Chapter 476

Lu Bu's eyes lit up again, and he immediately agreed, "Okay! That's great, adding a halberd to a shield, being able to attack and defend, is exactly what I want!"

Then he sighed: "It's just that there is a shortage of iron and iron at present, so we can't make so many shields and halberds!"

At this time, Dong Zhao's expression changed, and he clasped his fists and said, "General, you don't have to worry about iron ore. Now Taiyuan, which is controlled by the Black Mountain Army, happens to have a few iron mines in the two counties of Shangdang. In ten days, two thousand and five sets of shields and halberds can be produced! There is another method that is faster, the round shields and halberds are commonly used equipment, if you can double the price, you can buy them directly from the Black Mountain Army !"

Lu Bu was speechless, he didn't have enough money in his hands now.

"Gongren, if you buy it from the Black Mountain Army, how much silver can you buy for a halberd and a shield?" Feng Yao immediately asked after hearing this.

"If you don't need to be too demanding, a total of [-] million will be enough!" Dong Zhao said.

"Okay, I'll pay the money, three hundred million!..." Feng Yao said.


About half an hour later, Dong Zhao and his ten relatives left Dongyuan City excitedly!

This excitement was not because Feng Yao got an extra [-] million yuan in money, but because Feng Yao named her the Queen Mother of Hanoi in the north in the name of Sili Captain, and led [-] Black Mountain troops to garrison Ji together with Gao Shun. Guan, and waited for an opportunity to attack Liu Bei, and seized the seal of Hanoi prefect from Liu Bei.

Lu Bu stayed in Dongyuan City to train the cavalry. These trained cavalry were not novices, on the contrary, they were all elite cavalry. However, in order to further improve the cooperation with Lu Bu's combat methods, necessary training is still very necessary.

After deployment and replenishment of troops, the strength of the three places is as follows.

Higashigaki Castle

Feng Yao: There are more than [-] songs for three cavalry, and more than [-] songs for Qingqi. Xu Ding, Fan Neng, Han Shuang, and Xia Houbo are respectively in charge.

Lu Bu: There are [-] iron cavalry in Bingzhou, led by Zhang Fan, Lu Jian, Yan Huan and other generals.

Xu Chu: There are three divisions of Tiger Guard light cavalry with more than [-] troops, and each division of Tiger Guard light cavalry has more than [-] troops. Originally, we planned to replace them all with light cavalry, but the number of horses was still not enough. The difference was hundreds of horses, so we decided to keep them. The Tiger Guard infantry with a departmental organization was dispatched, and more horses were assigned to the scout battalion.

Zhao Yun: The iron cavalry has more than one hundred tunes, and the Southern Xiongnu light bow cavalry has five tunes, more than five hundred.

Liu Qubei: The Southern Huns had less than a hundred iron cavalry, and the Southern Huns had two thousand light bow cavalry.

Liu Shun: There are more than [-] scouts in total, but currently there are only more than [-] scouts and light cavalry in the Dongyuan area, and the rest are distributed in various important places to collect and inquire about intelligence.

Cai Wenji: More than [-] women were rescued, mainly in charge of logistics, helping Feng Yaojun with laundry and cooking.

In addition, after Liu Bao was pacified, some people in Dongyuan City came back one after another. Although there were not many, it was better than nothing.

Dong Zhao: One thousand cavalry, more than eight thousand swordsmen and archers

Gao Shun: There are seven infantry soldiers in the camp, nearly [-] soldiers.

main village
Dai Ling: There are more than [-] Xiongwei soldiers, about [-] other infantry, and more than [-] surrendered soldiers. The total force is nearly [-], most of them are infantry, and half of them are miscellaneous auxiliary soldiers, but they control nearly [-] troops Large and small ships are responsible for all transportation between the two sides of the Yellow River and between Jiguan and Dongyuan City.

Uncle Yang: There are a large number of refugees, and they are planning to cross the river and move to Yuzhou.


