Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 63 Soldiers' tricks

Chapter 63 Soldiers' tricks

"Mother, let me help you into the house to rest for a while. After a few days, when the child is ready for everything, I will take mother home with me!" Feng Yao persuaded.

Although Mrs. Feng was homesick, but thinking that what Feng Yao said was right, she nodded her head in agreement. Feng Yao was overjoyed and thought, "Why are the second brothers and the others still following here? What about the Thirteen Righteousnesses?" In one breath, he stood up, and was surprised to find that everyone was kneeling on the ground.

"Second brother, third brother, what's wrong with you?" Feng Yao said.


Everyone knelt on the ground respectfully with their fists folded and shouted in unison.

"Second brother, third brother! Didn't I say that I don't want to be called this? What's wrong with you? And you, why do you call me that? Get up!" Feng Yao was startled, only to see the dark kneeling in front of him Not only Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and all the soldiers knelt on the ground, but Shisanyi and others who hadn't seen each other for more than half a year also knelt on the ground.

"Feng Xi, are you alright? Great!" Feng Yao was overjoyed, "Get up quickly!"

"My lord! Although we are brothers with different surnames, this gift is not free. Please agree with your lord, otherwise we won't get up!" Chen Dao said loudly.

"My lord! If my lord is not willing to accept me, and I cannot complete the task assigned by Mr. Lu when I go back, I might as well kill myself here!" Xu Xian, Zhou Zheng and other soldiers knelt down firmly.

Feng Yao looked at it, and suddenly understood what was going on, and asked, "Did all brothers hear it just now?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

At this time Mrs. Feng stood up, smiled and said to Feng Yao: "Yaoer, mother sees that they are all sincere, you might as well accept them, don't worry about money! You were young when you left home, maybe Knowing your father's strength, let alone more than 20 people now, even 2000 people are not too many!"

Feng Yao was taken aback, fearing that everyone would say something that would irritate his mother, he quickly said: "Okay! I agree to be the lord!!"

"My lord!" Everyone said happily, bowing their heads one after another.

Feng Yao helped everyone up one by one, praised them kindly, and finally looked at the 25 people lined up in front of him, and suddenly felt a surge of pride in his heart, which shot straight into the sky in an instant.

"Yuan Fu, Uncle Zhi, the two of you help my mother into the cave to rest first!" Feng Yao ordered, then turned to his mother, Mrs. Feng, and said softly: "Mother! You go in and rest for a while, and wait for the baby to make arrangements." I'll go over and talk to you about the matter here!"

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao obeyed their orders and led Mrs. Feng into the cave to rest.

"Dai Ling! From now on, I will leave the matter of guarding to you!"

"Xu Xian! You are familiar with Pingyu City. You should prepare first. You will sneak into the city and find out about the news of the Yellow Turban Army! And contact Huang Yi from the bun shop! Ask him to come tomorrow! When you come back, remember how much Buy some better women's clothes!"



Seven days later, after Feng Yao's careful arrangement, a group of more than ten people embarked on the road to Shouchun. In order to deceive others, they all pretended to be merchants who went to Shouchun to find relatives. Except Feng Yao, there were 12 people from Zhou Cangchen. The servants, who were acting as guards, had to change out of their uniform leather armor and put on ordinary coarse civilian clothes.

Even though he knew that Pingyu City was not much different from the original government under Liu Pi's governance, Feng Yao still did not venture into the city, and all matters were arranged through Huang Yilai from Baozipu.

Shi Sanyi is still young, the oldest Feng Xi is only 15 years old, and the youngest is only ten years old. Although he looks taller and stronger than ordinary children of the same age, Feng Yao still decides to let Shi Sanyi stay in Taolin Anyway, the Yellow Turban Army only treated the Shisanyi and other children as a group of orphans living together. Apart from demanding that they pay taxes and rent, it did not arouse the suspicion of the Yellow Turban Army.

During this journey, twelve people rented a total of three carriages, and two carriages were loaded with food, clothes and other miscellaneous items, which were essential for the journey. Going forward, only one of the three carriages has a carriage, and the inside is not too small. It should be able to seat four people.

