Chapter 429

The house Feng Yao lives in is very ordinary. It is an ordinary courtyard in Gongxian County. As soon as it got dark, the lights in the courtyard were turned off early for safety reasons. Some of the relatives fell asleep immediately, and some pretended to be asleep. In fact, they were on guard in secret, and there was a soldier standing guard not far from the gate of the courtyard.

Just as Feng Yao was sighing to himself in the room, a black figure flashed and passed through the darkness between the two soldiers, and those two soldiers showed a slight strangeness!

The black shadow hid in the darkness for a while, and quietly turned into the yard. Just as he was secretly delighted, a cold light suddenly flew out and shot straight at his throat. The black shadow trembled violently, and he covered his neck with his hands in disbelief, and fell down. .

The brilliance in his eyes flickered in the darkness, then slowly dissipated, and blood dripped from the handle of the flying knife exposed between his fingers.

"Immediately take it outside and deal with it, don't alarm the lord!"

Under the moonlight, Xia Houbo walked unhurriedly from the darkness to the courtyard covered by moonlight, came to the back of the assassin's body, leaned over with his fingers, and the throwing knife flew out from the assassin's throat, and blood spurted out. But not a single drop splashed on him, he swiftly wiped the blood from the flying knife on the assassin's clothes, and with a quick and deft twist of his wrist, the flying knife had already returned to his waist.

Behind him, followed by two light-footed followers, watching Xia Houbo's movements, with a look of incomparable admiration in their eyes.

But this expression only flashed, and then disappeared, with solemn faces, the two of them pulled their arms and legs, and dragged the dead assassin's body into the darkness!

Xia Houbo nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the bright moon under the sky, scanned the courtyard, swayed his body, and returned to darkness.

The next day, Feng Yao was discussing matters with the generals and discussing the next move, when the doorman suddenly came to report: The Southern Xiongnu Youxian King Yu Fuluo's general Liu Qubei begged to see him.

Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, and thought, "Since Yu Fuluo's general didn't fight in front of the formation, he ran for tens of miles, and even crossed the Yellow River to find me? Could it be that the situation has changed?"

"The discussion is suspended, bring Liu to Bei to meet!" Feng Yao said.

General, he holds a high position in the Xiongnu and holds military power. His position is second only to the wise king of the left and right, and the wise king of the left and right is the most powerful position under the Xiongnu Shanyu!Anyone who can win the position of general is the leader of a tribe or a member of the royal family of Shan Yu!
After a while, Liu Qubei came to see him. He was about [-] years old, with sword eyebrows on his temples, quite majestic, and somewhat different from the appearance of the Huns in Feng Yao's impression. Liu was used as the surname because the Han Dynasty often married the princess to the Southern Huns, and Liu Qubei usually only used Qubei as his name when he came to see me today, why did he add the surname Liu? Could it be that he wanted to imply something to me?"

But before Feng Yao could figure out why, Liu Qubei suddenly thumped and knelt down in front of Feng Yao's case, his face was full of anxiety, and he cupped his fists and said, "Go to meet Feng Yuzhou!"

"Qubei, how are you preparing for the attack on Hanoi?" Feng Yao looked dignified.

Although Liu Qubei held a high position among the Southern Huns and knelt down to Feng Yao at this time, Feng Yao didn't like him at all. If it was possible, he would rule the world in the future. After destroying the Japanese pirates, the second The ones to be destroyed are the Huns.

Seeing that Feng Yao didn't let him get up, Liu Qubei didn't care at all. Instead, he replied more respectfully: "Our army was ready to cooperate with Hanoi to attack Hanoi, but Liu Bei suddenly led his troops to take the initiative to attack. Now our army has suffered casualties. It's a terrible situation, King Youxian came here on special order, and begged you to send troops to help as soon as possible!"

The generals in the hall were already surprised by Liu Qubei's abnormal behavior. Now when they heard the news that Liu Bei attacked Hedong and Yu Fuluo was defeated, there was a burst of exclamation, and then several generals stood up immediately.

Zhang Da asked for orders loudly: "Master!! This subordinate is willing to lead the army immediately, rescue allies, and face Liu Bei!!"

Feng Yao was shocked when he heard the words, Liu Bei's reaction was completely beyond his expectation! !

Hedong County not only has the Southern Huns Army in Yufuluo, but also the Baibo Army in Baibo Valley, and the adjacent Shangdang County is one of the strongholds of the Black Mountain Army. ten!
"My lord! Liu Bei is so arrogant that he dared to attack our allies! Your subordinates must make Liu Bei look good!!" Captain Lei Bo shouted excitedly.

"Follow my allies, kill without pardon!" Junzheng Xia Houlan even roared loudly.

"..." The other generals also called out to fight.

Although the other generals did not stand up, there was righteous indignation on their faces!

Liu Qubei was so moved by this scene that he almost shed tears. He didn't know how to express it, so he kowtowed three times directly to Feng Yao, begging: "I beg the general to send troops to save my family's lives!"

Feng Yao pondered, and took a special look at Lei Bo. He didn't expect that after Lei Bo was promoted to captain, his reaction would be very different from before. He seemed to be more loyal and more valiant in battle!He couldn't help but nodded to Lei Bo, and when Lei Bo saw this, his expression became more excited, and there was a look of admiration in his eyes.

"My lord, it's better to suspend the meeting temporarily and ask Liu Qubei to meet alone. I think he has something else to say and it's not convenient to say it here!" Xu Shu approached Feng Yao at this time, and suggested in a low voice.

Feng Yao nodded. There is still a lot of information that has not been collected, and he has very limited understanding of Liu Bei's situation. The main purpose of entering Sili Prefecture this time is to welcome the emperor, and the second is to destroy Liu Bei and save Yu Fuluo It's not Feng Yao's goal! !

Although the generals were fighting with high spirits, Feng Yao didn't want to rush out like this! !
"Quiet, generals! Listen to me, this matter is of great importance. I decided to wait for the scouts sent by Liu Shun to send back the news before making a decision. Now everyone is retreating. After lunch, we will discuss this matter again at Weishichu! "Feng Yao said.

"My lord is wise! Your subordinates obey!!" All the generals cupped their fists and bowed respectfully, and retreated respectfully.

Liu Qubei's expression was complicated. The generals' respectful and obedient attitude towards Feng Yao, as well as Feng Yao's decisive decision, made him even more in awe of Feng Yao. Although the generals left one by one, he kept kneeling in the hall , dare not show the slightest disrespect.

Feng Yao nodded, glanced at Liu Qubei, and said, "Qubei, get up, you and I are allies, there is no need to be so polite!"

Liu Qubei was overjoyed, turned over and jumped up from the ground, clasped his fists and said: "Thank you!" Then he looked around the hall for a week, saw all the relatives sitting around, and clasped his fists again: "General, I have something to talk to the general in private, please The general agrees!"

"Hmm..., alright, follow me to the secret room!" Feng Yao nodded in agreement, and patted Yang Wu and Xu Shu on the shoulders, motioning for them to come together.

Needless to say, under normal circumstances, unless otherwise specified, Yang Wu and Xu Shu, as Feng Yao's right-hand men, would follow wherever they went.

Soon, the four of them came to a hidden room in the backyard and sat down as guests and hosts. However, Liu Qubei did not take his seat immediately, but left the table and knelt down to Feng Yao.

"General, if you can trust me, I would like to regard you as my lord!" Liu Qubei said in a very respectful and sincere tone.

(End of this chapter)

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