Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 68 The Change of the House Banquet

Chapter 68 The Change of the House Banquet
Brothers He Tong and Tie didn't understand Feng Yao's actions, but Feng Yao was their lord, and everything the lord did would have its own reason.As a servant, you must cooperate with all your strength!He Tong, He Tie, and Wang Ba Zhang Shi called several confidants to protect Feng Yao's surroundings to prevent common people from harming their lord Feng Yao.

"Get up, Uncle Zhao!" Feng Yao helped Zhao Yu up.

Zhao Si, who was standing aside, looked at Feng Yao with a strange light in his eyes.

This is what Feng Yao wanted!
After becoming a prefect, Feng Yao has always felt that there are too few people available under his command. Although as long as the recruitment list is posted, there will be a large number of talents to vote for, but Feng Yao prefers to recruit the talents he likes directly!And these talents must have enough loyalty!Feng Yao's respect for Zhao Si's father, Zhao Yu, does not mean Zhao Yu, but Zhao Si.

Feng Yao nodded to Zhao Si, and then returned to the horse. Zhao Si gratefully bowed to Feng Yao, and followed behind.

"Ah?" The people of Dian County on both sides let out a low exclamation, and a few people seemed to want to attract Feng Yao, but after seeing the groups of soldiers holding knives neatly, they hesitated to speak.

Seeing this phenomenon, Feng Yao couldn't help but think, "That's right! Why don't I mobilize the common people to expose the crimes committed by the county magistrate Liu Zhi?" Thinking of this, he quickly called Chen Ren over, and whispered: "You bring 50 people , every group of five people scattered to various places in the city, ... so so."

The county mansion soon arrived. Many local gentry and celebrities in Dian County and officials at all levels of the current county mansion heard that the new prefect was coming to the county. They all dressed neatly and gathered at the gate of the county mansion, waiting for Feng Yao to drive.

Looking at Feng Yao leading the army appearing on the street, all the officials and squires hurriedly greeted them. The leader was Fang Guanfu, who was elegant and about [-] years old. Apart from county magistrate Liu Zhi, Fan Rui has the greatest power.

Fan Rui came up to him from afar, stood by the road, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me!" Under the leadership of Fan Rui, all the officials and squires bowed their hands to salute Feng Yao.

"Exemption! Exemption" Feng Yao smiled and returned the salutations one by one. This set of vain etiquette made Feng Yao's skin crawl, but it has always been like this in the officialdom, and the more you get used to it, the more you get used to it.

After a while of courtesies, everyone welcomed Feng Yao into the county mansion, and Feng Yao sat on the main seat.

The county magistrate Fan Rui slapped his hands, and more than a dozen girls turned around in the corridor. All of them were hot and beautiful, and all of them were under 20 years old, with bare shoulders and jade legs, all of them were extremely charming!Some girls hold a pipa in their arms, while others hold a flute or a long flute.

After taking a few glances, Feng Yao understood what was going on. It turned out that these girls were musicians, and they survived by pleasing guests with singing, dancing, music, and even their bodies. Of course, most of the time, they were not free, but It belongs to someone's private property. It was raised by the owner with good food since childhood, and taught vocal music and singing.

Almost everyone's eyes in the lobby were attracted by the dozen or so musicians, and there were not many people who were admiring. It can be seen that this time the county magistrate Fan Rui really put a lot of painstaking efforts in order to flatter Feng Yao.

"Huh!" Feng Yao snorted softly, very dissatisfied with Fan Rui's arrangement. Fan Rui's method may be acceptable to others, but it is not good for Feng Yao. Feng Yao's goal is not to be content with the prefect of Runan. In a small position, but want to start their own great business!Reverse the trend of history, let yourself and all your relatives have a happy ending! !
Unexpectedly, when I came to Dian County, I met a group of flattering officials!
"It seems that the entire Dian County needs a major change of blood! If this kind of officials are to continue to manage Dian County, I am afraid that Cao Cao will not send a large army to attack, just a piece of paper, promised high-ranking officials and rich salary, and they will betray themselves immediately!" Feng Yao frowned slightly, thinking about countermeasures.

Entering the mansion with Feng Yao, there were only ten entourages, and the rest of the five hundred miscellaneous soldiers were taken to the side hall by the majesty of the county magistrate to eat in the side hall. Considering this, it took a long time. It was almost noon and we were full. Feng Yao acquiesced to the arrangement of the county magistrate, Fan Rui, according to the principle of eating and then working, but when Feng Yao wanted to take the next step, he suddenly felt that Fan Rui seemed to be the master in this lobby?
Feng Yao was startled, knowing that he had accidentally fallen into Fan Rui's way. Looking left and right, fortunately Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, Tong He Tie and other ten relatives had not left him. Hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers gather, as long as they have the strength in hand, even if Fan Rui wants to murder him, five hundred soldiers are enough to resist until Chen Ren dispatches troops to rescue him!

"Wang Ba!" Feng Yao cast a wink and called out softly. Wang Ba approached, and Feng Yao whispered in his ear, "Please inform the other people, and ask everyone not to eat or drink anything here for the time being, and be careful of poisoning. In addition, you'd better Let’s find an excuse to go out and see where our five hundred miscellaneous soldiers are, and it’s best to bring them back!”

Wang Ba's expression changed when he heard the words, he looked around cautiously, and nodded to inform the other followers.

"Your Majesty! Why are you unhappy, haha! I understand!" The county magistrate Fan Rui smiled, and then clapped his hands, the singing and dancing stopped immediately, "Hong'er, Lu'er, you two go to serve the Lord! If you can't make Fu Jun smile, then kill yourself!"

Although Fan Rui's words seemed to be said with a smile, Feng Yao felt a trace of cold murderous intent from the slightly trembling movements of the female prostitutes and the fleeting trace of fear in their eyes.

Hearing the sound, two of the most attractive girls came out from among the female prostitutes. They twisted their bodies and walked over to Feng Yao's seat with winking eyes, wanting to snuggle up to Feng Yao's left and right sides!
At this moment, Zhang Shi, Feng Yao's entourage, suddenly stood up, stood in front of the two women, and said in a cold voice: "What kind of bastard dares to get close to the Fujun! Don't back down!" With trembling hands, he pulled out the big knife from his waist Halfway through, a cold and cold light is coming!

The two girls named Hong'er and Lu'er were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they knelt on the ground, looking a little pitiful, in a dilemma!

"Hurry up and get out!" Zhang Shi shouted angrily, his right hand moved again, and the sword drew a little more.

But although the two girls were terrified, they didn't back down because as long as they backed off, it meant they had failed, and the best consequence of failure was to commit suicide, otherwise it would be a more painful death!

Feng Yao did not stop Zhang Shi's behavior, but sat quietly in his seat, carefully observing the expressions and movements of the officials in the hall. As expected, most of the officials' eyes were on the county magistrate Fan Rui turned, only a few officials kept their heads down, as if they were thinking about something.

The hall, which was full of singing, dancing and laughing, suddenly turned cold. Most people stopped smiling and looked over with a little bit of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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