Feng Yao's big victory in Hedong shocked Li Le, Han Xian, Hu Cai and other generals in Baibo Valley.

At the same time, they also received invitations from Yang Feng and Dong Cheng.

The three generals meet urgently and meet in the secret room.

"I didn't expect Feng Yao's army to be so terrifying, and even a famous general like Lu Wenhou led his troops to help. We really shouldn't agree to Liu Bei's alliance. If Feng Yao finds out about this, the next target is probably Us!" Li Le said.

"Hmph, I'm afraid of a ball. As long as all the generals in Baibo Valley are united, whoever dares to stand in our way wherever the cavalry rides! Although Feng Yao has some skills, there are not many cavalry, only a few thousand , It’s a long way again, not only is our strength weak, but we are not as familiar with the terrain around the river east as we are, so if you dare to commit an offense, you must teach them how to write the word “failure!” Han Xian snorted coldly.

"The words of the two big brothers are not unreasonable, but don't forget, my Baibo army has never been an officer! I don't care about alliances or non-alignments. If Liu Bei wants to treat us as allies, let him do it, but he wants us to do this. It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing that is not appreciated! Now that we have invitations from Yang Feng and Dong Cheng, we can become officers and soldiers in an open and aboveboard manner. As long as we successfully meet the emperor, you and my brothers will all be high officials. Big fortune?" Hu Cai had a look of disapproval.

Li Le thought about it, nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it this way. Compared with Feng Yao, Yang Feng was one of us after all. Although he went to the court to be an official, he has always taken good care of our brothers. This time, we will never lie to us. Right now, the emperor is persecuted by Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Jijun, and he has no power to fight back. Once all our brothers go, as long as we defeat Li Guo, we will be able to take control of the court instead!!"

"Brother is well said, please make a plan, we brothers will definitely obey!" Han Xian and Hu Cai clasped their fists together.

Li Le was overjoyed and said: "Our roots are in Hedong, here in Baibo Valley, not in Henan. The emperor wants to return to Luoyang in the east, which is not conducive to our control. I want to take this opportunity to contact the Wei family, and then your brothers Leading two thousand cavalry each, crossing the river to make a surprise attack, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji's forces are scattered, and there are successive battles, we must not be our opponents! After victory, we will invite the Wei family as a representative to invite the emperor to Hedong County!"

"Okay! Big brother said it very well! The Wei family has a deep foundation and is a royal family member, and has won the trust of the court. If the Wei family comes forward, this matter is likely to be accomplished. I just don't understand why we don't start and force the emperor. Welcome back to Hedong, isn't that more likely to succeed?" Hu Cai looked at Li Le with some doubts.

Li Le shook his head and sighed, and said with a helpless smile: "Stupid, aren't you? Do you know why your military strength is clearly not weak, and why it ranks below us?"

Hu Cai looked puzzled, scratched his ears, shook his head and said, "That's right, I'm wondering too,..."

Han Siam laughed when he saw this.

Li Le sighed and said: "Hu Cai, think about it, if our entire army is dispatched, the rear will be empty, and Feng Yao is only a mountain away from us, how can we not seize this golden opportunity and take over our old nest in one fell swoop? It is natural for us to win, but when the overall situation is stable, do you think that the emperor and all the officials around the emperor would agree to move to Luoyang, but to Hedong? Even if we use force, we can barely return to Hedong, but the foundation has already been laid. If you fail, you will be defeated by Feng Yao's back and forth sooner or later, and if you go to Luoyang, and it happens to be sent to Feng Yao by yourself, isn't this rushing to die?"

Hu Cai suddenly realized, took a breath, nodded and said, "Oh, so that's the case! Big Brother still has the ability!"

Li Le said again: "According to Yang Feng and Dong Cheng's information, we dispatched [-] cavalry, which is enough to win, but we will not completely defeat Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji. The Xiliang army will not be reconciled. , and then persuaded through the mouth of Wei, the emperor can only cross the river to the east of the river to avoid chaos in panic!"

(End of this chapter)

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