Chapter 56
"You didn't lie to me?" Feng Yao suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Master, Yuan Ping dare not lie!" Yuan Ping said.

Feng Yao quickly put on his clothes, walked out of the bedroom, and was a little puzzled, he just came back yesterday, why did someone come to the door?Could it be that he was looking for faults after eating and eating badly?

"Yuan Ping, what does that woman look like? What clothes are she wearing?"

"It seems to be well-dressed. It is made of high-quality silk cloth. ... As for the appearance, it seems to be very beautiful!"


After a while, Feng Yao passed through the inner courtyard and two courtyard doors, and came to the guest room of the inn. However, Feng Yao did not show up immediately, but hid behind the screen and observed carefully.

The business in the living room was not affected much. There were not many people who came to order food, but there were many customers lined up at the windows selling steamed buns.

In the middle of the living room, I saw a familiar figure Hao Ran standing there.

Lu Lingqi!
Unexpectedly, it was Lu Lingqi! !

Feng Yao was about to walk over, when Qin Yi's warning suddenly came to his mind: She is not something you can touch!She is the lord's own daughter!

"Forget it, I still don't want to go there! Yuan Ping, go over and explain, just say that I went to the market and may not be back until very late." Feng Yao looked downcast.

"Master, can this work?" Yuan Ping looked worried.

"It's okay, but you must pay attention, don't be rude, lest people come to see the jokes of our Longmen Inn."

Feng Yao took a few more glances at the four guards behind Lu Lingqi, turned around and returned to the courtyard. This courtyard is the largest inner courtyard in the courtyard, almost six feet square, and there is a shade tree at a corner of the courtyard. Under the shade of the tree was a stone table and four stone benches. Feng Yao sat on one of the stone benches casually, staring blankly at something.

Feng Yao, the four guards behind Lu Lingqi, had all seen each other. They met Feng Yao on the way back to Puyang. Lu Lingqi took them in when she saw their pity. Unexpectedly, in just one day, they turned out to be from the village where they had been begging along the way. The woman became Lu Lingqi's personal bodyguard!

"Maybe this has something to do with her suffering experience in the past few years, but... Alas, if only she was just a daughter of an ordinary family! Let me exercise here for a while when the air is good in the morning. In this troubled world, how many A little bit of ability can increase the possibility of survival!" Feng Yao let out a sigh of relief when he thought of this, he immediately relaxed a lot, stood up,...

Not long after exercising, there was a sudden noise from the gate of the courtyard, and Yuan Ping shouted loudly from a distance: "I really don't know! No——, no! You can't go in here! A lot of female relatives!..."

"Women's family? If we have women's family, we can't enter? Hehe!" Several women shouted rudely: "We are also women...!"

Feng Yaoyan frowned, looked intently, and saw several people passing through the courtyard gate, and the first person was Lu Lingqi!Yuan Ping, who was at the back, found that Feng Yao was still in the room, and felt ashamed, not daring to look at Feng Yao, and slowly followed in.

"Master! Yuan Ping is incompetent!" Yuan Ping blamed himself.

Lu Lingqi looked at Feng Yao without saying a word, angry and hated, tears were rolling in her big round eyes.

Feng Yao sighed, patted Yuan Ping, and said: "It's not your fault, you can go to the front and get busy, remember to get some tea later!"

Yuan Ping bowed his head and led away.

"Feng Yao!!! Why do you keep avoiding me!" Lu Lingqi wiped her tears aggrieved, "Could it be because I stabbed you?"

"Come on, sit down." Feng Yao sat down at the stone table, looked at Lu Lingqi and said.

Lu Lingqi nodded, sat down with red eyes and bowed her head, and then waved to the four maidservants following behind, "Go and guard the gate of the courtyard, don't let outsiders in, especially my father's people!"

The two sat opposite each other for a while, and Yuan Ping personally delivered the tea.

Looking at Lu Lingqi's beautiful face and pure eyes, it would be a lie to say that Feng Yao is unmoved, but Feng Yao knows that this era is not the 21st century, women in this era have no rights of their own, and it is very difficult to marry whoever they want. Few people can make decisions on their own. Although Lu Lingqi was born in Bingzhou, she has a bold personality unique to northerners, and with the acquiescence of her father Lu Bu, she can travel freely in the city, but if Lu Bu wants to marry Lu Lingqi to Feng Yao, unless he can get Produce enough things that can impress Lu Bu!This thing is by no means emotional! ! !
"Lingqi, you also know that your father will never agree. If you let him know that I have betrayed you, only my head..." Feng Yao made a frightened expression, and stretched out his hand to compare with his neck.

Seeing Feng Yao's funny and exaggerated expression, Lu Lingqi couldn't help but burst out laughing, her face turned cloudy, and after chuckling for a while, she looked at Feng Yao quietly, "Is your injury healed? "As he said, his eyes turned red again and he lowered his head.

Feng Yao stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and said with a smile, "A little skin trauma, it's not going to be a problem for a long time!"

"Can I take a look?" Lu Lingqi asked.

"Huh?" Feng Yao didn't know how to answer.

"These days, I've been blaming myself for stabbing you, and I don't know if the injury is deep or not. Every day I'm thinking wildly, and I can't sleep well." Lu Lingqi continued.

"Lingqi, take a look." Feng Yao stood up, took off his clothes, and exposed his upper body. The muscles all over his body were raised and raised like hills, and there was a three-inch long scar on his left chest. dazzling.

Lu Lingqi stared at the scar for a moment, then walked over, lightly pressed her fingers on the scar, stroked it lightly, and asked tearfully, "Does it still hurt?"

The moment Lu Lingqi's finger touches the skin, Feng Yao trembled and couldn't help holding his breath. The place where the finger caressed seemed to be blown by the spring breeze, warm and soft and very nostalgic.He didn't expect Lu Lingqi to make such a move, and while being moved, a trace of daydream also spontaneously arose, facing Lu Lingqi's pear-like rain-like face, he almost couldn't help but want to kiss her.

"No! I can't blaspheme such a good girl like this!" Feng Yao woke up suddenly, and forcibly stiffened his neck to prevent his face from getting close to Lu Lingqi.

At this time, Lu Lingqi also seemed to have sensed Feng Yao's strangeness. She raised her head and saw Feng Yao looking straight at her. Thoughts!..." But the voice became smaller and smaller, and the voice of those who said bad words was almost as small as a mosquito. Even so, before she finished speaking, Lu Lingqi turned around and shyly greeted the guards. The servant girl at the gate of the courtyard ran away without saying goodbye.

Feng Yao stared blankly at the place where Lu Lingqi disappeared, and took a long time to let out a breath. He felt his face was hot, and when he touched it with his hand, it was really hot. He stopped driving and went back to his room with a smile on his face.

After sitting for a long while, Feng Yao's heart finally calmed down, he sighed, and said in his heart: "Lu Lingqi is really good, but a good man must put his career first, I can't regret it all my life because of such a woman , I'd better not meet her again in the future, so as not to be attracted to her again!"

After reading this, Feng Yao immediately changed his mood, put on a cooler thin shirt, took some silver at random, and prepared to go around the city, "Making money is king! If I can have enough money, Maybe a lot of things will be solved!"

(End of this chapter)

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