Chapter 639
When Yuan Yao's six men and six cavalry passed the second gathering point of the Nata tribe, although they did not cause panic, the sensation they caused was even greater!
This time, countless women heard that the tiger claws of the Tiger Roar tribe passed by riding a giant bear, and they all dressed up beautifully. When they saw the six giant bear riders, they immediately burst into cheers of surprise, with various expressions in their eyes. kind of light.

Yuan Yao has become the Prince Charming in most women's minds. Although Tiger Claw is much worse than him, but because of his popularity here, many women have developed admiration for Tiger Claw, shouting in surprise, wanting to marry the two People pulled down the giant bear, but fortunately no one dared to get too close to the giant bear.

Xia Houbo, Xu Chu, and Baotou also received winks from many women.

Huya looked rejoiced, fortunately she came, otherwise he would have been forced to stay by the women of the Nata tribe, as Yuan Yao said, if he had gone back this time!
Yuan Yao didn't dare to stay, and the six passed by quickly.

After that, they passed through several villages one after another, and the news of Yuan Yao and others soon reached the ears of Chief Stu.

"What are you talking about? The tiger claws of the Tiger Roaring Tribe are on their way??"

"Yes, chief! This is the message I received from the flying eagle! Please take a look!!"

Stu took the note suspiciously, and when he saw it, he took a deep breath, his eyes showing a gleam of horror.

"How is this possible!! In the thousands of years of the Flying Tiger Clan, there has never been a giant bear knight. Although the brown giant bear is strong, understands people, and has a certain IQ, it will never be willing to be a human mount!! I really I'm very curious, how they control the giant brown bear!!" Stu said to himself.

Dazed for a while, seeing that the subordinate still did not leave, Stu said: "Why are you still here? Hurry up and pass on my order!! We will welcome the arrival of the giant bear knight with the most solemn etiquette. Perhaps this will be a The good news for all of us Yin people, if we can have a strong army of giant bear knights, from now on, we will no longer have to live this life of hiding and hunting!"

"Obey, Chief!" The Falcon Hunter who reported the message had a strange look in his eyes, and he obeyed and retreated.

Stu sighed, turned around, and whispered to the inside: "Yina! Come out! I know you've heard it!"


The inner door opened with a creak, and a very beautiful girl came out from inside.

"Father, who is coming from the Tiger Roaring Tribe?" Yina asked in surprise.

"Good girl, she is Tiger Claw, the eldest son of the chief of the Tiger Howl Tribe!" Stu said with a smile.

"Ah, it's him!?..." Yi Na blushed immediately, and she twitched a little, lowered her head slightly, pinched the corners of her clothes with both hands, and moved back and forth.

Yina and Tiger Claw have also met several times, and both sides are very satisfied with each other. Although Yi Na's father, Chief Stu, is not happy to reject Tiger Claw on the surface, he puts forward harsh demands and demands that Tiger Claw Here comes the bear to prove his bravery.

As Stu's biological daughter, Yi Na certainly understands her father's concerns, and also learns about the grievances between her father and Tiger Claw's father from her mother!
Now her father suddenly changed his normal routine and wanted to welcome Tiger Claw with the most solemn etiquette in the clan?
Did Tiger Claw really become the giant bear rider that only exists in mythology? ?

"Yina! Sit down first, because my father wants to have a good talk with you!" Stu smiled and pulled Yina to sit down.

"My daughter is just beautiful!! If Tiger Claw does become a giant bear knight, she can barely be worthy of my precious daughter!!..." Stu's eyes sparkled, he looked at Yi Na excitedly, and praised .


When Yuan Yao, Xu Chu, Xia Houbo, Huya, Tiger Claw, and Leopard Head rode six tall and mighty brown giant bears and appeared in the eyes of Stu and the others, even Stu, who had been prepared for a long time, was dumbfounded. for a long time.

There were voices of unbelievable discussions in my ears, occasionally mixed with the laughter of a woman's spring heart.

"This is the giant bear knight!?"

"I didn't expect Tiger Claw to be really successful!!"

"If only I had a beautiful daughter or younger sister, as long as they marry these giant bear knights and cooperate with our flying eagle's aerial reconnaissance ability, in this forest, we will be kings among kings!"

"The tallest giant bear doesn't belong to Tiger Claw?? Could it be that his status is more noble than the son of the chief of the Tiger Howl Tribe? And what is he wearing? Is that the legendary armor?"

"The skin of these three giant bear knights turned out to be yellow. I heard from my grandfather that there are people with such yellow skin only in the land where our ancestors lived! Where did they come from?"


This kind of discussion is endless, Yuan Yao has long been accustomed to all this, but Huya was a little nervous when he received this kind of courtesy for the first time. Seeing many beautiful girls, they stared at Yuan Yao silently and affectionately. Yuan Yao rode together, his eyes full of hostility, repelling those malicious gazes one by one.

At this time, Chief Stu, who had been stunned for a while, came to his senses, and immediately greeted him with a smiling face.

"Respected brothers from the Huxiao tribe, good brothers from the same family of our 25 tribes, the Nata tribe welcomes you!! For this reason, we will hold a bonfire party to show grandeur and sincerity!" Stu loudly said.

"Chief Situ, we came to your tribe this time to propose marriage to Tiger Claw. He has proved his bravery. I hope you will agree to marry your daughter to him!" Yuan Yao sat on King Kong's back, clasped fists.

"Dear guest, who are you?" Stu asked.

Yuan Yao smiled slightly and motioned to Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw immediately drove the bear forward, bowed to Stu on the bear's back, and said loudly: "Uncle, the leader of his All Beings Sect is my brother-in-law! He is also the brother-in-law of all giant bears." The controller! Surnamed Yuan, named Yao, styled Zimou!"

Stu was shocked immediately, looked at Yuan Yao again, and his face immediately became more respectful!He cupped his hands and said, "Master Yuan!!"

Yuan Yao also bowed and said, "Chief Situ!"

Stumu nodded meaningfully, "He didn't get off his mount!! It seems that the Sect has a lot of background!! But no matter what his background is, at least he can control the giant bear! This is exactly what our clan needs, and the tiger You Feihu of the Xiao Tribe is a stable person, there must be a secret in marrying his daughter to him!! And this secret, I, Stu, must participate in it! I will not lose to You Feihu!! He Marry my daughter to the leader Yuan, and I will marry my daughter to the brother-in-law of the leader Yuan!!"

The expression on Stu's face changed several times, and after he made up his mind quickly, he turned around with a smile, took his daughter Yi Na's hand, and asked loudly, "Daughter, are you willing to marry Tiger Claw!"

Yi Na smiled and glanced at the tiger claw sitting on the back of the giant bear, nodded vigorously, and replied loudly: "I am willing!!"

Situ pulled Yina to the front of Tiger Claw and asked loudly: "Tiger Claw, please promise to treat my daughter well in front of all the people of the Nata tribe!! If you want, I will announce your marriage For couples!"

(End of this chapter)

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