Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 61 The Mystery of Life Experience

Chapter 61 The Mystery of Life Experience
Taolinju, I don’t know when, under the peach tree outside the cave, there are several stones of different shapes. On one of the stone benches, there is a freshly picked bright red peach.

Next to the stone bench on the left hand side of the peaches, there is another stone bench, on which sits a shaggy-haired woman with her back facing the outside. Her face cannot be seen clearly from behind, but the woman is It swayed and swayed to the beat, humming a nursery rhyme softly, "Eggs and egg shells, there is a brother inside. My brother goes out to buy vegetables, and there is a...!"

It was just a simple nursery rhyme, but the woman sang it very happily, as if immersed in a very happy and unforgettable memory, humming repeatedly back and forth, and slowly shaking her head from side to side,...

When she was tired of singing, the woman would stop, pick up the peach on the stone bench by her right hand, look at it, and said with a smile to herself: "Yaoer, look, delicious peach! Like it, mother must I'll keep it for you!!"

Feng Yao stood motionless behind a tree not far behind the woman, staring at the woman's back obsessively, tears rolling down...

The crazy woman who was still sitting on the stone bench shaking her head was the "crazy lady" who disappeared a year ago!
When the first tear fell from Feng Yao's chin, and fell to the ground with a bang, Feng Yao felt as if his head had been hit hard, and deep in the memory of his mind, there was a "boom" in a place... …


"Mom! I want to eat peaches! I want to eat peaches! Mmmm...!"

"Yao'er, good boy! It's not the season for peaches yet, next year my mother will definitely buy you lots and lots of peaches to eat!" A dignified woman smiled.

"No! I want to eat now!"

"...Yao'er, come, let's see what is in Mother's hand?"

"Jiangmi Tang—!... Mother, you are so kind! When I grow up, I must be filial to you!"


"Come on! Yao'er, be good! Uncle will take you to buy candy! Can you buy your favorite Jiangmi candy?"


"Uncle Chen, where are you taking me? Didn't you say you were going to treat me to Jiangmi Tang?"

Uncle Chen suddenly showed a sinister smile, then pulled out a wooden stick from behind, and swung it violently!



Feng Yao only felt a shock in his head, and the boy in his memory lost consciousness...


A woman in a gorgeous robe, with a kind smile, hummed a nursery rhyme softly: "Egg shells, there is a brother inside. My brother goes shopping, and there is a...!"


Feng Yao walked forward gently, walked behind the crazy woman who was still sitting on the stone bench shaking her head and singing nursery rhymes, and tremblingly called out: "Mother! Is that you?"

What a familiar voice!It seemed to be the voice of the little boy who loved to eat Jiangmi candy back then!

The "crazy woman" was shocked violently and froze, the nursery rhyme stopped abruptly, the peach in her hand fell to the ground,...

At some point, Feng Yao hummed the nursery rhyme that the mad woman had been singing incompletely: "...a grandmother in it. The grandmother went out to burn incense, and a girl sat in it. The girl went out to light the lamp, and burned her nose and eyes."

"Yao'er?..., is it really my Yao'er!?" The crazy woman whispered, she will never forget Yao'er's voice.

The "crazy woman" turned around slowly excitedly, how many times she had dreamed that she had found the lost Yao'er, but when she turned around, she would find that it was just a dream!

The crazy woman, to be precise, is Mrs. Feng, the real Mrs. Feng!
Feng Yao stared at Feng Fu's face carefully, he couldn't see Madam Feng's disheveled hair at this time, nor could he see Madam Feng's shabby clothes at this time, he only saw a face that had been deeply burned in his soul!This appearance coincided with the blurred face of the woman in a gorgeous robe in Feng Yao's dream, and coincided with the dignified woman in memory!

"Mother! It's really mother! Mother has found Yao'er!!" Feng Yao fell to his knees on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Mrs. Feng's hands were shaking, and she stared at Feng Yao obsessively. She couldn't believe that her Yao'er had grown so big all of a sudden!

Feng Yao took out a set of clothes that could only be worn by a seven-year-old child from his arms, walked up his knees, and put it in Mrs. Feng's hands!This set of clothes was snatched by Mrs. Feng as a gift to "Yaoer" more than a year ago, but she didn't know that "Yaoer" had grown up at that time.

"It's Yao'er! It's really my mother's Yao'er!" Mrs. Feng hugged Feng Yao into her arms and burst into tears.

"Yao'er, where have you been all these years!? Mother has been looking for you for so many years, why didn't you go home earlier?" Mrs. Feng cried loudly.

A few feet away from the mother and son, at some point, two groups of people had already arrived. There stood thirteen black-clothed boys holding shields and short swords by the side of the cave. These thirteen boys were exactly Feng Feng. Yao's entourage, Shi Sanyi who has been living in Taolinju!On the other side, there stood twelve soldiers in leather armor and thirteen tall and strong horses. These twelve soldiers were Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and other 12 who came back with Feng Yao!
No one said a word, all were silent, but there were tears in their eyes!There were 25 people in the front and back teams, silently watching Feng Yao and the crazy woman under the peach tree.

However, Feng Yao and the mad woman did not notice this.

"Mother, I was knocked out by Uncle Chen back then, and I don't remember anything after that!" Feng Yao's eyes never left Mrs. Feng's face. Although this face is a bit older and haggard than he remembered, it still brings Feng Yao is infinitely warm and happy, Feng Yao has always recalled things from his childhood.

Mrs. Feng looked at Feng Yao with clear eyes gradually, it seemed that most of the madness had been cured, and she stared blankly at Feng Yao for a long time, those fragments of the past were slowly connected piece by piece!
"Yao'er! Mother must have been stupid at the time! She actually bought you such small clothes!" Mrs. Feng picked up the seven-year-old's clothes, with a happy smile on her face, "In my mother's impression, Yaoer still looks like she was seven years old when she was lost, why didn't I think that Yaoer would grow up as time passed!"

Seeing the brilliance in his mother's eyes, Feng Yao's nose ached, and he was so happy that he almost shed tears. Knowing that his mother's condition had improved, he quickly wiped away the remaining tears in his eyes, looked at Mrs. Feng with a smile and said, "Mother , look at how Yaoer and Xiaohou look alike!"

Mrs. Feng touched Feng Yao's head, and said with a smile: "It looks like it! It's so similar, especially Yao'er's eyes, which are exactly the same as when I was a child!" Then she sighed again, "Oh, so many years have passed, Yao'er My son has grown up! My mother is also old!"

After a while, Mrs. Feng seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked: "Yao'er! Mother remembered, you have had several red moles on your feet since you were a child!"

Hearing this, Feng Yao quickly took off his boots, and thought to himself, "Isn't Mom remembering it wrong? I have grown up so much, why have I never noticed the moles on my feet!"

After taking off the boots, Feng Yao took off the foot covering again, and lifted up one foot. After a quick look, there was no difference. When he was about to put his foot down, Mrs. Feng smiled and pointed at the sole of Feng Yao's foot. "Yao'er, look! The mole is still there, mother remembers it right."

(End of this chapter)

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