Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 413 The Rise of Feng Xi

Chapter 413 The Rise of Feng Xi
"..." Feng Yao was speechless, but there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes looking at Xu Ding.

Xu Ding clasped his fists and said loudly: "My lord, back then, in order to grow more food and have enough to eat, the whole family of my subordinates kept reclaiming wasteland. In order to save money for raising cattle, we sold the cattle and used our own I went down to the field myself to pull pears instead of cows, hehe, the strength of the two arms of my subordinates was developed at that time, especially my younger brother Zhongkang, because of his big appetite, he worked hard for pear fields!..."

"..." Feng Yao was even more speechless, thinking that this has something to do with training orphans?Let those teenagers who are more than ten years old be cows and pears? ....

Xu Ding was not very excited, and continued: "If it is based on the age of eight to 14, maybe it would be better to divide these teenagers into two armies according to their age. Among them, the four years from eight to 11 years old will be the second army, and the four years from twelve to 14 years old will be the second army. Three years old is the first army, and the first army can reach the age of 15 within three years at the earliest, can marry and have children, and after three years, they can become elite soldiers and charge for the lord!"

"The second army, because they are young, don't need to rush to train the battle formation. They focus on cultivating their strength and tenacity in the early stage. When they are 12 years old, they will transfer to the first army to cultivate their strength and tenacity. Think it would be best achieved by reclaiming wasteland, etc.!"

When Xu Ding said this, he stopped, looked at the expressions of everyone, felt a little embarrassed, swallowed his saliva, cupped his fists at Feng Yao, and asked, "My lord, what do you think of this subordinate's plan?"

Although these words were addressed to Feng Yao, Yang Wu was taken aback, and he looked at Xu Ding with admiration and surprise. Xu Ding had a few brains, and as his superior, Yang Wu knew better than anyone else.

Feng Xi also showed admiration.

"Okay!! Xu Ding!! You really didn't brag!! This plan is great!! I like it very much!!" Feng Yao did not forget to praise loudly.

"Haha!...Haha! Thank you, my lord, for your compliment!!!" Xu Ding's strategy was recognized by Feng Yao, and he was overjoyed, rubbing his hands together, and smiled.

Feng Yao nodded, he already had a comprehensive plan, so he stretched out his hand to signal the three of them to be quiet.

"Okay! Since the three of you have their own tricks, I'll summarize them here!"

"First of all, regarding the name change, the banner of the Yilin Army will be suspended first, and it will be changed to the Vanguard Army. As Xu Ding said, it will be divided into the First Vanguard Army and the Second Vanguard Army!"

"The source of adoption is only orphans or single-parent families without a father! It is better to expand the age to seven to 15 years old, seven to 11 years old to be the second pioneer army, and 14 to [-] years old to be the first pioneer army!"

"There is no limit to the number of vanguard troops, as many as there are, but it is estimated that the Cixiaoyuan can't accommodate so many people, so I decided to designate all the open space between the city gate and Ruhu in the west of the city as the vanguard army." A training camp! And Zi Xiaoyuan only accepts orphans under the age of eight!"

"From now on, Feng Xi will be appointed as the captain of the Vanguard Army, and will directly command the First Vanguard Army and supervise the Second Vanguard Army. Feng Er will be the governor of the Second Vanguard Army and command the Second Vanguard Army. Commander of all divisions of the army."

Feng Xi was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately knelt down to thank Feng Yao for his great kindness!

Feng Yao helped Feng Xi up with a smile, and said, "Feng Xi, you are already 15 years old, you have reached the age of tying your hair, and you have become a lieutenant of the First Army, but so far, you have not taken your name, so you will inevitably be judged by outsiders." Underestimate, I give you the word Xiuyuan, do you like it?"

