Chapter 477
"Big Brother, does the Wei family refer to Wei Boru from Anyi?" Hu Cai seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked.

Hu Cai's question, in his opinion, is normal, the reason is that Hu Cai has no self-confidence, if it is not absolutely certain, even if it is [-]% yes, there may be some uneasiness and uncertainty, so Only then did this question come out, but Li Le and Han Xian immediately became angry when this question came out.

Han Xian directly raised his head to the sky, he would rather look at the roof than see Hu Cai again, his expression seemed to say: "Hu Cai, I don't know you, don't tell people that I know you! How could I It's really strange to be ranked with such a stupid person...!"

Li Le is the eldest brother. Although he is in a hurry, he is going to send troops now, and it is impossible to scold Hu Cai away, so he nodded and said: "Of course it is Wei Kaiwei Boru, the head of the Wei family. Otherwise, who else can take up the role? You won't Do you think it is another branch of the Wei family?"

"Hehe, I just want to make sure. If it's Wei Kai, then we have to be on our guard! Wei Kai's younger brother, Wei Zhongdao, once married Cai Yan and died of illness soon. Now it is rumored that Cai Yan is in Feng Yao's army and has a close relationship with Feng Yao. , if Feng Yao gets in touch with Wei Boru through this, it may be bad for us!" Hu Cai's eyes showed a cautious look.

"Hmm!..." Han Xian, who was looking up at the roof, suddenly straightened his head when he heard the words. He was taken aback and looked at everyone in disbelief.

Li Le also changed his expression slightly, looked at Hu Cai, and asked, "I don't know anything about this news, but how did you know it?"

"Brother, there happened to be a deserter from the Southern Huns this morning. Fearing that Feng Yao would punish him, he fled to our army and told me himself! This is absolutely true, we must take precautions in advance!" Hu Cai said.

Li Le took a breath, looked dignified, nodded, pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, he laughed and said: "I don't need to worry, even if this is true, Wei Boru can't because of Cai Yan The relationship with Feng Yao is united!"

"After Cai Yong married his daughter to Wei Boru's younger brother, Wei Zhongdao, it happened that Dong Zhuo was in trouble with the court. Boru suspects that Cai Yong instigated his daughter to poison him in order to please Dong Zhuo. Although no evidence can be found later, but he has also lost the reputation of killing her husband, and Cai Yan and Wei Zhongdao have no children, so Wei's mansion From top to bottom, no one does not dislike Cai Yan. Later, Cai Yan left the Wei family is the best proof, proving that it is impossible for Wei Boru to improve the relationship with Cai Yan, so it is impossible to have a relationship with Feng because of Cai Yan's relationship. Glory United!"

After Li Le spoke eloquently, Han Xian and Hu Cai were both convinced, and they each acted according to their plans.

two days later

Li Le, Han Xian, Hu Cai and others sent out their cavalry.

Thousands of cavalry crossed the Yellow River in the dark and attacked the weaker Zhang Ji first. Li Jue and Guo Si hurried to rescue them, and they were defeated by Yang Feng and Dong Cheng's ambush and retreated to Hongnong City.

But only half a day later, Li Jue and Guo Si sent troops from Chang'an to arrive, counterattacked, the emperor's army was defeated, and fled all the way east to east. Cao Yangting went to Shan County, in order to protect the emperor's chariot, and blocked the enemy's rear Hundreds of officials and generals died countless times!

This time, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji hated all the officials who set up an ambush, but when they saw all the officials, they immediately killed them. The corpse, the blood stained the ground red, was in a terrible state, and the wailing sounded continuously.

But the rest who hadn't caught up, when they saw Li Jue and Guo Si's army, they all fled in terror as if they were seeing the king of Hades.

Li Le, Han Xian, and Hu Cai regretted it at this time, luckily the three generals rode good horses, fled in front, followed the emperor all the time, and saved their lives.

At night, when they arrived at the Yellow River in Deshan County, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji's army rested and buried pots for cooking, while sending a large number of scouts to find the emperor's location, and prepared to capture the emperor in one fell swoop after the meal.

At this time, there were only hundreds of people around the emperor, and there were only about a hundred cavalry capable of fighting!
Li Le hurriedly sent a few of his cronies to find the boat for crossing the river, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the matter is urgent, please cross the river quickly, as long as you reach the east of the river, I will ensure your majesty's safety!"

The emperor was still not reconciled: "This place is less than a hundred miles away from Luoyang. If you rush away at night, can you arrive safely?"

Yang Biao also said: "Your Majesty, I have already sent troops to wait at Hangu Pass. As long as you arrive at Hangu Pass, you will be safe. And this place is only [-] miles away from Hangu Pass. Please give your Majesty an order to drive immediately! You will be able to arrive safely before dawn." !"

Dong Cheng, Yang Feng, and Li Le were worried that they would have no soldiers at this time. After arriving in Luoyang, the power of the government would fall into Yang Biao's hands, so they jointly said: "Your Majesty, the boat will arrive soon, but if you go east , the terrain is narrow and long, and when Li Jue and Guo Si cavalry chase after them, they may be chased before they reach Luoyang!"

Emperor Liu Xie hesitated.

After a while, there was a sudden commotion, and the escorting cavalry all raised their weapons in panic.

On the outskirts of the camp, several scout cavalry from Li Jue had arrived. They were overjoyed to see the emperor's chariot, but there were too few troops, so they hurriedly rode back to report the news. Anyone who surrenders now will be exonerated, otherwise, once the army arrives, there will be no more forgiveness!!"

Everyone was shocked, and soon many people left the camp and surrendered.

Seeing this, Yang Biao angrily reprimanded Li Jue's army for scouting, and then reported to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Li Jue and Guo Si are so bold and have shown their rebellion. Please immediately remove their official titles, punish Li Jue and Guo Si for treason, and offer a reward. In the world!!"

The emperor gave an order, and several desperate generals rushed out from the escorting cavalry, and regarded them as the four generals Li Le, Han Xian, Hu Cai and Yang Ding of the Baibo Army.

Li Jue's scout cavalry fled in terror, and one of the scouts knew Yang Ding and was about to be overtaken by Yang Ding. He shouted, "General Yang, if Da Sima is charged with treason, you are also from Xiliang If you are afraid of difficulties and take care of yourself, it is better to leave a way out, and if we meet in the future, I will definitely repay you!"

Yang Ding just didn't say anything, he saw that no one was chasing him, then he let go of the scout, and found an unknown corpse, beheaded him and returned, claiming that he had killed the scout, no one doubted it.

At this time, dozens of boats had arrived, and it was the escape route reserved by Li Le. The emperor hurried on board, and all the officials, the queen, Dong Guiren, and the generals, and the cavalry guards also boarded the boat one after another. Not enough, there are still about two hundred concubines, wives and eunuchs unable to board the ship, crying on the shore.

Dong Cheng ordered the boat to sail before he untied the reins. Suddenly there was a loud sound of hooves on the shore, and Li Jue and Guo Si's cavalry had already chased them.

Those who did not get on the boat were all terrified, regardless of whether there was water or not, they all rushed into the water, clinging to the side of the boat, trying to escape the catastrophe, and many people even wanted to capsize the boat.

In an instant, the ship was tilted, and all the officials on board shouted loudly.

Dong Cheng drew out his knife himself, cut off several fingers clinging to the ship's side with one knife, and shouted loudly: "But whoever dares to stretch out his hand, cut off his fingers!"

The rest of the boats followed suit one after another. Everyone drew their swords and slashed at the side of the boat. In an instant, there were screams and curses. Those who don't know how to swim will be submerged in the waves in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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