Chapter 70
Feng Yao was overjoyed, and quickly ordered Wang Ba and others to meet Lu Ziheng and other knights one by one.

"A certain is from Xiyang of this county. His surname is Lu, his name is Fan, and his surname is Ziheng. He used to work as a thief Cao in Xiyang County. When he usually arrests thieves and fugitives, he knows many heroes from all walks of life!" Lu Ziheng said. , Invited all the knights under him one by one, and talked about the reasons for their acquaintance and communication.

"Lu Ziheng is Lu Fan?!!!" Feng Yao was ecstatic in his heart, although he didn't laugh out loud, but the corners of his mouth couldn't move together. Feng Yao was not familiar with the name Lu Ziheng, but the name Lu Fan was too familiar! "Later generations have a particularly high evaluation of Lu Fan. He is loyal, he is in a hurry, and he uses soldiers like a god. He is a rare chivalrous man! If Lu Fan helps, Runan will be at your fingertips!!"

Hearing Lu Fan's name, Wang Ba, Zhang Shihe and his brothers were all in awe. Feng Yao was curious, and when asked, Wang Ba replied embarrassedly: "When I was a Yellow Turban, I heard about Lu Fan in Xiyang many times. Although he was a thief at the time, he admired Lu Fan's name of chivalry very much!"

Hearing Wang Ba's words, Lu Fan said humbly: "It's just some trivial matters, Brother Wang will be ashamed to mention me again!"

Everyone burst into laughter, only to feel that it was too late to meet each other.

The five hundred miscellaneous soldiers originally dispatched by the county magistrate were not conspired against. When they learned that the magistrate was attacked, but when they arrived, the fighting here had already ended. Except for 100 people left as guards, the rest The four hundred handymen quickly cleaned up the corpses of the enemy soldiers in the hall of the county government!
Lu Fan was originally just the son of an ordinary commoner. Although he is well-known, he has always been looked down upon by the gentry. Although he thinks he has all-powerful abilities, he has never been reused. After meeting Feng Yao for a while, Lu Fan felt Seeing Feng Yao's respect for this group of reckless knights, he was very moved and asked to help Feng Yao put down the chaos in Dian county.

Feng Yaoxi said: "If Ziheng can help, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Lu Fan ordered his subordinates to bring the anti-thief county magistrate Fan Rui to Feng Yao, and asked, "Master, how should we deal with this thief!"

"Go to his official position, then kill him!" Feng Yao said.

County magistrate Fan Rui originally thought that Feng Yao would not dare to kill him, so even though he was captured, he was still confident!The Fan family is by no means easy to bully in Dian County. The successive county magistrates of Dian County and even the prefect of Runan County are generally more courteous to the Fan family. In the entire county, more than half of the houses and shops belong to the Fan family. Outside the city, the Fan family even owned nearly ten thousand fertile fields, and thousands of tenants and serfs!There were nearly a thousand diners in Fan's mansion, although Feng Yao killed nearly one-third of them, but Fan Rui believed that Feng Yao would not dare to touch him. His county magistrate was appointed by the imperial court, and if he was killed, the imperial court would surely Asking the reason, at that time, relying on the contacts of the Fan family to commit Feng Yao'an a major crime of treason, wouldn't he be afraid that the Feng family would be ransacked? ?
"Hmph! You dare to kill me?? Do you know that my Fan family has something to do with being in the court! I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, we can get along well, and you can also be your prefect, I I also feel at ease to be an official in my Dian County, as if what happened today has never happened!" Although he was bound and unable to move, Fan Rui still had an arrogant look on his face.

Fan Rui looked at Feng Yao and the others disdainfully, and said in his heart: "It's just an underage baby, measure..." At this moment, a flash of sword light flew over, and Fan Rui's eyes widened suddenly, almost daring not to Believe in yourself it's true!
Lu Fan wiped the blood from the sword on Fan Rui's clothes, kicked Fan Rui's head aside, and said coldly: "It's just a villain who can only bully the village. Your Majesty is disrespectful!"

"Ziheng! Since Fan Rui has been killed, the Fan family will definitely rebel. What should we do next?" Feng Yao has no interest in the Fan family now. Before the accident, Feng Yao was still thinking about it. Isn't it to use the Fan family's influence in Dian County to better control Dian County?But now there is no turning back. If we cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, we will definitely plant hidden dangers in the vital rear of Dian County!
Kill all the members of the Fan family?Feng Yao couldn't bear it, and at the same time worried that it would cause resistance from other gentry, but this seemed to be a necessary step!
Lu Fan said: "Your Majesty, Fan Rui conspired first, and the nine clans should be punished for his crimes! Someone suggested that only three of his clans should be punished, and all his family property should be confiscated for public use! This can not only deter other gentry in the county, but also show that the Fujun is not abusive. Kill people without reason!"

"Okay! Ziheng! That's all we need to do! But I want to let you handle it yourself, is that okay?" Feng Yao said.

"As long as the government can trust XX, XX will live up to the government's expectations!" Lu Fan said loudly.

"You can save me from danger, so why can't I trust you, Ziheng? When my elite soldiers enter the city, I will send five hundred elite soldiers to help you capture the remnants of the Fan Clan!" Feng Yao said.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu!" Lu Fan knelt down excitedly to accept the order.

Not long after, Chen Ren dispatched troops to return to his command. The two leading generals were Xun Zheng and Chen Lan, each with [-] elite soldiers.

After Feng Yao considered it for a while, he ordered Xun Zheng to lead the army to assist Lu Fan, and ordered his own soldiers to pull out the county magistrate who had previously been kept alive, and lead the way for Lu Fan.

After Lu Fan Xunzheng left, Wang Ba, a personal soldier, asked: "My lord, we haven't known Lu Fan for a long time, so let him lead a heavy army to search Fan's house, isn't it afraid that he will take the opportunity to be greedy and run out of money?"

Feng Yao patted Wang Ba's shoulder meaningfully, and asked, "Didn't you admire Lu Ziheng very much? Why are you so unconfident?"

"But, my lord, admiration is nothing but admiration. After all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and this matter is very important to my lord. Can my subordinates not be worried?" Wang Ba said.

"Lu Ziheng will never lose to me!" Feng Yao said.


Not long after, Zhou Cang sent someone to report that the county magistrate Liu Zhi and his family were under firm control.

Less than half an hour later, Chen Dao not only took control of the city defenses of the four city gates, but also lifted the military authority of the leading generals of each battalion in the city, achieving the goal of occupying the county seat of Dian County without bloodshed.

After receiving these two pieces of news, Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from the matters of the Fan family, now Dianyang is basically under complete control.

More than two hours have passed since entering the city, and it is already the end of the hour, but Feng Yao still can't relax!There are still many things that Feng Yao has to deal with one by one!How should county magistrate Liu Zhi deal with it?There has been no time to inquire about the unjust case of Zhao's father and son, and the miscellaneous soldiers who were sent out to carry out secret missions earlier have not returned yet!
There is actually one more thing that Feng Yao cares about, except for Feng Yao and Yuan Shu, no one knows about this matter, Feng Yao wants to get rid of Chen Lan!Moreover, he found a legitimate reason to get rid of Chen Lan, not to mention whether he could kill Chen Lan, or at least drive Chen Lan out of the Yuan family's territory!
 I hope that friends who read books will support and give 120 some enthusiasm!
(End of this chapter)

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