Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 60 The Central Plains Pattern

Chapter 60 The Central Plains Pattern
If you want to fight for hegemony in the Central Plains, you must first fight for the three treasures of the Central Plains!

The first place, undisputed, is Luoyang, the former capital of the Han Dynasty!Luoyang is located in the north of Songshan Mountain, south of the Yellow River, surrounded by mountains, but has convenient transportation, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the throat that must pass through from the Central Plains to Xiliang. The climate is suitable, the grain production is abundant, and it can be self-sufficient Raise millions of soldiers and horses!There is Hulao Pass in the east and Tongguan in the west.

The second place belongs to Nanyang County. Nanyang is located in the south of Songshan Mountain and is a basin with a very good geographical location.Needless to say, Songshan Mountain, Luoyang Yellow River in the north is a natural barrier, Qinling Mountains stretches for thousands of miles to the west, Funiu Mountain is also more than a thousand miles to the east, and Hanshui River, the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, is in the south. In the northeast corner, there is a big pass in the Funiu Mountains. This pass runs along the water, and it is very convenient for large vehicles and horses to pass through it.Nanyang is slightly worse than Luoyang in terms of ease of defense and difficulty of attack, but Nanyang has thousands of miles of fertile land and a dense population. It is the throat of the Central Plains leading to the south and southwest.

The third place is the area around Mount Tai, or the branches of Mount Tai, Juye Lake and Liangshan Mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles.The Liangshan Mountains are divided into Qinglong Mountain, Tiger Mountain, Guishan Mountain, Phoenix Mountain, and the main line of Liangshan Mountain.These five mountains span Dongjun, Dongping Kingdom, Rencheng Kingdom, Lu Kingdom, and dozens of counties in Shanyang County. They are even at the foot of Liangshan Mountains. Almost the entire southern part of the Taishan Mountains and the northern part of the Central Plains are all gathered in Juyeze. For hundreds of miles, the surface of the water is shimmering.In the north, the Yellow River and Jishui are two natural lines of defense, which have created a unique geography in Liangshan. Speaking of easy defense and difficult attack, it is only above Nanyang, and its products are more abundant, but it is a pity that it is not a throat. third.


Xingping first year summer June [-]st

Twenty miles away from the north of Pingyu City in Runan County, there was a sound of horseshoes from far to near, and thirteen mighty cavalry galloped on horses, and dust was flying all the way on the official road behind them.

These 13 people were none other than Feng Yao and others who were ordered to return to Pingyu to recruit soldiers.

The 13 people are Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian, Zhou Zheng, Zhang Shi, Wang Ba, He Tong, He Tie, Chen Ren, Zhao Wang, and Liu Shun.

Each cavalryman carried an iron tire bow slung across his back, and there were twenty short arrows in the quiver at his waist.

Although they are all light bow cavalry, almost every cavalry has more than one special weapon, Feng Yao's long sword in the shield, Zhou Cang's black dragon devouring the sun knife, Chen Daozhang's ten python sharp gun, Dai Ling's Potian mace and a steel large Shield, Xu Xian Steel Saber Middle Shield, Zhou Zheng Guitou Sword, He Tong Big Shield Short Sword, He Tie Big Shield Short Sword, Wang Ba Big Shield Short Sword, Zhang Shi Big Shield Short Sword, Chen Ren Long Spear, Zhao Wang Short Ax Middle Shield, Liu Along the short halberd and small shield.In addition, everyone is equipped with a unified dagger handle that is more than one foot long.

Feng Yao's face was solemn, his brows were tightly furrowed, apart from giving various orders from time to time, he was just concentrating on galloping his horse!Because Runan fell again, this time it was not a simple rebellion by refugees, but the Yellow Turban Army had just captured Runan County!This is the information Feng Yaogang got from the people fleeing on the road.


At the same time, in Xuzhou Xiapi City, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian died of a serious illness!

Since Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou for the second time not long ago and broke several cities in a row, Tao Qian was frightened and moved the state government from Tancheng to Xiapi city in order to avoid Cao Cao's attack. , Tao's old illness relapsed, and soon died of hatred.

In the lobby of the state capital, a silver seal with a green ribbon was placed on the table neatly, and it was impossible for Tao Qian to sit on the main seat behind the table.

