Chapter 57 The Thief
Feng Yao confessed a few words to Yuan Ping, and just went out when he bumped into Chen Dao.

"Third Brother, I was just about to look for you, so here you are!"

"Brother, Zhou Zheng sent a message saying that Xizhai is very busy these days and I don't have time to come back. Let me go to his house to see and send a message so that his wife won't worry! I just finished my work and I happen to be free. , so I want to go to the blacksmith shop to see if there are any good weapons!"

"Alright, anyway, I want to go out for a stroll, let's go." Feng Yao said.

After walking a few steps, Feng Yao suddenly noticed that among the people queuing up to buy steamed buns outside the window of the inn, there was a man in his twenties with a strange expression, looking around from time to time, and in front of him was a middle-aged man dressed as a low-level civil servant A small bag of copper coins was hanging from his waist, and the man behind him had already started to steal the money bag with both hands.

It turned out to be a thief!And it happened on his own territory, Feng Yao can't ignore it!

"Third brother, wait a minute!" Feng Yao pulled Chen Dao, and Chen Dao stopped, following Feng Yao's gaze, he also found the thief.

Feng Yao's face turned cold, and just as he was about to drink his drink, his heart moved. He felt that this seemed inappropriate, it would easily cause riots, and it would not have a good impact on the business of the inn, so he changed his mind and wanted to wait for him to attack from behind the thief. Time to subdue it with one more move, so that everyone can get all the filth, and the thief will not be afraid of denying it afterwards.

At this time, the thief had already started to untie the money bag of the person in front of him. Feng Yao hurriedly wanted to catch the thief. At this time, someone pulled Feng Yao lightly from behind, and when he turned his head, it turned out that it was a middle-aged man about three years old. A young woman, seeing her attire might be a maid of a certain family, she looked at Feng Yao and shook her head cautiously, and advised Feng Yao not to meddle in his own business, if she was hurt by a thief, she would be the one who would suffer.

Feng Yao looked at the other people suspiciously, only to realize that many people had already noticed the thief's actions, but most of them pretended not to see it, only occasionally sneaking a glance to see if the thief succeeded, and One was timid and even covered his mouth nervously, as if he was afraid that if he accidentally made a sound, he would anger the thief.

"This is my place, stealing here is obviously not giving me face?" Feng Yao walked behind the man who was stealing with a determined expression.

The thief gently untied the rope on the money bag, with an excited expression on his face, and was about to turn around and leave when suddenly a hand stretched out and tightly grabbed his arm holding the money bag. Looking in panic, I saw a person who was more than eight feet tall, with a tiger's back and a monkey's waist, and a decent robe. Although he looked like a young man, his eyes were very powerful and energetic.

Feng Yao grabbed the thief's hand that stole the money with one hand, and softly shouted: "Give him back the money!" He pointed at the civil servant in front.

The thief was startled, but soon his face was full of anger, and he cursed: "Where is the child, dare to meddle in your uncle's business!" With a few hundred pounds of strength, how could it be so easy to break free? Once the thief couldn't break free, he suddenly became vicious, and suddenly took out a hidden dagger from his arms, turned the tip of the knife, and pointed it at Feng Yao's waist. To stab...

"Ah!..." Several civilians who watched the excitement couldn't help but exclaimed, including the literati man whose money was stolen. The money bag looked very familiar, and when he saw that the money bag on his waist was gone, how could he not understand what happened, but when the scholar man was about to help Feng Yao subdue the thief, he was frightened by the dagger in the thief's hand. He took a few steps back again and again, almost bumping into several people behind him in the process of backing up.

After a commotion, dozens of customers and passers-by who were still lined up quickly retreated, stopped buying buns, and gathered around to watch.It's a long story to say, but it's actually just a few breaths. Feng Yao was a little stunned when he saw this dramatic scene. He didn't expect that catching a thief would trigger such a chain reaction. The reaction of passersby watching the excitement was too much. sooner?

There was very little time for Feng Yao to hesitate, he knocked off the dagger in the thief's hand with one palm, stretched out his feet and threw it, knocking the thief to the ground and cutting his arm behind his back.

The onlookers exclaimed, at first they thought Feng Yao was going to be injured, but in the blink of an eye the result was reversed, and instead the thief was subdued to the ground by a blow, and he was stunned and looked at Feng Yao in amazement.

I don't know who was the first to react and applauded loudly. Then everyone came to their senses. There was applause and cheers.

"Okay! Good job! If you dare to steal in our Puyang City, this will be your fate!"

"Send him to the government! Make him a pariah!"

"Yes, send the officer off! Let's see if he dares to steal again in the future!"


The onlookers seemed to be more excited than Feng Yao, shouting all kinds of punishment opinions.

At this time, the thief who was pushed down by Feng Yao on the ground burst into tears and begged loudly, "Please let me go, I won't dare again! I, I came here as a refugee from another place, and I still have my mother at home. Disease needs money to heal!"

Feng Yao's heart moved, and he felt some sympathy for the thief. If what he said was true, when he was about to ask the thief for details, an old man came over and reminded: "Young master, you must not be fooled. When people are caught, they usually use this kind of words to deceive people to sympathize!"

"That's right, if you have arms and legs, and you're in good health, why don't you find an errand to do? It looks like it's delicious and lazy!"

"It's fine if you don't want to join the army. Isn't our Puyang City recruiting soldiers now?"

The old man's words immediately got the approval of many passers-by.

There was also a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy who looked like a gangster, when he heard that the thief was from another place, he immediately became furious and wanted to kick the thief in the face. It will definitely hurt.

The gangster scolded: "A refugee from another place, don't even ask, what is Puyang City! This is not a small county, but a county, understand! Let me see you again, without sending an official, I will directly beat you to death You!! Hmph!"

The thief's face turned pale with fright, and with a trembling voice, he cried and begged, "Masters, every sentence you say is true, if there is one sentence that is a lie, you will die! I just ask everyone and this young master to let me go." This time, little one, I will never forget this kindness forever!"

Perhaps the words of the thieves played a little role. Some of the passers-by who were watching couldn't bear to look any longer, and left with a sigh.

The stolen literati man who had been standing by and watching also came over at this time, bowed to Feng Yao and said, "Thank you young hero for your help!"

According to the thief's instructions, Feng Yao couldn't return the gift, so he could only nod his head and said, "It's a trivial matter, don't be too polite!" Then, he took the money bag from the thief and handed it to the owner, the scholar man, "Look , nothing missing, right?"

The literati man took the money bag without looking at it, put it directly into his arms, then cupped his hands to Feng Yao, and said: "Young man, since my money bag has been recovered, let's forget about it. Listening to this thief's words, it is indeed pitiful, if he really stole because of his mother's illness, his filial piety is commendable, once sent to the official, not only will his future be ruined, but his mother will have nowhere to rely on!"

(End of this chapter)

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