Looking intently at Uncle Qin, Uncle Qin seemed to have a look of expectation in his eyes.Only then did Cao Xing suddenly remember how to determine the identity when they split up.

"A couple!" Feng Yao replied.

"Where did you come from!"

"Mountains south and water north!"

Uncle Qin was overjoyed, "It's really you! The lord is really still alive!" As he spoke, tears welled up.

"Lingqi! Hurry up and tell the mistress that a distinguished guest has arrived!" Uncle Qin said with tears in his eyes.

The girl Lingqi watched the conversation between the two in surprise, and after hearing Uncle Qin's order, she ran back to the courtyard inexplicably.

Looking at the girl's figure covered in coarse cloth patches, Feng Yao was full of doubts, "Who are they? Could it be Lu Bu's family? What have they experienced to get to where they are today?..."

"Uncle Qin, I wonder if she is..." Feng Yao looked at the direction where the girl disappeared and asked.

"Boy, don't think wildly, she is not something you can touch!! She is the lord's own daughter, Lu Lingqi!" Uncle Qin said with a straightened expression.

Although Feng Yao had already guessed it, but when he heard Uncle Qin say it with his own ears, he still took a breath and said to himself, "I didn't expect Lu Bu's daughter to have such a tortuous experience. It is right to think about it. When I was in the military camp, I Why have you never seen Lu Bu's family before?"

"Uncle Qin, how offended you were just now!" Feng Yao bowed his hands to Uncle Qin solemnly.

Uncle Qin's expression softened a little, and he pulled Feng Yao and said, "This is not a place to talk, come on, come in with me, by the way, and don't make friends with Uncle Qin one by one, I believe in Qin Mingyi, who used to be my lord For the position of Yilu, you can just call me Qin Yilu directly, or you can call me Yilu! Remember it!"

"Yes, Uncle Qin! I remember."

While speaking, Feng Yao followed Qin Yi into the courtyard.The gate of the courtyard is in the southeast corner, and when you enter, you will be faced with a screen wall carved with flowers and plants. Beyond the screen wall, you will see a small courtyard house in front of Feng Yao. The front five rooms plus the east and west wing rooms make the inner courtyard in the middle only a few It is two feet wide and three feet long.

The houses in the courtyard are very old, but what caught Feng Yao's eyes was that some unknown flowers and plants were planted beside the screen wall of the inner courtyard. Quite annoyed.

Looking past the flowers and plants, approaching the door of the East Wing, a beautiful woman immediately attracted Feng Yao's attention. The light green skirt perfectly complemented her attractive figure, and her gestures were charming yet noble. The fairy fell into the mortal world by mistake!It's just that there is a trace of sadness on his face!

While Feng Yao was amazed, the beautiful woman had already seen everyone, especially Lu Lingqi, and suddenly smiled, the sad expression on her face was immediately swept away, her lotus feet moved lightly, and she came forward to stand on Feng Yao's shoulders. Front.

"Concubine Du Xiuniang has met the young master!" the beautiful woman said softly with a salute.

Feng Yao didn't dare to take a closer look at Du Xiuniang's appearance, because Du Xiuniang was so beautiful that any man would be moved by her when he saw her, but Feng Yao didn't want to be disrespectful because of this, a woman with such a beautiful appearance who could live in this courtyard would definitely be with her. Lu Bu's relationship is not ordinary, it is very likely that he is Lu Bu's wife and concubine.

"My surname is Feng and my name is Yao, and my name is Zimou." Feng Yao left a sentence and said no more.

At this time, Lu Lingqi came out of the main room with a middle-aged woman. Feng Yao saw that this middle-aged woman was somewhat similar to Lu Lingqi. His eyes lit up, although he was dressed like an ordinary commoner woman, but he gave off a noble feeling. Compared with Du Xiuniang, although his appearance was a little worse, his temperament was not comparable to Du Xiuniang.

This middle-aged woman must be of extraordinary status, she must be one of Lu Bu's wives, Feng Yao can tell at a glance, but looking at her coarse clothes, and thinking of Du Xiuniang and Lu Lingqi's clothes, one can see their appearance Life was tough.

