Chapter 71
Feng Yao looked at the anxious look in Zhao Si's eyes, stood up, and said, "Zhao Si, let's go, let's save your sister!"


The county town of Dian County is still very lively, and the civilians in the county are not aware of the bloody battle in the county. Even if the army in the city hurried past, they only temporarily give way to both sides of the street. In the eyes of the people, today is a day worth celebrating.

Because the Fujun came to Dian County in person!
Since the then prefect of Runan County came to Dian County ten years ago, the biggest official who has been to Dian County in these years is Duyou!

Many local gentry who have fallen into poverty, they don't know what happened in Dian County just now, but they are thinking about how to use this opportunity to show their face in front of the Fujun, maybe they can get an official job and change their lives from then on. current situation at home.

There are also some people who have been wronged and wronged when they heard the rumors about the Zhao family's father and son calling for injustice. They became excited and wept secretly. His grievances are presented before the eyes of the Fujun.

More ordinary people began to chat with each other and speculate about the new prefect, except for the momentary freshness. As for the result, they didn't care. In their view, it was just a change of tax collectors. , and even worry about whether the new prefect will charge an extra poll tax after taking office.

In short, what the vast majority of people in Dian County are still doing now is what they should be doing at ordinary times!Including trick hall.

Feng Yao led his soldiers who were disguised as servants, and appeared outside the gate of the most famous "Qinghouren" trick shop in Dian County. At this time, the business of the trick shop was not the most prosperous time, but there were still many people in the city. Other places are much more lively, and most of the people who come here are upper-class scholars in silk and satin.

"That's right here?" Feng Yao asked Zhao Si in a low voice. The trick shop in front of him should be a formal place approved by the government. It also reads on the signboard that it reads, "Clearing up to the courtiers", which means to be a performer and not to sell one's body. Generally, those who come here are some romantic students, who come here to listen to ditties, read a few poems, drink some wine, and be elegant.

"I saw my sister inside with my own eyes. That time, I was beaten by the **** inside and lay on the bed for several days before getting up! Is this absolutely right?" Zhao Si rolled up his sleeves as he spoke. , showing his arm, pointing to a piece of bruise that has completely dissipated, "Look, they are the ones who beat this injury, and it's still not healed!"

Feng Yao's eyes turned cold, and he said in his heart: "If the truth is really found out, the bustard of the trick shop will definitely fight!"

This time Feng Yao only brought ten entourages and one hundred miscellaneous soldiers, but the hundred miscellaneous soldiers did not follow directly behind, but were led by another five entourages to ambush nearby.

"Wang Ba! Is everyone arranged?" Feng Yao reconfirmed. After the matter of Fan Rui, the county magistrate, Feng Yao is now much more cautious.

"My lord! 100 people have already ambushed at five nearby intersections. As long as they hear the sound, they will be there in less than a word!" Wang Ba replied affirmatively.

Feng Yao nodded, and looked at Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, He Tong, He Tie, Chen Ren who were following behind him pretending to be a writer Ding, as well as the "housekeeper" Zhao Yu and the "book boy" Zhao Si. With a smile on his face, he asked, "Do I look like a romantic genius?"

Wang Ba and the others nodded, but Feng Yao shook his head, letting Wang Ba, the killing gods who usually only know how to kill people, come to watch, how can they tell what looks like it, but as long as they can sneak into the trick shop, it will be fine up.

"From now on, you all have to remember, call me young master, don't call me lord or Fujun, if you are afraid of making mistakes, you'd better keep your mouth shut, lest you show your mouth and attract suspicion!" Feng Yao ordered .

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone responded in a low voice.

"..." Feng Yao shook his head, took out the folding fan he had prepared, and staggered towards the gate of "Qing Guan Ren".

The two guards at the gate glanced at Feng Yao, and immediately greeted Feng Yao with a smile, welcoming everyone into the hall.

There are two worlds inside and outside the door. You can only hear the laughter of warblers everywhere, and the sound of silk music. When everyone entered the lobby, a beautifully dressed woman came up and said with a smile: "Oh, The young master is here! Do you want to listen to music or accompany you to tea?" While speaking, one hand stretched out to make a movement that everyone understands, and the other hand was about to wrap around Feng Yao's arm.

Feng Yao moved away from the old bustard's hand, he was extremely unwilling to be touched by him, but he kept that cynical smile on his face.

"Hee hee! Young master, you are still shy, you will definitely like gentle young children!..." The old bustard didn't take it seriously at all, but smiled even more. A young young master like this with a group of servants is like this at the beginning. In this situation, as long as you spend the night,..., and the shots are usually very generous!

The old bustard looked at Feng Yao with eyes that almost fell out of money, looking at Feng Yao was like looking at the God of Wealth.

"Here! This is the tea money that my son gave you!" Zhao Yu, who was pretending to be a housekeeper, threw a piece of silver into the hands of the old bustard according to the plan. A few people are not fake.

The old bustard smiled, turned around, and secretly gritted her teeth, knowing that it was real money, then turned around with a smile, and led the crowd to the inner hall.

In a moment, a scene of prosperity as if in a peaceful and prosperous age appeared in front of Feng Yao's eyes. This is a lobby with two floors, the second floor is surrounded by a circle of railings, and many young women are standing or leaning on the railings. These women behaved leisurely and dressed brightly. If Feng Yao didn't know that this place was a trick shop, Feng Yao might have mistakenly thought that he had walked into the backyard of some high-ranking official.

Feng Yao pretended to be arrogant, raised his head slightly and said, he didn't even look at the old bustard, and also acted disdainful to look at those actresses who showed their faces in the corridor.

"Quickly find a big room for my young master. We need all the tea companions, singers, and dancers. Call all the actors! Don't worry about the money, but only newcomers!" Zhang Shi, pretending to be a writer, shouted He shouted, Zhang Shi originally had a fierce appearance, the old bustard was startled by this drink, but immediately laughed all over his face...

Soon, Feng Yao sat in a large and luxuriously decorated private room.

"My lord, no!" Zhao Si whispered in Feng Yao's ear.

About two feet away from Feng Yao, there was a row of "newcomer" actresses with outstanding looks, obviously Zhao Si's sister was not among them.

Feng Yao pointed at the bustard and said angrily, "Is this the only thing? Get something better!"

The old bustard showed displeasure, but after Zhao Yu threw another ingot of silver, he immediately changed another batch with laughter, "Young master, pick slowly! I guarantee that these are all newcomers! Newcomers who haven't budged yet. !"

(End of this chapter)

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