Chapter 67
The one who was going to kill Liu Zhi with a knife was Feng Yao's subordinate who followed Chen Ren. When Chen Ren followed Feng Yao, he was just a handyman. After Feng Yao became the governor of Runan, he regarded Chen Ren as his confidant and immediately promoted him to He became one of Feng Yao's top ten followers, so Chen Ren was very grateful to Feng Yao, and he couldn't see anyone disrespecting his lord Feng Yao.

Feng Yao also wanted to kill Liu Zhi with a single blow, but after all, Liu Zhi was the official of the imperial court, and he would kill him without asking why, which would arouse the resistance of scholars in other counties.

"Assistant Chen Ren!" Feng Yao shouted.

Chen Ren's knife was only half a foot away from Liu Zhi's neck. Hearing Feng Yao's shout, he immediately stopped the knife and looked at Feng Yao puzzled.

At this time, there was only a "poof", and a bad smell came over. When I looked again, the county magistrate Liu Zhi was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels!
Everyone frowned and covered their noses, even the four guards beside Liu Zhi couldn't help pinching their noses.

"It stinks!" Someone murmured in a low voice.

Liu Zhi looked embarrassed and didn't dare to look at the crowd. He lowered his head and said tremblingly: "Mr. Feng, Liu did not mean that! Please, Mr. Fu, let a certain horse be released for the sake of being an official of the same dynasty. I dare not be disrespectful to the lord!"

Feng Yao thought, Liu Zhi is also considered a scholar, and if he is punished, he should not lose face too much. It is better to let him go back to his house and change into clean clothes first, otherwise it will be bad for his reputation if it spreads in the future. Then he said: "Come here, take Liu Zhiyin's Xinbing Talisman first, then take him back and put him under house arrest, and bring him to the county government tomorrow for questioning!"

"Yes!" Immediately behind Feng Yao, two other followers stood up, supported Liu Zhi, and found a county magistrate's seal and a soldier's talisman from his arms in a few strokes, and handed them to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao looked at it, and thought: "Since the county magistrate has been controlled, we can't give him a chance to stand up!"

"Zhou Cang!"

"Here!" Zhou Cang led five hundred miscellaneous soldiers to follow behind Feng Yao, and when he saw Feng Yao's call, he immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute.

Feng Yao whispered: "Second brother, Liu Zhi has been in Dian County for three years, and he must have cultivated a lot of confidantes. Although he has taken his soldier talisman so that the guards do not dare to act rashly, I am afraid that his confidantes will look for him. There is an opportunity to rescue him, and we have to be prepared for this matter. Before we catch him, we must not let him escape! Don’t worry about sending someone else, brother! Brother, I hope you can lead our troops to watch secretly Liu Zhi!"

Zhou Cang said: "My lord, Cang obeys orders!" After saying that, he immediately led the five hundred miscellaneous soldiers from his headquarters to escort Liu Zhi away.

Several of Liu Zhi's guards were in a hurry when they saw this, but they were suffering from being held up by Wang Ba and others with knives, and this was an order from the new prefect, so they did not dare to resist.

There were only 500 people who followed Feng Yao into the city, including [-] from Zhou Cang's department, [-] from Chen Dao's department, and [-] soldiers from Feng Yao himself. The outer camp guards the food and grass.

"If you want to control it, control it thoroughly!" This is Feng Yao's determination at this time.

"Chen Dao, lead your troops to the gates of the city to take over the defense!" Feng Yao took out a soldier talisman that could mobilize the defenders and handed it to Chen Dao, who took the order and left.

After finishing all this, Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the entourage behind him and the five hundred miscellaneous soldiers, and thought: "The force is still too small! We have to transfer some of the troops stationed outside the city into the city. "

Feng Yao called Wang Ba again and ordered him to go outside the city to send a thousand elite soldiers into the city, and Wang Ba led the way.

After issuing a series of orders, Feng Yao waved his hand and led his relatives and five hundred miscellaneous soldiers straight to the county government.