Feng Yao has also conducted investigations in the past two years and found that there is no other outstanding talent with the same name as Feng Xi, but in his memory, among the fourteen generals who have made great contributions to the Kingdom of Shu, there is a general named Feng Xi. Xiu Yuan thought to himself: "Perhaps history has changed, but regardless of whether this Feng Xi is that Feng Xi in the future, I can't make a mistake in giving him the name Xiu Yuan. If it is really a coincidence, then I have made money." , if there is another Feng Xi, I will not lose anything!"

It was an extremely honorable thing at that time for the lord to personally bestow the words. Feng Xi was overjoyed and bowed his head repeatedly: "Thank you, lord, for giving the words, and thank you for reuse! Xiuyuan will, as always, only obey the orders of the lord!!"

Yang Wu and Xu Ding both bowed their hands to congratulate Feng Xi. After some etiquette, the two also felt a little emotional.

Feng Yao stroked Feng Xizhi's back, and said: "Xiu Yuan, I will leave it to you to handle the formation and training of the vanguard army, but here, I have a few suggestions, please listen carefully."

Feng Xi looked serious, nodded vigorously, and listened attentively.

"In the future, our army will inevitably march on rivers, lakes and seas, and even fight. I set the training camp on the side of Ruhu Lake in the west of the city. The meaning is that I hope you can make all the pioneers understand water and adapt to life on the water. , the place in the west of the city is a treasure land, there are no residential buildings around, except for the water and the city wall, it is a natural safe and hidden place! If we can simply transform it, it will become a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack!"

"In addition to training martial arts and tactics, you also need to use the land and lake there. As Xu Ding said, you must train there while farming, and you can even assist the fisherman to raise fish in Ruhu Lake. , fishing, and punishing illegal fishing and hunting behaviors! You can discuss specific matters with Cai Meng in the future and decide on your own!"

"If there are orphans in the army who like reading but not martial arts, don't force them. You can send them to Runan College and hand them over to Xu Qian and Wang Can!"

"Well!... That's all. There are other important matters in the state. After I go back, I will allocate money and food to you immediately. You should make preparations first!" Feng Yao said.

"Obey! My lord!!" Feng Xi knelt and sent Feng Yao away.


The four generals, Zhou Cang, Governor of Yingxi, Chen Dao, Minister of Yingchuan, Ji Ling, Minister of Pei, and Wang Hu, Minister of Lu, had received Feng Yao's permission to lead their troops to their respective prefectures.

Gong Du was not there either. He was the prefect of Runan, in charge of food and money from all walks of life, and was busy with all kinds of arrangements for distribution of food and construction of Pingyu.

Xu Shu, Liu Shun, Xu Chu, Dai Ling, Zhao Wang, Wang Cheng and other soldiers belonging to Feng Yao's Chinese army have all arrived.

In addition, Wei Yan, the prefect of Ruyin, and Gan Ning, the prefect of Geyang, were supposed to go to the post, but because of the attack on Lujiang, they stayed temporarily, waiting for Feng Yao's final order!
The remaining Zhonglang generals such as Guan Cheng, Guo Zu, Chang Xi, Che Zhou and Zhang Da were all waiting in the mansion.

It was not too late for Feng Yao to come, it was the end of the hour, after Feng Xi came out and arrived at the meeting hall, all the generals had just arrived.

"Generals! According to the information from all parties, our deployment has achieved the expected goal. Today, we will discuss the matter of going out. Starting tomorrow, all armies will set off one after another! Generals, if you have a good strategy , please speak up!" Feng Yao looked majestic, and after sitting down, he spoke slowly.

As a military adviser, Xu Shu, like Yang Wu, was on the left and right in this private residence, while Xu Xuan and Dai Ling stood on the left and right sides in front of the steps.

The rest of the generals were lined up in two rows in the hall, most of them were military generals, their armors were bright, they were not angry but mighty, each had an aura that frightened people, all of them got their status today by stepping on countless corpses, so everyone kept a distance from each other. About three feet, don't like others to get too close.

(End of this chapter)

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