There were several people sitting in the lobby, Tao Qian's confidant Zhonglang General Cao Bao, Diannong School Captain Chen Deng, Don't Jia Mi Zhu, Yuzhou Governor Liu Bei, former Yangzhou Governor Chen Yu
Several people kept arguing, and from time to time, they would turn their attention to the state animal husbandry seal.

Anyone who has this official seal and a letter of appointment can become the new governor of Xuzhou!

Cao Bao said loudly: "Tao Shijun died because of the Cao thief. Whoever wants to succeed Tao Gong must be able to avenge Tao Gong and fight Cao Cao! I think that in today's world, only Lu Wenhou, who has newly won Yanzhou, can do it. Have this ability and courage! The rest are all timid and afraid, and dare not make enemies with Cao thief!"

Lieutenant Chen Deng of Diannong laughed and said: "General Cao, Lv Bu has just won Yanzhou, and the place is not secure. If he is allowed to take the position of Xuzhou, I am afraid that Yanzhou will be taken back by Cao Cao again soon. What are you talking about against Cao Cao?" ? I recommend my uncle Yangzhou Inspector to succeed Xuzhou Mu!"

Cao Bao sneered and said: "Lieutenant Chen, your Chen family is not for that little self-interest! Why don't we directly welcome Yuan Shu to take charge of Xuzhou in spring, with the reputation of the fourth generation and third son of the Yuan family, I don't think anyone will have any objections! Moreover, Yuan Shu hates Cao Cao the most, and will definitely attack Cao Cao with all his strength to avenge Tao Gong!"

Don't drive Mi Zhu to persuade: "Everyone, if we continue to argue like this, it will only cause civil strife. If we can't elect the state shepherd as soon as possible, the court will soon send other officials. I'm afraid it will be bad for everyone!"

"Then what's the best way to stop driving?" Cao Bao asked.

"It is most appropriate to invite Liu Xuande and Liu Inspector to be the governor of the state!" Mi Zhu said.


Cao Bao thought to himself: "Chen Deng and the Chen family are too powerful, why don't we just tolerate it for a while. Liu Bei was also defeated by Cao Cao recently, so he probably hates Cao Cao very much, right? As long as Duke Tao's revenge is avenged, what else can I say?" Yes!" So he nodded his head slightly, and said, "Can Liu Jun become an enemy of Cao Cao for Tao Gong's revenge?"

Liu Bei said angrily: "Cao thief slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou, I wish I could cut off their heads!!"

Cao Bao said happily: "So, I am willing to assist Liu Jun!"

Seeing that his plan had failed, Chen Deng was reluctant, but most of the military power in Xuzhou was in the hands of Cao Bao, so he didn't act recklessly. Then he thought, "If Liu Bei can be invited out of Peiguo, maybe my father, Prime Minister Peiguo, will be better off." Let Liu Bei and Yuan Shu fight each other first, and Lu Bu and Cao Cao fight each other, and then both will suffer. Puyang Chen Gong, Pingyu Chen Ying, plus my father Peiguo Chen Gui, and I secretly support in Xuzhou, the Central Plains are at your fingertips! "

"Hehe, I also think Liu Jun is the most suitable!" Chen Deng laughed loudly.


A month ago, due to Xuzhou, Yanzhou Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Tao Qian, and Lu Bu fighting each other, the Yellow Turban Army in Yingchuan, Funiushan, Runan, Xuzhou and other places took advantage of the situation to gather a large number of refugees and rose again. Ji quickly attacked the city and seized the county in Runan, and Pingyu City, the county government, was also captured not long ago.

After the Yellow Turban Army captured Pingyu City, they elected Liu Pi, a clan clan member of the Han Dynasty, as their leader. After Yuan Shu was married, all the counties in the county heard of it and joined Liu Pi one after another.

Feng Yao didn't know the specific situation, and he quietly killed several Yellow Turban scouts who were looking for news along the way. When he arrived at the edge of the forest in Taolinju, Feng Yao ordered everyone to be careful, Walking forward slowly, after handing over the horse to Chen Dao, he took Zhou Cang to sneak into the woods first, and walked towards the direction of Taolinju...

"I hope Thirteen Yi and the others are alright!" Feng Yao cautiously pulled out a branch full of green leaves in front of him, trying not to damage everything around him, and not to let any enemy notice his whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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