When the people in the city heard that the prefect had come to Dian County, they ran out of their homes one after another to see the new prefect's demeanor. Along the way, the number of people increased. Feng Yao had to order 100 people to open the way in front, and another 100 people behind him as a backup. , Sitting on a horse, under the guard of a team of entourage, he waved to the people of Dian County.

This kind of scene is a little unexpected for Feng Yao, he has never received such attention before, so he is a little nervous, but thinking that these are the people of Runan, that is, his own people, it might be a good thing for them to see their faces , you can get a little more prestige.

As the guards, He Tong, He Tie and the others were terribly worried, reminding Feng Yao from time to time: "My lord, it is better to issue an order to let these common people stay at home. There are people on both sides of this street. If anyone wants to do something for Liu Zhiming It is impossible to guard against unjustly mixing in the crowd to sneak attack!"

"Do your best to protect yourself, we can't chill the hearts of the people just after entering the city!" Feng Yao said.

After walking for a while, someone from the crowd on the street suddenly shouted: "Fu Jun, save my sister!"

Feng Yao looked around, and saw a boy in his teens looking at him eagerly, and beside him was a middle-aged man who seemed to be the boy's father. Seeing the boy yelling, his father was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the boy's arm and begged for help. Tell the boy to keep quiet.

"Stop!" Feng Yao frowned, and waved his hand to signal the army to stop advancing.

"Who are you?" Feng Yao looked at the boy and asked.

The young man broke free from his father's arm, and replied loudly: "Your Majesty! The younger one is from this city, named Zhao Si, my sister was snatched away!..."

Robbing women?This attracted Feng Yao's attention, but the young Zhao Si's father looked extremely frightened. He quickly covered Zhao Si's mouth with his hand, and looked at Feng Yao and the guards around Feng Yao in amazement. Realizing that he was disrespectful to the new prefect Feng Yao, he quickly squeezed an extremely unnatural smile on his face, "Master, the child is ignorant, talking nonsense, it's okay, I will take him with me when I'm young." Leave, Fujun, don't be angry!" Then he pulled Zhao Si violently, and shouted in a low voice: "Idiot child! Want to kill your father?"

Zhao Si looked startled, not daring to disobey his father's order, lowered his head, and was about to leave with his father.

"Slow!" Feng Yao shouted loudly.

Is there an injustice case in Shen County?And this unjust case occurred under the governance of the county magistrate Liu Zhi?The combination of these two conditions is enough to attract Feng Yao's attention, and he said in his heart: "I was worrying about what crimes to use to punish Liu Zhi, but I didn't expect that someone would call for injustice in the street! If this matter is handled properly, not only will the people be angry, but also This matter can be used to remove Liu Zhi from the post of county magistrate!"

"He Tong and He Tie! You two go and bring Zhao Si and his father back, and bring them to the county government with the army to wait for interrogation!" Feng Yao commanded in a low voice.

"Yes!" The two answered with clasped fists, flew off their horses, and pulled Zhao Si and his father over.

Zhao Si's father looked panicked, Zhao Si comforted his father and said: "Father, you don't have to be afraid! Erguan, the prefect looks upright and will definitely be the master of the people!"

Although the voice was not loud, Feng Yao could still hear it clearly. He secretly praised Zhao Si's courage and vision. His love for talent suddenly arose, so he jumped off his horse, walked over, and said to Zhao Si's father, "Zhao Si Uncle, you don't have to be afraid, as long as this matter is true, I will definitely give you justice!"

With the sound of Uncle Zhao, Zhao Si's father burst into tears, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao Yu!!"

Zhao Si's father, surnamed Zhao Mingyu, was about forty years old. He was a groom who raised horses for the rich. In the entire Shen County, no one had ever called him so respectfully. Generally, he was called Zhao Yu, or an old man. Zhao, even just one word, "Zhao" or "Hello" means calling him, but today someone respectfully calls him "Uncle Zhao", and this person is the new prefect of Runan County! !Can't this move Zhao Yu?

(End of this chapter)

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