Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 430 The Controversy of the Southern Huns

Chapter 430 The Controversy of the Southern Huns

"What do you mean?" Feng Yao asked puzzled.

If it was Guan Yu, Zhang Fei knelt down and begged to recognize the Lord like this, Feng Yao would definitely jump up with joy, hitting his head on the roof as he wished for it, but Qubei is from the Southern Huns!

"The next one is because I admire the general's strength, and the second is because I also have a little selfishness! Please allow the general!" Liu Qubei bowed again.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you recognize me as the master?" Feng Yao's tone suddenly became cold. If Liu Qubei's heart is not firm, he will retreat from this scare.

Want to recognize Feng Yao as the master?Still have selfishness?Or a Hun?is it possible!
If Feng Yao didn't want to use the Southern Huns now, he wouldn't bother talking to Liu Qubei here!
"..." Liu Qubei nodded and was about to answer, but when he thought about it wrongly, Feng Yao respected and loved his subordinates extremely, this is something the world knows!But now Feng Yao's tone and demeanor definitely don't mean that!So he quickly shook his head again.

Feng Yao's face turned cold, with a murderous look in his eyes, he stared straight at Liu Qubei, and said: "People in the world only know that my opponent is good, but they don't know my other side. First of all, let me tell you that not everyone is qualified. Call me my lord!! But anyone who calls me my lord, their parents are my parents, and I will try my best to make them and their families live happily! However, if you recognize me as your lord, you must never betray me! Otherwise , not only to punish his three clans, but also to destroy all his blood, even if it is a fetus in the womb, even if it is outside the three clans, who has a little bit of blood, he will never let it go!!"

"Go humble, you have to think about it. If you don't recognize me as the master, I won't deliberately embarrass you, but if you recognize me as the master and receive my favor, you must obey my orders. If you disobey, I will Kill all the Huns! Both men and women, old and young!"

Hearing the words, Liu Qubei trembled and his face changed several times. After a long time, there was a firm look in his eyes. He bowed to Feng Yao and said, "My ancestor is not a Hun, but Liu Fu, a member of the royal family of the Han Dynasty, my great-grandfather. It was Liu Jinbo, General of the Han Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty, who was rejected by other members of the royal family just because my family has half of the blood of the Huns, and it is precisely because of this that the Southern Xiongnu Chanyu's position is now vacant, but our family cannot return to the country to take office!"

Feng Yao was so surprised that he didn't believe Liu Qubei's words, so he looked at Xu Shu and Yang Wu.

Xu Shu said: "My lord, what Qu Bei said is true!"

Yang Wu also nodded, he had heard these rumors when he was traveling in the rivers and lakes in his early years.

Feng Yao took a deep breath, and immediately thought of a very feasible strategy!If this plan works, without Feng Yao personally sending troops, the Xiongnu will be wiped out! !
Look at Liu Qubei's expression again. He looks very good, and he can bend and stretch. If he can really follow the order, he can use Qubei to wipe out all the Northern Huns in the future!It's just that now it is necessary to confirm whether Qu Bei will agree to destroy the Northern Huns, and if he agrees, why not accept him as his subordinate! !

"Qubei, if I let you destroy the Northern Huns, would you be willing?" Feng Yao asked.

Liu Qubei's expression was shocked, and soon his face showed discontent, and he said loudly: "For generations, the Northern Huns have continuously slaughtered our Southern Huns, robbed our Southern Huns of cattle, sheep, women, money and food, and destroyed the Northern Huns. The wish of everyone in the Southern Huns! If the general can help me kill the Huchuquan clan of the Southern Huns and help me ascend to the position of Shanyu, I will destroy the Northern Huns to repay the general’s kindness! And recognize the general as the lord! Never betray My lord!"

Feng Yao laughed loudly, nodded and said: "If you are determined, I will accept you. As long as you obey my order, the position of Shan Yu will be yours!"

Liu Qubei was overjoyed, and immediately fell to the ground, kowtowed three times, and shouted respectfully to Feng Yao: "My lord!!"

"Congratulations, my lord!" Xu Shu and Yang Wu heaved a sigh of relief, and both raised their fists to congratulate Feng Yao.

Since he is one of his own, Feng Yao can no longer lose his identity, so he hurriedly got up from the table, helped him up with a smile, dragged him to his seat, and asked with a smile: "Quie, can you tell me the truth?" right?"

"Subordinates!!" Feeling Feng Yao's concern, Liu Qubei burst into tears, but quickly stretched out his sleeves, wiped away the tears, and replied loudly.

"Qubei, I really want to know now why you don't want Youxian King Yu Fuluo to succeed Shan Yu?" Feng Yao asked with a smile.

Liu Qubei sighed, with a sad expression, and said: "My lord, if the Youxian King is still alive, this subordinate will faithfully assist Youxian King to ascend to the Shanyu position!! As soon as my subordinate left Hedong, the Youxian King I was killed! . . . ”

"Ah?!!..." Feng Yao, Xu Shu, and Yang Wu were all shocked, and Feng Yao asked anxiously, "I heard that Yu Fuluo has a son named Liu Bao, does Liu Bao know about this?"

"My lord, it was his own son Liu Bao who killed King Youxian!! Liu Bao is cruel by nature and lawless. If King Youxian was around, he would still have scruples. Now that King Youxian died, the Southern Huns , except for his subordinates, no one can restrain him, but his subordinates came out in a hurry, with only a hundred soldiers and horses, and now there is nothing they can do!" Liu Qubei lamented.

"..." Feng Yao, Xu Shu and Yang Wu looked at each other in dismay, their hearts were shaken, this matter was too unbelievable to believe.

The most important thing in the Han Dynasty is the word filial piety!Not to mention being disrespectful to parents, even a little disrespect to parents will attract scolding again and again! !
kill father! !

If what Liu Qubei said is true, then one can imagine what kind of villain Liu Bao is! !
Even the biological father who gave birth can do it, let alone others?

After a long time, Feng Yao let out a sigh. He basically believed [-]% of what Liu Qubei said. One by one, he told all the news he knew without concealing it.

The total strength of the Southern Huns is about [-], mainly cavalry, and most of them are cavalry archers!It's just that Hanoi is mountainous, and it's not good for war horses to fight in a roundabout way. How can they stop Liu Bei's army that is several times stronger?Bai Bobing originally wanted to come to help, but after hearing that Yu Fuluo was defeated, he changed his mind.

The four chatted in detail for about half an hour, and reported to each other: "My lord, Hanoi's scouts are back! Liu Shun is urgent to see you!!"

Feng Yao's spirit lifted, and he hurriedly summoned him for an interview.

"My lord!! Something is wrong!! Cao Cao's entire army abandoned the plains and arrived in Hanoi, just in time to meet Wenhou's army. They fought in the area of ​​Jixian County. Thousands were killed and injured on both sides!! Wenhou asked for help urgently!!" Liu Shun said.

"Report! My lord, my subordinates have just found out that Yu Fuluo has been killed by his son Liu Bao. Under the leadership of Liu Bao, the Southern Huns, with more than [-] cavalry and thousands of people from the Southern Huns, are heading towards the east of the county. Retreat in the direction of Yi County!!" A scout who seemed to be out of breath, seemed to have just arrived, and before he had time to report the news to Liu Shun, he was dragged by Liu Shun to Feng Yao.

"Report! Yuan Shao sent high-ranking officials to lead an army of [-]. With the high-ranking officials as the governor of Bingzhou, they attacked Taiyuan County in Bingzhou first. With half a broken arrow, it was too late to take it out, his complexion was a little pale, and his forehead was sweating.

(End of this chapter)

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