Chapter 65
Feng Yao didn't agree with all the words of his father Yuan Shu. Let's talk about one character, Sun Ce. According to the history books, Sun Ce didn't make Sun Ce an official because of Yuan Shu's lack of tolerance. If Yuan Shu could win over Sun Ce well, how could it be so miserable in the future.

Feng Yaodao: "Father, I heard that Sun Ce is extremely loyal and brave, and you like him so much, why do you want to control Sun Ce and limit his development?"

"Yao'er, you only know one thing, but you don't know the other. As a father, you also know that Sun Ce is a talent. In order to win him over, as a father, you forced the Grand Tutor Ma Rizun Ma Gong to appoint him a captain of Huaiyi, and also sent you The younger sister Yuan Fenfang betrothed to her younger brother Sun Quan as his wife, and she can get married just by having her hair tied up, isn't that enough?" Yuan Shu said angrily.

"Also!" Yuan Shu said again: "Not long ago, Sun Ce brought more than 1000 horses, because he couldn't afford the army rations, so he came to vote for his father. Of course, he was happy as a father. The general praised him in front of him and wanted to adopt him as his adopted son, but he pretended not to understand! Now he wants me to give him military rations for him to attack the city! How can there be such a good thing in the world? Besides, even if he doesn’t want to As a father and adopted son, if he sends his mother, siblings and other relatives to Shouchun as a guarantee, how can he not agree to his request as a father! But he would rather entrust his family in the hands of Zhang Hong, who is thousands of miles away, than Entrusted to his father, Sun Ce has great ambitions, but he has played stupid in front of his father many times!! However, Yaoer, now that you are back, there is hope for his father. , as a father, he will no longer recognize him as a adopted son!"

Feng Yao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there were so many secrets in it, and after thinking about it carefully, if it were anyone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't feel at ease with Sun Ce!

If you can't be a friend, don't let him be an enemy!
"Father! Since Sun Ce is so arrogant and ungrateful, why don't you just kill him! So as not to become our enemy in the future!" Feng Yao's eyes flashed coldly, and he remembered what a famous person once said, "Gu Zhicheng The big thing is not just thick-hearted outside! In the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was very dark-hearted. He succeeded, but Lu Bu was not black-hearted, so he failed! Liu Bei has a thick skin. He voted for one today and another tomorrow. He also scolded Lu Bu as a family slave with three surnames, but he doesn’t even know what surnames he has? Sun Quan is thick and dark, so these three people are the ones who have the last laugh!”

Feng Yao also likes Sun Ce very much. If he can take it for his own use, he will be very happy, but the reality is that Sun Ce is definitely not a person who is willing to be inferior to others. If this is the case, it is better to kill him. A rival!
Unexpectedly, as soon as Feng Yao's words came out, Yuan Shu was taken aback and said, "My son! This matter must never be done! If people in the world know that after Yuan Shu killed my benefactor, no one will follow For the father!"

"Father, the child understands! Since this is the case, try to win him over as much as possible, and hope that one day he can understand my father's painstaking efforts!" Feng Yao said.

Seeing that Feng Yao was neither arrogant nor irritable, Yuan Shu was overjoyed and said, "Okay! Although Yao'er is young, he is so sensible! If a father can have a son like you, what more can I ask for!"

Feng Yaodao: "Father, there is one thing I still can't understand. If Uncle Shu can join forces with Father, the world..."

Yuan Shu's complexion changed, and he quickly waved his hand to stop Feng Yao from continuing, then looked at Feng Yao with lingering fear and said, "From now on, only you and my father and son will hear this, so don't say similar words casually in the future!"

Afterwards, Yuan Shu calmed down a little, and said angrily: "Father, why don't you want to join forces with your concubine uncle? But Yuan Shao is so arrogant that he is willing to ally with me only if the Yuan family is in charge! He is just a concubine. But he is so ignorant, that's all, the most hateful thing is that he openly opposed Dong for his own self-interest! As a result, more than [-] members of his uncle's family were beheaded by Dong thief in the city! In order to avenge his uncle, the heroes of the world But Yuan Shao only wants to become the leader of the Allied Army, and he has no intention of revenge. He is busy fighting with the princes of various states and counties every day, fighting for power! He will lose face!"

