Chapter 412 Flags
The layout of the study is extremely simple. Except for a set of Feng Xi's weapons and armor, the four walls are full of large cabinets as high as the roof. The cabinets are filled with various silk books, bamboo slips, and a large number of precious paper books!
This is not like a general's study room, even in Xu Shu's room, there are not so many books!

"Feng Xi, how many of these books have you read?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

"Hehe! This, I just read it briefly. Some books are really profound, and I'm reading it a second time!" Feng Xi felt a little embarrassed, and scratched the back of his head.

"The second time? You said you have read all these books? I remember you didn't know many words before?" Feng Yao said.

"My lord, this is all due to the old people in this hospital. Whenever my subordinates have a word they don't understand, they will ask them. Usually, they can find someone they know. Moreover, this place is not far from Runan College. It is really hard to recognize. words, the subordinates will go to the academy and ask the masters there for advice!" Feng Xi said.

Feng Yao nodded, looked at the books in the study with some surprise, and thought: "If what Feng Xi said is true, Feng Xi will definitely become a rare talent in the future!!"

"My lord, please take your seat!" Feng Xi bowed and asked.

Feng Yao nodded and took the upper seat, and several people also took their seats.

"Feng Xi, this Yi Lin Jun...?"

"My lord, I heard that there is an army in the court, named the Habayashi Army, and the name is the wings of the country, such as Lin Zhisheng! So I came up with the idea of ​​​​imitating the Habayashi Army and establishing a new army. After forming the Habayashi Army, the subordinates will name this new army the Wing Forest Army! If the lord is successful in the future, this new army will be like the Habayashi Army, and will become the guards who will always loyally protect the lord! "Feng Xi said.

"This!!" Feng Yao was also surprised while being moved.

The Habayashi Army is the Imperial Army, an army that can only be embraced by the emperor. The name of the Wing Forest Army is so similar to that of the Habayashi Army. If it is leaked out and the court finds out, it will definitely hold on to it, and Feng Yao is trying to plot something wrong. sin!

Yang Wu's expression on the side changed abruptly, and he immediately cupped his fists and said, "My lord, the title of Yilin Army can easily be used by our enemies. If we make this matter public, I'm afraid it will attract criticism from all over the world. !"

Feng Xi was a little excited at first, but when Yang Wu said this, he immediately realized the danger involved, his face turned pale, he hurriedly crouched down, kowtowed and said: "This subordinate deserves to die, but Fan Xia made such a heinous mistake , Lord, please forgive me!!"

Although Xu Ding was a little surprised, he said disapprovingly: "My lord, we are still afraid of his idiot court! Right now there are hundreds of thousands of troops in Yuzhou, if anyone dares to cause trouble, they will kill them and destroy them! It is the emperor who dares to fight!" If you disagree, so what if you take his place and replace him! We are fighting bloody battles, don’t we just want to take this world!!”

"Okay! You all said it very well!! Yang Wu, Xu Ding, and Feng Xi, I will never blame you for getting up. On the contrary, I am very happy that you are so kind!! Since If you want to train a new army, then I will support you. The youngsters inside and outside the city are up to you to choose! In addition, I will draw [-] million first, and give it to you as an army training fee!! Don’t worry if you run out, we are now We have money, but we lack people!!" Feng Yao patted Feng Xi on the shoulder, straightened him up, looked him in the eyes, and encouraged him loudly.

Feng Xi was startled, showing an inconceivable expression. Before that, although he was very close to Feng Yao, Feng Yao had never affirmed and reused him like this! !

[-] million dollars! !If this was a year ago, Feng Yao's entire army would only have so much money! !Now that Feng Yao opened his mouth, he threw out a hundred million! !

Yang Wu was also stunned! !However, Feng Yao's behavior has always been unpredictable, so after a moment of surprise, Yang Wu started to congratulate Feng Xi instead!Smiling and smiling at Xu Ding.

"Master... Lord! Is this true? Do you really want to give your subordinates [-] million yuan to train soldiers?" Feng Xi quickly became excited, his body trembling slightly!The tone of the words changed a little.

"Of course, what I said before should be entrusted to you to do important things, and I want you to be responsible for this matter. Now those disciples from ordinary families who have just come to vote in the city and outside the city, because they are not old enough and they are new to Runan , many teenagers are idle at home, I want them to learn culture and martial arts, and then select elites from among them, as a future reserve force, I didn't expect you to be one step ahead! Good! Good! This saves me a lot of money Talking about it!!" Feng Yao couldn't help nodding, his eyes full of approval.

Feng Xi was really overjoyed this time, and bowed again and again: "My lord, my subordinates will definitely not disappoint my lord!"

"However, my lord, this subordinate thinks Commander Yang is very right, and this subordinate is wrong. Although the name of Yi Linjun is famous, there is indeed a risk. This subordinate is willing to choose another name. Please give me a name, my lord! !” Feng Xi bowed again.

Feng Yao nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take the title, but before I give it a title, I want to know the composition of your current wing forest army!"

"Yes, my lord!" Feng Xi complied.

"Now the Yilin Army has a total of 500 people. The subordinates are the governors of the Ministry, and there are Qu Junhou, team leader, Shichang, and Wuchang under the subordinates, just like the current military system! Moreover, the Yilin Army currently selected are all under the age of From ten to 12 years old, you can become an elite army on the battlefield with only five years of training at most!!" Feng Xi reported.

"Well, your idea is good. Only after rigorous training can elite soldiers be produced! However, there is another problem. I wonder where the current source of soldiers for the Wing Forest Army comes from?" Feng Yao praised and asked again.

"They are all orphans in the Cixiaoyuan! The subordinates believe that only this kind of orphans who have suffered hardships have more willpower to fight and can withstand the pain of military training!!" Feng Xi said.

Feng Yao nodded again satisfied, turned his head to look at Yang Wu and Xu Ding, and asked with a smile, "What good suggestions can you give?"

Yang Wujin said: "My lord, this subordinate thinks it's better to let go of the age a little bit more, all boys between the ages of eight and 14 can be selected!"

Xu Ding didn't expect Feng Yao to ask him, he was stunned, touched his head, but couldn't think of a good suggestion, so he begged brazenly: "My lord, please forgive me, it's okay to let me fight the enemy, let me give advice, It just killed me!..."

"No, no matter how good or bad the plan is, you must have a plan. Otherwise, if I let you lead an army of tens of thousands and go out alone in the future, what will you do?" Feng Yao said with a straight face.

"Okay! Xu Ding will fight! Xu Ding must have a good strategy this time, Xu Ding never brags..." Xu Ding had no choice but to frown and think.

Seeing Xu Ding's appearance, Feng Yao and the others all smiled, and the atmosphere immediately improved a lot, and they were not so tense.

"Yes! My lord, I have a plan, and I will say that I, Xu Ding, never brag!!" Soon, Xu Ding was startled suddenly, and then his eyes lit up suddenly, and he cried out in surprise, his voice shaking loudly. The study room was buzzing and trembling. If Feng Yao knew that he had been like this all the time, he really suspected that he did it on purpose.
(End of this chapter)

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