As soon as the middle-aged woman came out, she saw Du Xiuniang standing by the side room doing nothing, so she said: "Diao Chan, there is a guest here, you go and prepare some meals to entertain."

Du Xiuniang replied yes, and went to the side room. Judging by his expression and behavior, it seemed that he often cooks and does these chores on weekdays.

Feng Yao was taken aback for a moment: She is actually Diao Chan! !Diao Chan, one of the four ancient beauties! ! !
Looking at Diao Chan's leaving back, Feng Yao couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear to see such a weak and beautiful woman doing such rough work! !

Although Feng Yao couldn't accept it, but thinking about it, it's not surprising. It must be that Lu Bu's family members are living too hard, and they can't afford servants at all, so they have to do these chores by themselves! !
Feng Yao shook his head and forced himself to calm down. He came to complete the task, and the middle-aged woman in front of him should be Lu Bu's wife, so he couldn't lose his courtesy.

After some etiquette, they got to know each other, and the middle-aged woman who is the head of Yan Ran's family is indeed Lu Bu's wife, Mrs. Yan!
When Feng Yao mentioned that Lu Bu was still alive, Madam Yan's eyes turned red and she almost shed tears, but she quickly controlled her mood. What kind of suffering has Madam Yan not experienced in the past two years?The state of mind has already seen everything insipid.

"Feng Shichang, didn't you say that there were ten people in total, where are those people?" Mrs. Yan asked.

Feng Yao said: "Because the envoy died halfway, so we can't determine the exact location. We can only search separately. Now that we have found this place, I will go and meet them. Madam Yan please wait!" Feng Yao got up and said goodbye.

"Mother! Lingqi also wants to go together!" At this moment, Lu Lingqi said coquettishly according to Mrs. Yan.

"No, it's very dangerous outside, have you forgotten the experience of the past two years!" Mrs. Yan said with a straight face.

"Mother! Didn't Uncle Qin also go with us? If Uncle Qin is here, let's promise Lingqi!" Seeing that Feng Yao and Qin Yi were about to walk out of the courtyard, Lu Lingqi became even more anxious.


After all, Lu Lingqi did not get Mrs. Yan to agree to her request, so she pouted and went to the ear room to help Diaochan cook together.


From Cao Xing's mouth, Feng Yao finally understood what the mission this time was, which was to quietly take Lu Bu's family back to Puyang City.

After the meeting, we arranged to go out of the city. Not much to say, everything went relatively smoothly. Seven days later, a group of people quietly entered Puyang City, without letting too many people know what happened.

Because of Feng Yao's meritorious service, he was temporarily promoted to head of the village, and Chen Dao and others who went with him were also promoted to a higher level. However, they had to wait for enough troops to be recruited before they could really take up their posts. For the time being, Feng Yao could only take His original subordinates.

After handing over the errand and getting a three-day vacation, the first thing Feng Yao did was to return to his private place, the Longmen Inn, and after a few words with Yuan Pingping, he fell asleep. She fell asleep from the afternoon of that day to the early morning of the next day, and was still forcibly pulled up by Yuan Ping.

"Yuan Ping, let me sleep for a while longer, I'm so sleepy!" Feng Yao lay on the bed and really didn't want to wake up. He hadn't had a good night's sleep these days. It was rare to have three days of leisure, so of course he had to make up for it!
"Master! Get up quickly, something serious has happened!" Yuan Ping said anxiously.

Feng Yao half sat up and opened his dazed eyes, and asked sleepily, "What's the big deal? Could it be Cao Jun attacking the city?"


"It's fine if you don't have one!" Feng Yao fell on the bed again, "Yuan Ping, you are the shopkeeper of the inn now, if you have anything to do, you can deal with it directly, and just report it to me later!"

"Master! Master! This is worse than Cao Bing attacking the city! A domineering lady came from the inn ahead, and she brought a few scary-looking guards with her, and asked you to come out by name! If you don't get up again, I'm afraid She will call in!" Yuan Ping looked very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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