Chapter 59
"Originally, the maid's [-] yuan is not too expensive, but the master of the maid asked the buyer to take in the old woman! It's not counted. I heard that the old woman suffers from dampness and has trouble walking, so it's a pity. You Look at the group of people around here, they are all watching the excitement, they are all waiting to see who will make a move and see the joke, brother, I think you have a kind face, and I kindly remind you." The man said.

"Oh, I got it." Feng Yao didn't want to talk further with this man, so he walked into the crowd, pulled Liang Teng up, walked aside, and asked, "Are you really trying to sell your sister?"

Liang Teng said: "My lord, don't talk about selling your sister, the villain still wants to sell himself now. If you can't sell it, the whole family of the villain may freeze and starve to death. If you can sell a well-fed family, that's the same." The blessings that the villain cultivated in his previous life."

At this time, Chen Dao came over and whispered to Feng Yao, "Brother, it's really nothing,..."

"..." Feng Yao was speechless, because Feng Yao couldn't believe what Chen Dao said.

"Third brother, why don't you do this, take Liang Teng to find an inn to settle down first, and then bring him back to the Longmen Inn tomorrow." Feng Yao felt a little heavy.

Chen Dao responded to the order and led the three members of the Liang family, who were grateful for their gratitude, away. Some of the onlookers shook their heads and sighed a few times, and continued to watch other activities, while Feng Yao began to stroll around the market.

In addition to the nearby farmers who temporarily do business for a day and a half, there are many fixed shops in the market, and there are special philistines who manage these male and female vendors, who will extract a certain amount of tax from the money of buyers and sellers. The sale of goods or slaves is more complicated. Not only does the two parties need to sign a contract, but also requires the guarantor to testify and sign, and then hand it over to the philistine for stamping.

Horses and cattle are valuable items, and there are restrictions on ironware. It is necessary to record the name and origin of the buyer in detail. This is the first time Feng Yao knows this. When he was in Pingyu City, these things were all handed over to his subordinates. Yes, I didn't pay attention.


The three-day vacation passed quickly. Feng Yao arranged a special job for Liang Teng who had defected, which was to be responsible for the safety of the Longmen Inn, to protect the wallet and personal safety of each guest, and also to take care of the guests. thing.

Lu Lingqi came to Longmen Inn every day to eat, but in fact she came to Feng Yao under the guise of eating. From Lu Lingqi's confession, Feng Yao finally understood why Lu Lingqi suddenly wanted to assassinate him that day.

In Chang'an City, when Lu Bu fled from Chang'an City, he was unable to take his family with him, so he temporarily asked his confidant retainer Qin Yi to take care of his wife. In order to avoid the assassination of Guo Bang and others, Qin Yi had to live in seclusion in Chang'an City , and moved many times. Occasionally, when someone actually found out some clues, Qin Yi did not hesitate to kill everyone who wanted to continue to investigate.

Lu Lingqi was taught since she was a child that as long as someone asks about people surnamed Qin, or people surnamed Lu, Yan, Wei, or Diaochan, they will be regarded as enemies who threaten them. The first reaction is to kill the other party immediately, and then move.

Feng Yao happened to ask about the surname Qin at that time, so there was a scene at that time.

In the past two years, people have heard rumors that Lv Bu was dead and was assassinated by Yuan Shao, so they all believed it to be true. As Lv Bu's official wife, Mrs. Yan, in order to repay Qin Yi for saving her life, she decided to send Diao Chan Betrothed to Qin Yi, because Qin Yi had held the post of Yilu back then, so he has been using the pseudonym Qin Yilu.

When Qin Yilu brought Lv Bu's family to reunite with Lv Bu again, not only did Lv Bu not blame Qin Yi for marrying Diaochan, but he was very grateful to him for saving his family, so he reused Qin Yi as the school captain, and Wei Continue to manage food and grass and the families of the soldiers.


On the first day Feng Yao returned to the camp, Feng Yao discovered that the barracks had undergone great changes. The most direct change was that Feng Yao was really promoted, from Shi Chang to village chief, but what surprised Feng Yao even more was Lu Bu. Because the army recruited a large number of soldiers, many soldiers were directly promoted to a higher level.

Hao Meng, who was originally only the governor of the trilogy, Wei Xu was promoted to the school captain this time, and he merged with Chen Gong's subordinates Song Xian and Hou Cheng, all of whom were promoted to the school lieutenant, and Qin Yi was also the school lieutenant.Cao Xing, the military marquis of Feng Yao's Jiazi song, was promoted to the division governor.

Lu Bu absorbed the successful experience of Feng Yao and others' archers with shields and guns, and ordered Gao Shun to form the strongest soldiers in the selected army to form a trap camp, a total of 800 people, led by eight trilogy generals, everyone in the trap camp It is equipped with an iron bow, a short halberd, a middle shield, a dagger, a saber, and a set of excellent iron armor.This is almost completely built according to Feng Yao's set of equipment, but with a slight modification.Among them, the short halberd is not very short, and it also reaches the standard size of one foot and eight inches. It can be used for riding a horse or fighting on foot.

He fell into the camp and became Lu Bu's first guard army, with Gao Shun as the governor.Zhang Liao's cavalry battalion still has 200 people, but Zhang Liao was promoted to be a cavalry captain and another soldier of Lv Bu. Gathering up the number of two hundred, he ordered Cheng Lian to form a light cavalry archer, which was Lu Bu's third personal soldier.

Through the soldiers conscripted from these days and the merged Chen Gong, Lu Bu's army expanded to 4000 elite soldiers and 8000 miscellaneous soldiers.But this is far from enough. If the battalion is divided according to the current situation, if it is to be fully staffed, the four lieutenants Hao Meng, Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Hou Cheng alone will need [-] elite soldiers and more than [-] miscellaneous soldiers. Qin Yi needs more miscellaneous soldiers. If he wants to attack, he will need at least [-] miscellaneous soldiers to transport food.This is not counting the number of Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Cheng Lian and other personal soldiers.

So at this time most generals are seriously short of troops.

And the person who lacks the most troops among them is Feng Yao!

Originally, there were only 24 people under his command, but this time he was promoted to the team leader of Youtun because of meritorious service. The team leader must have at least 55 elite soldiers, 55 or more handymen, and a full staff of 110 people. Feng Yao now only has 24 people!

There are still 86 people left!Just when Feng Yao was worried about the strength of the army, the assistant envoy Geng Liang came again.

"Leader Feng, my lord invites you."


"General Feng! I think I can call you like that in the future! If you can complete the task this time!" Lu Bu directly gave Feng Yao a pair of soldier charms, a copy of the supervisor's seal, a letter of appointment, and a letter for Chen. corresponding letter.

"I hope you go back to Pingyu City and recruit a thousand troops! Chen Ying will cooperate with you!"

Since Feng Yao successfully brought Lv Bu's wife and children back from Chang'an City, Lv Bu's trust in Feng Yao has greatly increased, and he directly promoted Feng Yao by two levels. Before going to Chang'an City, Feng Yao was just a small Chief, now he is promoted to team rate, military marquis, and tribunal governor!

But this premise is that Feng Yao must successfully recruit enough troops!
 Dear friends, the mystery of the protagonist's life experience will be revealed soon, please vote for it!
(End of this chapter)

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