Chapter 58
Feng Yao originally wanted to send the thief to the official, but he hesitated a little after hearing what the literati man said. Sending the official can only get a little reward. Feng Yao doesn't care about this reward at all. The purpose of Feng Yao's doing this is to kill Show the chicken to the monkey, so that those who intend to disturb the Longmen Inn know that the Longmen Inn is not something that can be messed around.

Release the burglar?How can there be such a cheap thing!In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. If you are not ruthless, you will only let others sit on their necks and shit!But if the thief really stole for his mother, let alone, the most important thing in the world today is a filial son!As long as someone is a filial son, even if he has done bad acts of murder and arson, he may be forgiven. Even if he is really caught by the government, he will turn a blind eye when law enforcement, and try to find ways to excuse the crime , and the official master who has done this will even gain a good reputation in the world and advance in his official career!
It seems a bit outrageous to say it, but Feng Yao has no doubts about it, so Feng Yao doesn't want to make others' reputations better and damage his own.

Well, although Feng Yao doesn't have much reputation now, if he becomes famous all over the world in the future, how can he convince others if the old account is turned upside down?
"Send off the official! Send off the official!"

"Don't let this thief go lightly! Otherwise, you won't have a long memory in the future!"


Except for literati men, most people's unanimous opinion is to send the thief to the government.

"Send to the official?" Feng Yao was very funny in his heart, and thought: "Send it to the official or not is my business! Why didn't anyone take the initiative to stand up when the thief was stealing just now? Now that the person is caught, he will become a good person? Hehe, But!! I disagree!"

However, Feng Yao did not say these words. Instead, he held the thief with his knees, and cupped his hands at the surrounding customers who originally bought buns or passers-by who were planning to buy buns in the future, and said, "Everyone, I will deal with this matter." It's settled, thank you for your support!" After finishing speaking, without further words, he directly detained the thief, called Chen Dao to the side, and together they escorted the thief away from the Longmen Inn.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Feng Yao finally got rid of all the passers-by who were still unwilling to give up, and followed the passers-by who continued to watch the excitement, Feng Yao let go of the thief's hand, and shouted: "Okay, shut up!"

The thief was startled and looked at Feng Yao in horror.

"Please don't say any more, please! I could hear cocoons all the way. Didn't you say that your old mother is sick, where is she?" Feng Yao said.

"You let me go after you said that?" The thief looked at Feng Yao suspiciously, and asked, pointing to his nose.

"Did I say I would let you go?" Feng Yao glanced at the thief, and then said, "I just feel sorry for your old mother. If what you said is true, I can consider letting you go. If it is false, I won't let you go." I will send you to the officer."

The thief showed joy, and then asked cautiously: "If it's fake, is it true that you won't be sent to the official?"

"No, but if what you said is false, I'll take your dog's head off on the spot! It's too easy for this kind of person to be sent to an official!" Feng Yao's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his gaze was directed at the thief's neck.

Feng Yao didn't know how frightening his gaze was at this moment, this kind of murderous intent combined with one glance could make people's heart tremble with fear, it couldn't be done deliberately!But to kill, to kill a lot of people!And it must be the person who killed it with his own hands. As long as this kind of person has the killing intent, his eyes will naturally have such a chilling murderous look!
People who have never killed anyone, when they are angry or want to kill the enemy, they always stare at the enemy's eyes or face with burning eyes, but the person who has really experienced the test of war blood, the angrier he is, the colder his face is, and The eyes are not looking at the eyes of the enemy, but at the neck of the enemy!I was calculating how to use the knife, how to dodge the enemy's skull and other hard-to-cut parts, and how to use the most accurate and fastest method to decapitate the enemy's head! !

The thief felt a chill on his neck, as if an invisible knife had been placed above his neck, and the next moment he would cut his head down like a "paoding butting an ox", his face turned pale in fright, and he quickly covered his neck with his hands , his legs were trembling, "Young master! The villain is really not lying! Please trust the villain!" Before he finished speaking, the thief's legs gave way and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Chen Dao stepped forward to help the thief up, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, as long as what you say is true, not only will my elder brother not embarrass you, but he may even help you!"

"Really? Will you really help the villain?" The thief's eyes turned red as he looked at Chen Daodao.

"Yes!" Feng Yao directly gave an affirmative answer.

Hearing the words, the thief quickly knelt on the ground again, kowtowed and said: "The villain's surname is Liang Teng, he is from Jiyin, Linjun County. Not long ago, because of the war, our village was taxed a lot. Many people couldn't afford the tax and fled to the village. There is only an old mother and a younger sister in the villain's family. He originally wanted to come to Puyang to join his relatives. Unexpectedly, the relatives and his family would not live in Puyang long ago, and the old mother was ill again and had no money for medical treatment. He had no choice but to think of stealing , please help the villain's family!"

Feng Yao nodded, and said: "Don't say these things first, if you want to deceive people, I will listen to them for nothing, so you can just take us to see your mother!"

"Okay, Liang Teng understands." Liang Teng stood up, ready to lead the way.

Chen Dao glanced at Feng Yao, meaning, could it be a trap, trying to take us to their lair?Be careful.

Feng Yao and Chen Dao are righteous brothers, and they have known each other for a long time. Feng Yao immediately understood what Chen Dao meant with Chen Dao's eyes. So he nodded and said to Liang Teng, "Lead the way ahead. If you want to run, you can increase the distance. I have injured my leg recently, so I can't catch up with you!"

Liang Teng respectfully brought Feng Yao and Chen Dao to a market, pointed to a group of people in front of them, and said, "The self-seller in the crowd is my sister, my mother should be on the sidelines!"

Walking closer, he shouted loudly: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, if you don't want to buy it, please let it go, some noble people are coming to see you!"

The crowd opened up in response, revealing an old woman with a miserable face and a young girl who hadn't reached her age. Feng Yao took a closer look. Although the girl was disheveled, she was beautiful, with a grass sticking out of her head and wanted to sell herself. Look at the old woman but there is no grass on her head.

Before Liang Teng approached, the old woman saw it, tears welled up in her eyes, and shouted: "Teng'er, you are finally back!" Liang Teng knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the old woman.

Seeing Liang Teng talking with the old woman and the girl and their expressions, Feng Yao knew that what Liang Teng said was true, but he didn't understand why no one bought it after selling it for so long. Young, it should be easy to sell, right?

When the onlookers saw Liang Teng bringing Feng Yao and the two over, they thought that Feng Yao was going to buy the girl, but a kind-hearted middle-aged man came over and said quietly, "Brother, you are also here to buy a concubine, right?" , let me tell you, you will definitely regret it if you buy that girl back!"

Feng Yao was taken aback for a moment, and without thinking too much, he asked casually, "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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