Chapter 66
Yuan Shu looked at Feng Yao with satisfaction, helped Feng Yao up, and said, "Yaoer, it's cold on the ground, get up and talk!" Seeing Feng Yao sat down, he asked, "Yaoer, I don't know what your plans are in the future ?”

Feng Yao thought about it carefully for a while, and Shouchun didn't have anything to intervene for the time being, and even if he intervened, the people under his father would not be easy to manage. According to historical development, there was nothing wrong with Yangzhou in the past few years, but in the end Yuan Shu was defeated. We were defeated by proclaiming the emperor and the severe drought in Yangzhou. If we can have our own territory outside of Yangzhou and take care of it carefully, we may be a rare soldier in the future. Taking advantage of these few years to save more food, we can save some food in the future when natural disasters occur. Only by being able to transport food to Shouchun can Yangzhou not be starved to death, and my father will not embark on the road to ruin.

As long as he has his own territory, Feng Yao can develop completely according to his own ideas without being restrained!

"Father, since the child wishes to have his own territory alone! If he can develop, he can also help his father when necessary in the future!"

"My unicorn too!" Yuan Shu's eyes lit up, feeling relieved.

Feng Yao said again: "Father, the child came from Runan before. According to the information we have, almost all the counties in Runan County are occupied by Yellow Turban bandits. , but at present, there are constant internal struggles in the court, and there are endless battles among the princes. No one has time to take care of the affairs of Runan. This is a good opportunity to send troops! My child would like to ask for an elite soldier to go to Runan to quell the chaos, but If the name is not right, if they take down Runan, they will give him the name of rebellion instead!"

Yuan Shu's face became more and more joyful, and when Feng Yao finished the last word, he slapped his thigh and stood up, sighing: "My son has this ambition, as a father, he must do his best to support it. It's just a trivial matter! At present, the grand fu Ma Rizun Ma Gong, who is sent by the imperial court to recruit officials from various prefectures and counties, is still in the city. As long as Ma Gong is invited to a banquet for his father, he will be mentioned at the table. This is the post of Runan prefect Not to mention! It's just..."

After a pause, Yuan Shu looked worried, looked at Feng Yao and said, "Yao'er, I am worried about your safety for my father! I heard that the Runan Yellow Turbans are composed of the remnants of the Yellow Turbans from the four prefectures of Qingxu, Yanyu, and they are veterans who have fought for a long time. , the total army strength is close to [-], and it is difficult to win if there are fewer troops! In the past two or three years, Yangzhou has been fighting continuously for years, and food and grass are also in short supply. If there are too many troops, it is impossible to recruit enough food and grass!"

It turned out that Ma Rixun was still in Shouchun, and Feng Yaodeng felt relieved. Ma Rixun, as one of the three lords, was the Taifu, and he held a talisman. He could appoint officials from all over the place on the spot, and he only had to report to the imperial court afterwards. The result is enough, this power is not insignificant! !

"Father, you don't have to worry, my son only needs two thousand elite soldiers to take down Runan!" Feng Yao said.

"Two thousand? Yao'er don't want to boast, the Yellow Turbans have a strength of one hundred thousand, you are considered elite soldiers with two thousand, I'm afraid you won't be able to attack again after conquering one city, this Runan County has it all!" Yuan Shu said.

"Father, in fact, if you want to capture Runan, you only need to capture two cities. Now Runan is harvesting wheat. After capturing Ruyin City, you will defend it by the city, and then buy a large amount of grain. As long as there is grain, the nearby The refugees will take the initiative to surrender, and then issue official documents to order the counties to surrender! Although the Yellow Turban Army has occupied the counties, they also hope that the imperial court can recruit them. Even if they do not surrender, they will definitely be on the sidelines. Ping Yucheng, then Runan can be pacified!" Feng Yao said his thoughts unhurriedly.

