Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 62 The Ancient Book Reappears

Chapter 62 The Ancient Book Reappears
Feng Yao took a closer look and found three small pink moles, which were slightly raised than the surrounding skin. If you didn't look carefully, it was really easy to spot. Feng Yao was very surprised, thinking that what his mother said seemed to be With both feet, he raised the other foot, and really saw four small moles of the same color!

Mrs. Feng smiled and said: "Yaoer, do you know that when a Taoist priest looked at your feet, he said that if you stepped on the Big Dipper, it must be very expensive in the future, but the seven stars are on the two feet. There was a pain of parting, and my mother didn't believe it at the time, I didn't think I would really obey her words!"

Feng Yao put his feet together and found that the combination of seven red moles formed a map of the Big Dipper!

"I'm stupid, I'm really stepping on the Big Dipper! So my future is limitless and bright?!" A rare smile appeared on Feng Yao's face.

"Mother! I remember when I was a child, Dad seemed to be a very big official?" Although Feng Yao had a deep memory of Mrs. Feng's mother and knew that he couldn't be wrong, he didn't have a deep impression of his father. He only remembered his name. It was Yuan Shu, nicknamed Gonglu, who was a little bit fat, but I couldn't be 100% sure whether his biological father was the unlucky pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu in the history.

Mrs. Feng's eyes turned red again when she heard this, and she said: "Yaoer, your father, the Yuan family, has four generations and three males. Throwing your two younger sisters to your father alone to take care of, now mother really wants to see them right away!"

After Feng Yao confirmed that Yuan Shu was his father, his mood became very complicated. As a seven-year-old, he longed to see his own father immediately, but as a time traveler, Feng Yao didn't like Yuan Shu very much. reputation, but at the same time, they do not want to see Yuan Shu end in tragedy.

"No matter what, the most important thing now is to take good care of my mother! My mother has suffered so much, and her madness has just recovered. I can't give my mother any more stimulation, especially I can't tell you anything about the Yuan family. If mother knows that Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are at war with each other, that the glory of the fourth generation and three princes of the Yuan family no longer exists, and that uncle Yuan Kai, one of the three princes, has been beheaded with more than 300 mouths, she will definitely go mad again!" Feng Yao secretly made a decision in his heart.

"Mom! Let's rest today, and tomorrow the child will definitely talk to the mother!" Feng Yao said.

Madam Feng shook her head, and said: "Yaoer, mother is fine, mother has one more important thing to tell you, this matter has been on mother's heart for more than ten years!" Madam Feng stretched out her hand and touched it in her bosom. , took out a red cloth bag, and said happily: "Thank God, it's a good thing this ancestral relic has not been lost!"

Then he untied the dagger from his waist, handed it to Feng Yao, and said, "Take it, this is a treasure that has been handed down by my Feng family for more than 100 years. The item belonging to General Feng Gong is named Jade Sword!"

Although Feng Yao was a little astonished at the achievements of his ancestors, it was only for a moment, and he regained his composure in the blink of an eye. After all, things like time travel happened to him, and things like his father being Yuan Shu happened to him. What's all the fuss about.Feng Yao didn't open the sword immediately, but hung it on his waist casually.

At this time, Feng Yao has been in a series of tense stimulations, he has completely forgotten what he is here for, and he did not notice the shocked expressions of Zhou Cang, Chen, Feng Xi and other twenty people not far away!Zhou Cang, Chen Daofeng, who responded first, immediately realized the seriousness of the situation!

The 13 people led by Feng Xi showed excited expressions on their faces, and looked at their master Feng Yao with admiration!

Needless to say, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling were also very happy, but the other soldiers stared at Feng Yao with horrified faces. If they heard and saw that all this was true, Feng Yao was really the son of Yuan Shu , then from now on, they all have to face a choice, whether to open up a new world with Feng Yao?Or return to Lu Bu's army?
Zhou Cang turned around first, looked at the soldiers under him, and said firmly: "Feng Zimou is my elder brother, no matter what his decision is, I, Zhou Cang, will definitely follow him to the death. If you brothers are unwilling, I will wait for a brotherhood. I will never force you, after tomorrow, you can leave on your own! But if anyone wants to harm my elder brother, don't blame me, Zhou Cang, for not recognizing brotherhood!" Zhou Cang kept his voice low, afraid of disturbing Feng Yao's mother and son's recognition .

Chen Dao also stated: "Chen Dao swears to follow Feng Zimou to the death! I believe that brothers all know Chen Dao's character. Those who regard me as a brother can leave. If they don't treat my brother as a brother, if they leave, they will confide half a word about this matter to the outside world. , I will kill all of its nine clans! Excavate the tombs of their ancestors!"

Dai Ling said: "If you want to harm my master, Ling will cut his flesh and smash his bones!"

Xu Xian was so excited that he knelt down on one knee facing Feng Yao's direction, arched his hands and looked at Feng Yao respectfully. Driven by Xu Xian, all the other soldiers chose the same action as Xu Xian without saying a word. !
At the center of 25 people's stares, there are mother and son Feng Yao and Mrs. Feng with excited expressions!

Mrs. Feng saw Feng Yao put away the sword, with a happy smile on her face, she nodded and said, "Yaoer, this cloth wraps the second treasure for you. According to the ancestral rules, it must be Open it with your own hands!"

Feng Yao nodded and took the cloth bag, put it on the stone bench beside him, unfolded the red cloth, and found that it was an ancient book, picked it up casually, and read the four words "Sun-tzu-soldier-law" on the cover, Immediately, my brain was shocked, and I hurriedly took it in my hand, excitedly opened a page, and on the blank space of the first page was a name written with a brush: Feng Yi, and there was also the seal of Yangxia Hou, General Zhengxi under the name. Print two bright red square seals.

Looking at the back again, there are many comments from readers in the margins!Feng Yao looked more and more familiar, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in his heart: "Isn't this the ancient book that I lost!! It was the one that brought me back to this troubled world at the beginning, can it be the same now...?!... ...!"

It's a pity that Feng Yao recalled the original situation and tried several ways to hold the book, but "Sun Tzu's Art of War" didn't respond at all, and there was no movement at all!
Feng Yao shook his head, wrapped up "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and put it in his arms.At this moment, Feng Yao didn't know that there was a thin layer of golden light emitting from his body, this layer of golden light could not be seen at close range, but it would be particularly obvious if it was more than three feet away.

Except for Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and Mrs. Feng who couldn't see this strange phenomenon, everyone was stunned by the golden light on Feng Yao's body!
Zhou Cang turned around excitedly, and said to the stunned soldiers kneeling on the ground behind him: "I said long ago that my elder brother is not a mortal, and my elder brother has a real dragon body guard!"

Everyone was astonished, they didn't dare to look closely, and they changed from one knee to two knees, lying on the ground, this is the highest salute!

It was also the first time for Feng Xi and Thirteen Yi to witness the master shining with golden light, "This is my master!!"

Everyone's eyes were shining brightly, flickering with fanatical admiration for Feng Yao!

"Yao'er, you must take good care of this book. Don't read it too quickly. Mother wants to take you home right away! Make your father happy!" Mrs. Feng had a smile in her eyes, and a happy and contented look in her mouth. Smile.

Looking at his mother's loving eyes, Feng Yao's heart was shaken!Shame appeared on his face, and he scolded himself, "Don't say you can't go back, what's the point even if you go back? If you go back, you're just an orphan with no father and no mother!! In this troubled world, although the world is dark and civilization is backward, but here There is a mother who cares about me! There is also a father who looks terrible! There are also good brothers and loyal servants who are loyal to Jinlan! Most importantly, I can use my hands to change everything!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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