Chapter 72
No, change!

Zhao Yu threw another ingot of silver!

"This is already the last five. If you don't like it anymore, I'm sorry, please go to another place!" The old bustard said coldly, if it wasn't for the fact that every time someone changed, he would get a silver coin If so, her tone at this time must be worse than now.

"What should I do? Can I just take a risk?" Feng Yao asked Zhao Si.

Zhao Si nodded and said, "My lord, please trust me!"

Feng Yao cleared his throat, straightened his face, and said to the old bustard: "I heard that you have a newcomer named Yinhong here, why don't you bring it out to have a look? Is it because I'm afraid I won't be able to pay you, or you look down on me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, my lord? I know all the actresses here, but I've never heard of one named Yinhong!" The old bustard's face became ugly, and while he was talking, he walked towards the door for a few minutes step.

"Wait!" At this moment Feng Yao stood up suddenly, and waved at the old bustard, with a sarcasm on his face, as if he was a rich man with no deep experience in the world, "You may not let me know, but I must You must let Liu Zhi know!"

The old bustard shook and looked at Feng Yao suspiciously. Although he didn't speak, his footsteps had already stopped.

"My lord, are you talking about the vegetable seller Liu Zhi?" the old bustard asked.

"Haha! Old bustard, you don't even know the county magistrate Liu Zhi, how dare you open a trick shop here?" The two brothers, He Tong and He Tie, looked at each other and laughed.

"Do you know Mr. Liu County?" The old bustard's face eased, and he came back and asked softly.

"My son just had a drink with him yesterday, and I heard that there is an actress called Yinhong, who has a very stubborn temper, and no one can tame him, but, my son likes this type! Hehe! Let's The Ming people don't speak dark words, get them out quickly, you will be rewarded with silver!" The one who spoke was Feng Yao's personal follower, Wang Ba.

When the old bustard heard this, a smile appeared on his face again.

"Take a look!" Feng Yao said.

Zhao Yu understood, and directly took out a large silver ingot weighing 50 taels, and put it in the hands of the old bustard with a bit of reluctance. Fortunately, the old bustard's eyes followed the silver all the time, and he didn't notice that Zhao Yu was a pretend housekeeper.

After receiving the money, the old bustard smiled and walked out twisting his waist. Before leaving, he said, "Don't worry, my lord. Since you are an acquaintance, it's easy to talk about. Wait for a while, and the person you want will be brought over right away." !"

After a while, I heard the voice of a girl crying outside the door, as if she refused to move forward, but the voice got closer and closer.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open with a creak, and two big men carried a girl in disheveled clothes and kept crying into the room, and said with a smile: "My lord, this is a wild horse, if you can subdue it, You guys also want to thank you, Young Master!" After finishing speaking, he closed the door wisely, and no more sound came out.

"Sister?!" At this moment, Zhao Si stood up excitedly and ran towards the girl.

The girl seemed to be taken aback, she shrank her body instinctively, sat down on the ground with her head down, and put her arms on her chest, then raised her head a little in horror, and looked at Zhao Si.

"Little Four? Why are you?" The girl relaxed her arms in astonishment, and wanted to stand up, but her feet were weak, and she fell to the ground again, crying loudly, "Brother! Help me, help me!"

Zhao Yu walked over slowly trembling, and said, "Girl, dad is useless, I just found you today! Dad will take you home now!"


The room was suddenly kicked open.

A gust of cold wind blew in directly from outside the door. Feng Yao felt cold and looked angrily, only to see the two big men standing at the door with fierce eyes.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?" the big man shouted.

Zhao Yuzu blocked the door and shouted angrily, "This is my daughter! I want to take her home!"

"Uncle Zhao, be careful!" Feng Yao shouted hastily, but it was too late, and what greeted Zhao Yu was not an answer, but a kick!
Zhao Yu was kicked on the chest by the big man at the door, he stepped back a few steps, and fell to the ground on his back, with one hand tightly covering his chest, in extreme pain, and finally couldn't help it, wow a mouthful of blood , spurted out, and his face immediately turned pale.

Feng Yao helped Uncle Zhao up, and with a swipe, he pulled out the long sword at his waist, looked coldly at the two big men at the door, and said slowly: "We just want to take away a man who was forcibly robbed by you." It’s just a girl who came here, why did you hit someone?”

One of the big men, seeing this, took a step back in a panic, and shouted outside: "Everyone, come quickly! Someone is causing trouble!!!"

Another burly man flashed by with a startled look, and immediately scolded disdainfully: "Dare to mess with the Qing Dynasty?! Blind your mother's dog eyes!!"

Zhao Si's elder sister, Zhao Yinhong, was frightened by the villain's yelling, and immediately cried out, "Run! Run! You can't beat them!!" Pulling Zhao Si and Zhao Yu's arm, trying to pull them away.

"Sister! Don't worry! With the young master here, we will definitely rescue you! You trust your brother! Don't be afraid!" Zhao Si firmly pushed his sister into Zhao Yu's arms and said, "Father, you protect me!" My sister, I'm going to help the young master!" Looking around, he picked up a flower stand, held it in his hand, and rushed to Feng Yao's side.

"Young master! Even if I, Zhao Si, die today, I will take revenge for last time!" Zhao Si looked at the two villains guarding the door with hatred.

The yelling of the villain immediately attracted a roar, and only a burst of arrogant curses and roars could be heard outside.

"Grass! Whoever ate the guts of a leopard dares to come here to play wild!"

"Brothers! Come on, kill that bastard who seeks death!"

"Kill! My lord, let me make a bet today! This time I will definitely be able to cut off two heads! Who dares to bet with me?"


After a burst of cursing, dozens of men with knives, iron bars, and daggers rushed up to the second floor aggressively and blocked the door.

"Wang Ba, go send a message and ask someone to come over!" Feng Yao said calmly.

Wang Ba took the order to retreat, and pulled out a small red triangular flag from the back window, waving it non-stop. This was arranged by Feng Yao early in the morning. He brought a total of three such flags, and red is the highest level. Yes, once this flag comes out, it means that as long as you encounter obstacles, you will be killed on the spot!

Seeing that Feng Yao was still thinking about moving people to help, the villains at the gate couldn't help laughing. After laughing a few times, they said viciously, "Do you know what this place is! This is a government trick. Hall, if you dare to make trouble here, you are rebelling, and killing you is nothing at all!! Hahahaha! Still want to move people?? It’s just a few more to die!!”

Another villain who seemed to be the leader yelled: "Who cares about the son of a rich family, kill him first!! If you kill him, you can confiscate their family for treason, and the brothers can make a fortune again!! Hahaha!"

"Really! It's right to be ruthless! I'm really afraid that you will reason with me!" Feng Yao suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his long arm, and swung his sword away. The villain standing in the front was dumbfounded, as if thinking I wanted to say something, but my body twitched.

The next moment, blood burst out suddenly on the neck of the villain, and then he tilted his head, and his head was separated directly and fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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