In fact, this is just Feng Yao's superficial idea. If you follow this way of thinking to attack Runan, although it is well-regulated, it will definitely lose troops and lose troops. Feng Yaoyan will not do this unless it is absolutely necessary. The idea, but it is not mature, if this idea that is still in the making is feasible, then it will be just around the corner to win the whole territory of Runan.


That night, Yuan held a private banquet for Ma Rixun. Due to pressure, Ma Rixun could only agree to Yuan Shu's request, and appointed Feng Yao as the prefect of Runan County, to punish Kou Xiaowei, and to give the prefect seal and Xiaowei seal. , and various military symbols and seals required.

The soldier talismans are all copper tiger talismans, which are divided into left and right halves. Feng Yao immediately separated the soldier talismans of Bu Qudu, took one half for himself, and handed over the other half to Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Zhou Zheng, and appointed four people. They were the governors of their own trilogy, and Xu Xian was appointed as the army commander, in charge of the army's salary and food distribution.

Yuan Shu mobilized 500 elite soldiers from the army, and ordered his most trusted generals Ji Ling and Feng Yao to lead the army together. They each controlled half of the soldier talismans, and he mobilized nearly [-] miscellaneous soldiers to Feng Yao. According to the establishment of [-] soldiers in each department, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Zhou Zheng were ordered to train, and the remaining [-] miscellaneous soldiers were led by Feng Yao himself.

It was already three days after Yiying Banner's food and grass were ready. Except for a few people in Shouchun City, no one knew the origin of Feng Yao, the new general. As a colonel, of course he would not know that Feng Yao is actually the prefect of a county.

Before leaving, I will not go into detail about the etiquette such as sacrificing the flag. Under the leadership of Feng Yao, the army quickly came to Dian County in Runan. Dian County was not occupied by the Yellow Turban Army because it was close to Yangzhou. The county magistrate Liu Zhi saw When Feng Yao's army came to the city, he was so frightened that he hurriedly closed the city gate. It was not until Feng Yao showed the seal and appointment document representing the prefect of Runan that Liu Zhi reluctantly welcomed Feng Yao into the city.

"Take it!" Feng Yao gave the order as soon as the army entered the city.

Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, He Tong, He Tie and others, who were acting as Feng Yao's followers, immediately pulled out their knives and restrained Liu Zhi's guards. Liu Zhi was so frightened that he knelt down in front of Feng Yao with a plop, and was shocked: "Why is Fu Jun like this?"

"Mr. Liu County, I heard rumors that you have contacts with the Yellow Turban Army. Is this true?" Feng Yao immediately put a big hat on Liu Zhi's head.

Feng Yao actually ordered the scouts to inquire in the nearby villages from the very beginning. Not long ago, there were yellow scarf thieves who came to Dian County to plunder several times, but the county magistrate Liu Zhi was timid and locked the city gate tightly. He didn't dare to send troops to attack the Yellow Turban Thieves, which resulted in many civilians' property being robbed by the Yellow Turban Thieves, and even some civilians couldn't survive and joined the Yellow Turban Thieves' team.

Liu Zhi was wronged by saying that he associated with the Yellow Turban Bandit, but it is not wronged at all to take Liu Zhi down!Based on Liu Zhi's inaction as the magistrate of a county, Feng Yao will be the first to take down Liu Zhi.

Although Dian County is not important among the 37 counties in Runan County, Dian County is just between Ruyin and Shouchun. Feng Yao intends to use Ruyin as a stronghold for attacking Runan County. How could Dian County let Liu Zhi like this? The mediocrity to manage?So the reason is not important, the important thing is to put a hat on him first and let him prove his innocence by himself, if he can't prove his innocence, then he will be embarrassed.

With such a big hat buckled, Liu Zhi trembled in fright, then he fell to the ground and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is wronged!"

"What! How dare you say that my lord has been wronged?! I think you don't want to live anymore!" At this moment, a man rushed forward and drew his sword to chop Liu Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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