Feng Yao's brows were deeply furrowed, and his heart was secretly shocked. If he hadn't heard his father's narration with his own ears, it would be hard to imagine that Yuan Shao was such a selfish person in the history books!

Looking at the wrinkles that had begun to appear on his father's forehead, Feng Yao knew that he was too self-righteous. His father, Yuan Shu, was not as unbearable as it was passed down to later generations. will be different!As the so-called winners and losers, no one will praise a self-proclaimed emperor, especially a false emperor who has failed. In the eyes of some scholars who don't know the truth, it is just a joke!

As for why his father established himself as the emperor, Feng Yao also understood a little bit. The reason can be seen from the fact that his father put one of the three princes under house arrest.

If the scholars in the world cannot benefit from Yuan Shu, how many people would be willing to follow Yuan Shu?If the scholars in the world can't get high officials and rich salary from Cao Cao, how many people will defect to Cao Cao?

Yuan Shao also almost quarreled with Cao Cao for a position, and why?According to historical records, Cao Cao appointed Yuan Shao as Taiwei, one of the three princes, but Yuan Shao was dissatisfied, and insisted on being a general, above Cao Cao, for what?It is definitely not a matter of a little higher official position, but power, the power to appoint and entrust one's confidantes as governors of various states and counties!

After Cao Cao took control of the emperor in [-] AD, the first thing he did was to abolish the official position of his arch-rival Yuan Shu and all the officials appointed by Yuan Shu!Then he ordered Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Sun Ce and others to prepare to besiege Yuan Shu. What can Yuan Shu do at this time?As the heir of the fourth generation and the third lord, is Yuan Shu willing to kneel down in front of Cao Cao and bow his head as a minister?
Seeing the personally appointed officials leave one after another because they have no formal appointments, Yuan Shu can not be in a hurry. There are only two roads in front of him. You can attract more people to fight against Cao Cao, maybe one day you can really rule the world!Achieve a great cause!
There are no permanent friends in the world, only permanent interests! !

At this time, Feng Yao finally fully understood his father's difficulty!Although Feng Yao already understood many things, he didn't say a single word. There was a voice in his heart: "Father! Don't worry, from today onwards, I will never let these things happen again! I want those who used to Those who bullied the Yuan family and my relatives and friends will pay the price they deserve!"

Feng Yao supported Yuan Shu on the upper seat, knelt on the ground, and said, "Father, I didn't know there was a father before, so I called myself Feng Yao. Now that I know there is a father in this world, I ask to restore my original surname!"

Yuan Shu was taken aback for a moment, then his old eyes became wet, tears came down, he looked at Feng Yao excitedly, and said, "My son, as long as you have this kind of filial piety, you will be enough to be a father, and the one who owes you the most in your life as a father is your mother." And you, your mother's Feng family only has your mother as a daughter, and there are no other children. My father thinks that since the world thinks you are Feng Yao, it may be God's will. It's better to make mistakes and show others in Feng Yao's name. You can repay your mother’s kindness, and secondly, you can deceive others! You will be much more casual in doing things! Also, what you are most worried about as a father now is your safety. If you let the enemy know that you are my only son, they will surely send a series of You are here to be assassinated by an absolute assassin, my father doesn’t want you to be harmed!!”

"Father, isn't this bad?" Feng Yao almost wondered if he heard it wrong?How can a father say such a thing?How could any father not want his son to take his surname?
"This is an order, and this is the only order that my father has given you in this life!" Yuan Shu cried with tears.

Feng Yao's heart trembled, he was afraid of seeing the wrinkles on Yuan Shu's face and the tears in his eyes!He fell on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Father! My child obeys!"

(End of this chapter)

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