Chapter 64 Yuan Yuchen
June [-]

Feng Yao arrived in Shouchun smoothly, and after meeting his father Yuan Shu, he met his older sister Yuan Lihua, 12-year-old younger sister Yuan Fenfang, and brother-in-law Huang Yi.

After the family happily ate, Yuan Shu took Feng Yao to a separate study room, with tears streaming down his eyes again, and said, "Yao'er, do you know who wanted to kill you back then?"

"Father, the boy doesn't remember very well, but he was always called Uncle Chen at that time. He seemed to be very familiar with his father. He would often come to our house and he was a great official. The servants in the mansion were very afraid of him. !"

Looking at the tears in his father Yuan Shu's eyes, Feng Yao felt a little sad. Apart from the blood relationship, Feng Yao didn't remember much about his father, so naturally he would not be as familiar with his mother, Mrs. Feng.

Yuan Shu's figure was not tall, only a little over seven feet, and he was slightly fat, with a beard hanging from his chin, adding a lot of momentum out of thin air. Generally speaking, Yuan Shu's appearance was still very majestic and heroic, although Feng Yao can still feel that there is still a lot of estrangement between the two, but after all, blood is thicker than water, and Feng Yao is the only son of Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu is full of tolerance and care for Feng Yao.

"You mean Chen Ji and Chen Yuanfang!!" Yuan Shu had an unbelievable look on his face, "Yaoer, the Chen family is a well-known figure in Yingchuan, how could they do such a thing? Are you sure you read it right?"

"I don't know if Uncle Chen is Chen Ji, but Uncle Chen can't be wrong, and father, my boy once got advice from someone else, saying that our Yuan family must guard against the Chen family!" Feng Yao casually made up a reason. According to the memories of later generations, Yuan Shu was once betrayed by his most trusted confidants, one of whom was named Chen Lan.

Yuan Shu nodded solemnly, and said: "The Yuan family came from Chen. It can be said that the Yuan family and the Chen family are a family. It stands to reason that the Chen family will not be disadvantageous to my Yuan family, right? Father also remembered one thing. When I picked you up today, I accidentally noticed that General Chen Lan looked unhappy, as if he was preoccupied. Now that I think about it, it is indeed very suspicious. Also, if you harmed If Uncle Chen is really Chen Ji, I have to make arrangements earlier..."

After a while

Yuan Shu suddenly remembered something again, and said: "Yaoer, what you said makes sense. I remembered it for my father. A few years ago when my father led the army to retreat to Yangzhou, he appointed Chen Yu as the governor of Yangzhou and ordered him to guard the city of Shouchun. This traitor actually betrayed his father and refused to open the door. Later, under the attack of his father's soldiers, Chen Yu, the thief, fled to Xiapi City, Xuzhou!! A few days ago, he reported his father's secret work in Xuzhou , the thief teamed up with his cousin Chen Gui and his cousin Chen Deng to stop us from welcoming my father as Xuzhou Mu!! Hehehe, I never imagined that my father always treats the Chen family as his own family, but the Chen family treats my Yuan family as an enemy!!"

"Yao'er, wait a moment, drink some tea, don't go out, wait for my father to make some arrangements first, and then come to discuss important matters with my son!" Yuan Shu looked cold and strode away.

Feng Yao sat on the soft cushion with his buttocks, his eyes were shining brightly, everything is going smoothly according to plan, not only did his father not dislike his mother's leaving, but he cried when he met him, and according to what he heard from his sister According to the news, although Mrs. Feng has not been home for many years, Yuan Shu has never canceled Mrs. Feng's first wife's seat!
is it possible!In history, Yuan Shu was said to be a desolate and ruthless king and tyrant. It is said that after he became emperor, he was even more beautiful than the clouds of the Sangong and Sixth Courtyard.
impossible!Although Yuan Shu is not the emperor now, but as a big family and dominates Yangzhou, wives and concubines should be in groups, right?

Later, Feng Yao finally understood from his sister Yuan Lihua's rambling words. It turned out that a few years ago, during a campaign against the Yellow Turban Bandits, his father Yuan Shu was shot by a cold arrow. The house wives and concubines never made their wives and concubines conceive a child again.

Therefore, no one can shake the status of Mrs. Feng, the official wife who once gave birth to two daughters and a son for her father.

Not only that, but the father also particularly liked that he was about the same age as his son "Feng Yao", Sun Ce who lost his father!My father sighed in front of outsiders many times: "If I can have a son like Sun Ce, I will die without any resentment!"

The only topic that Feng Yao can't talk about now is his surname. Now that he has recognized his father as his clan, should he return to his original surname "Yuan"?From then on, Feng Yao changed to Yuan Yao?

In fact, the name is just a code name, either Yuan or Feng can be surnamed, but Feng Yao instinctively prefers the surname Feng, why?The main reason is that Feng Yao's surname was Feng before crossing over, and the earliest ancestor found in the genealogy was Feng Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so Feng Yao has a greater sense of recognition for his mother's surname Feng!

Yuan Shu only had Yuan Yao as his only son. Of course, he wanted Feng Yao to return to his original surname Yuan. If Feng Yao hadn’t been a traveler, history would have developed in this direction: Yuan Shu had a son named Yuan Yao, but he didn’t achieve much in the end. I was able to rely on my brother-in-law Sun Quan for a lifetime, and finally became close relatives with Sun Quan, and married my daughter to Sun Fen, the fifth son of Sun Quan's family.

Now that he has crossed over, Feng Yao certainly doesn't want to follow the old path of "Yuan Yao"!

Feng Yao had just finished his cup of tea when Yuan Shu came back full of anger.

"My son, you are so confused for your father!" Yuan Shu said.

"Father! What happened?" Feng Yao asked, then poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Yuan Shu, "Father, drink a cup of hot tea first!"

Yuan Shu sighed, took the hot tea, drank it in one gulp, sat down, took Feng Yao's hand, and said, "Yaoer! If only you could come back earlier, today's incident would not have happened! Or You are right, if you are not in my family, your heart must be different! As my father, I always thought that I, the fourth generation and third son of the Yuan family, would be kind to the world, and the scholars in the world would also be grateful and repay it. Therefore, since my father became an official, I have always been kind. To show others, I didn't expect the most trusted person to choose to betray!"

"I just wanted to weaken the power of the Chen family as a father, but I didn't expect that the people of the Chen family had already started planning after they knew you were back! ... Alas, what a pity for such a talented person, let alone Chen Yuanfang has a son named Chen Qun, who is knowledgeable and resourceful at a young age, I thought of arranging an official position for him as a father, but...!" Yuan Shu covered his face in pain, feeling very conflicted.

"Father! Then what did Chen Ji and his son do to make father so unhappy?" Feng Yao asked worriedly.

"Chen Ji, Chen Qun and his son have falsely passed on my order, deceived the guards of the city gate, and escaped! I hate it, I hate that my father trusted the Chen family too much, believed their words, and didn't force them to move the family to the birthday Chuncheng, now that I think about it, their Chen family has already prepared a way out!" Yuan Shu said bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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