Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 638 Nata Flying Eagle

Chapter 638 Nata Flying Eagle
"Do I have to go too?" Huya stepped on Xiong Wu's back and asked in a weak voice.

"If you are not afraid that I will be forced to stay by the women of the Nata tribe!" Yuan Yao said pretending to be serious.

"Uh! Let's go!!" Huya's expression changed immediately, and he patted the back of his mount.


The Nata tribe has a population of nearly [-], a little more than that of the Huxiao tribe. However, they did not all live in one place, but were divided into several small gathering points along the south coast from west to east. Residents, there are hundreds of people in each gathering point, and there are nearly a hundred people in the few.

Different from the Huxiao tribe, the Nata tribe worships flying eagles. Many hunters have started to train their own dedicated falcons. However, because the training of flying eagles is very expensive, not every Indian of the flying eagle tribe can Own your own Falcon's.

They often form teams, and hunters with flying eagles naturally become the leaders of each team. They always have more superiority on their faces. I don't know if it's because they feel superior to others, or because they have to fight with each other often. Flying eagles in the sky are connected, in short, their faces are always up.

Tigerpaw has been here many times, and after getting acquainted with the people of the Nata tribe, they began to make fun of Tigerpaw, although he is a descendant of the Flying Tiger Royal Family, but his name is not true.

Nima, if the Flying Tiger Clan must have a Flying Tiger, then wouldn't the Flying Dragon Clan have to ride a flying dragon to the sky?
is it possible?

Besides, although Yinzhou is big, there are no tigers, let alone the so-called flying tigers! !
In warmer places to the south, there is a kind of beast that looks similar to a leopard. You can't call that leopard a tiger, right? (The jaguar is also called the jaguar)
But even if it can be trained, that kind of leopard can neither be used as a mount nor help hunters hunt. It has an amazing appetite and eats meat every day. No one is willing to "raise tigers to make trouble"!

Yuan Yao did not hurry this time, but slowed down to avoid Tiger Claw being thrown into embarrassment by the giant bear mount when he arrived at the Nata Tribe.

Xia Houbo had good eyesight and volunteered to lead the way, Xu Chu was the last of the team and retreated, Yuan Yao was second, Huya was third, Tiger Claw was third, and Leopard Head was fourth. All went smoothly. The birds and beasts encountered all ran away in terror the first time they heard the bear's roar.

When a group of six people and six beasts appeared near the gathering point of the first Nata tribe, the roar of the bear made all the Indians of the Nata tribe think that the enemy was coming, and all the warriors and hunters gathered together in horror. , each with a weapon ready to fight against the incoming giant bear! !

Old and weak women and children began to pack food and clothing, and then hid in tents made of thatch and animal skins, watching from the gaps, and if there was anything wrong, they would immediately start fleeing.

Tiger Claw looked at Yuan Yao's mighty back all the way. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of emotion and admiration.

The control over the giant bear's mount has also been greatly improved along the way. The closer he gets to the Nata tribe, the more expectations he has in his heart.

"Ah! What is that!!"

"My God!! The giant brown bear has become a mount!!"

"Tiger Claws of the Flying Tiger Clan!!?? Oh...! How is this possible? I have never heard of someone who can subdue a giant brown bear and become a mount!!"

When six people and six beasts suddenly appeared in front of the Indians of the Nata tribe, there was a sound of breathing, and everyone had a shocked expression on their faces!

Among them, several leading hunters with eagle pets were even more stunned. After waking up, they turned their heads to look at the flying eagle on their shoulders, and then at the tall and mighty brown bear riding on the other side. A kind of powerless frustration made them Ashamed to meet Tiger Claw, they quietly left the crowd.

But later, they quickly reappeared in the crowd. At this time, they no longer had the proud flying eagle on their shoulders, and at the same time, they had another expression on their faces, which was a kind of envy and jealousy. With a complex expression of worship.

"Brother Tiger Claw! Can I touch your mount?" One of the fastest hunters reacted immediately, quickly hid his eagle pet at home, and greeted him with an envious look. The team of the giant bear rider.

"Be careful!! They can hurt people!!" Tiger Claw reminded immediately.

Ow! ! !

The brown giant Xiong San who was sitting down with Tiger Claw turned his head violently, and roared at the hunter who had just stretched out his hand!A bloody smell spewed out of his mouth.

"Ah!!" The hunter took a few steps back in fright, and sat down on the ground. The three souls had already been frightened away and two souls were taken away!

Seeing this, the Indians of the Nata tribe who came up behind burst into laughter.

After a while, the stunned hunter came back to his senses, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and stood up in shame with the support of his companions.

Yuan Yao secretly ordered the bears to stop. He didn't want to show off today, but he had already arranged for Tiger Claw to come forward to talk with the people of the Nata tribe.

Tiger Claw patted Xiong San's neck, tried his best to calm down Xiong San, and then asked loudly in surprise: "What's the matter with you? Why are you holding weapons? Could it be that the Eskimos are going to invade our Indian territory in the south again?" Is it a human coastline? If so, our Tiger Roaring Tribe will never stand idly by!"

"Brother Tiger Claw! You misunderstood!! Oh, no! We misunderstood. We heard the roar of the bear and thought that the giant brown bear was coming to attack our village. That's why it happened. It's all right now!! Ha ha!!" Hunter explained.

"So that's how it is!! Then we don't bother, we have to hurry to see Chief Stu!!" Tiger Claw nodded.

Just as he was about to set off again, Tiger Claw's eyes suddenly brightened, and he turned his head curiously.

"Where are your flying eagles? Why didn't you see any of them?"

"This..., they just happened to be resting!"

"Then hurry up and send a message to the next village, telling them that we will pass by on a giant bear, please don't worry!" Tiger Claw said.

"Ah! This is necessary. If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. I'm going to release the eagle and send a message to the village in front. However, I have a question. Can you tell me how to subdue the giant bear? ?” said the hunter.

"No! Because this cannot be achieved by manpower. If you want to subdue the giant bear, you must get the approval of the God of All Beings. If you have any questions, when I come back, you can follow me to the Tiger Roaring Tribe to join the Sect of All Beings. Your dreams can come true!" After Tiger Claw finished speaking, he gave Yuan Yao a wink.

Yuan Yao immediately patted King Kong's back, and the six giant bears roared in unison and started to move forward! !

All the members of the Nata tribe retreated a few steps, stepped out of the way, and looked at the six men and six horsemen in awe.

"The god of all beings?... The religion of all beings?..." Everyone's mind was full of doubts.

After Yuan Yao waited for the entire road to be unobstructed, he shouted in a low voice: "King Kong! Speed ​​up!"

In an instant, the six giant bears roared, kicked up a cloud of dust, and fled away. After a long time, the earth still felt the vibration.

"In the future, I must have a giant brown bear as a mount like Tiger Claw!" The hunter looked at the direction where Yuan Yao and Tiger Claw were leaving, and said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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