Feng Yao sat with Mrs. Feng every day in the carriage and whispered, talking about some childhood memories. Mrs. Feng's madness was actually caused by the heartache of losing a child. Now that the mother and child are reunited, they have almost recovered Now, coupled with Feng Yao's careful care, Mrs. Feng's face has regained her radiance now, and she is smiling all day long. After changing into new clothes, Mrs. Feng is no longer as crazy as before. With a dignified appearance, every gesture of her hands reveals the temperament of a lady.

Mrs. Feng only had a very vague impression of the events of the past few years, and she didn't know the tragedy that the Yuan family had suffered. Since she came out to look for her son, she had only been back to the Yuan family's hometown in Ruyang once, and that was when "Feng Yao" had just In the lost year, as the illness worsened, he gradually forgot his home and went crazy everywhere. Fortunately, Mrs. Feng practiced ancestral martial arts since she was a child, and she was more than enough to protect herself. Feng Yao knew this a long time ago. When they met for the first time, Mrs. Feng just waved lightly, and Zhou Cang and Chen Dao fell to the ground.

Sometimes when Mrs. Feng insisted on asking why Yuan Shao and his husband Yuan Shu hated each other, although Feng Yao didn't quite understand, he would immediately change the subject, or just smile and say, "Mother, can you tell me about our Feng family again?" The family's ancestral martial arts, my child has not yet understood why Zhou Cang is so strong, and he will still be defeated by you?"

Mrs. Feng always looks at Feng Yao and shakes her head, "Oh, Yao'er, it seems that you are more like your father, with a more straightforward and strong temper, and you don't understand the principle of pulling a thousand catties. When you are free in the future, mother must teach you more. You have a little martial arts."

In this way, a group of people soon arrived on the ground of Yangzhou. Unlike the refugees in Yuzhou, the fields were more barren, and the people in Yangzhou seemed to be living too happily. They often saw smiling tenant farmers and lush rice in the fields. , the passing villages are also very hospitable, and the sound of chickens and dogs can be heard everywhere.

"It seems that my cheap father, Yuan Shu, is not so useless!" Feng Yao sighed in his heart with a smile!
On the way, Feng Yao would often go to warehouses to exchange ideas. At night, he lived in hospitable farmers' homes, or rested in some inns along the official road, and also slept in the wild. Fortunately, it was summer. The weather is relatively hot, and in addition to the dew that often wets the hair at night, it is still very cool to sleep outside.

When he is free, Feng Yao will always take out the jade sword given by the emperor to have a look. I don't know what kind of craftsmanship is used to make this jade sword. There are very regular and uniform black patterns on the body of the sword. Although the blade is thin, even if you put a few copper coins on it and cut it with a sword, the copper coins will be cut in two, and the edge of the sword will not be damaged at all.

The reason why the jade sword is named jade, Feng Yao speculates, may be because the hilt of this sword is not made of wood, but is made of top-quality jade. The whole sword is only two feet long, and it is simple and simple. Noble atmosphere, it is hard to put it down.

Appreciating jade swords, Feng Yao always takes out the Sun Tzu's Art of War and reads it carefully under the lamp. Feng Yao is particularly impressed by the sentence "Soldiers are deceitful" in Feng Yao. Understanding is that when fighting, don’t believe anything the enemy says, just trust your own judgment, and the promise made by the enemy, even if it is a formal oath written in the contract, must not be taken seriously, and you can even go back on your word. Turn around and give the enemy a fatal blow. There is no so-called credit at all, only one, benefit!

But for commanders, it's just the opposite. "Generals, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage, and strictness" have the word "faith" in them!If you say that you can't do it or don't implement what you promised, no soldier will be obedient and work hard!At this time, if one puts interests first and only cares about the so-called "overall situation", it will inevitably lead to internal collapse. The explanation for this is Feng Yao's understanding based on the commentary written by General Dashu Feng Yi himself.

"It seems that nothing is static! Sometimes it is counterproductive to stick to the rules and follow the art of war! It really deserves to be a treasure handed down from the ancestors! This art of war by Sun Tzu is so good!"

(End of this chapter)

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