Chapter 76
On July [-]st of the first year of Xingping, Cao Cao received enough food and grass while the wheat was ripe, ordered Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong to be the vanguard, and personally led Cao Ren, Le Jin, Yu Jin, Zhu Ling and other generals with a total of [-] troops to besiege Puyang.

Lu Bu in Puyang had [-] guards, [-] guards from Cheng Lian, Hao Meng, and Song Xian in Xizhai, [-] miles west of the city, and [-] guards from Gaoshun in Dunqiu City, [-] miles north of Puyang across the Yellow River.

Lü Bu led a thousand elite soldiers out of the city to fight Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong for a while, and beheaded more than a thousand Cao soldiers. Xiahou Dun retreated ten miles and set up camp.

On July [-], Cao Cao's army surrounded Puyang City, intending to trap Lü Bu to death, so he only sent hundreds of troops to harass and attack every day, which exhausted Lv Bu's defenders.


At the same time, Cao Cao went to the south and ordered Cheng Yu, Prime Minister of Dongping, to lead a total of [-] soldiers from Xia Houyuan, Li Zheng, and Li Dian to attack Juye City. Li Zheng was killed by an arrow in the siege of the city. Under the fighting of the five thousand warriors from Liangshanbo, all the gates were breached one after another. Cao Bing broke through.

Li Dian hung the heads of his enemies Xue Lan and Li Feng high outside the city gate, then chopped up their bodies into mud, and cried loudly, "Uncle, my nephew beheaded his enemies with his own hands, and I have avenged you!"


When Lu Bu heard that Juye had fallen, he urgently recruited generals to raise their accounts to discuss countermeasures.

Chen Gong suggested: "I am more familiar with the rich merchant Tian in the city. It is better to ask Tian to surrender. Now that Puyang is in danger and Juye has been defeated again, Cao Cao will not be suspicious. After Tian's family soldiers open the city gate, I expect Cao Cao will definitely surrender." I will personally lead the army to attack the city, and when the time comes, I will order the ambush soldiers to immediately block the retreat with fire, and the Cao thief will die!"

Lü Bulian praised the ingenious plan and adopted Chen Gong's plan. Three days later, Cao Cao was defeated. If Dian Wei hadn't tried his best to rescue Cao Cao, Cao Cao would have almost died in Puyang City.

Cheng Lian, Hao Meng, Song Xian and others from Xizhai led their troops to take advantage of the victory, and Dun Bing Gao Shun also sent troops to ambush along the Yellow River. The Third Route Army had been chasing and killing Cao Cao for dozens of miles before withdrawing troops to clean up the battlefield. Lu Bu suffered only casualties in this battle. With less than [-] troops, the total number of killed Cao soldiers reached more than [-], and even robbed Cao Cao of a large amount of food, grass and other supplies.

Cao Cao led the defeated troops back to Juancheng for rectification, but there was not enough food and grass, and he did not dare to attack again. He had to write to Yuan Shao, asking Yuan Shao for help. A large amount of food was requisitioned, and the people in the three places complained. In many places, even the food stored for the winter was forcibly taken away.

Inside Puyang City
On the third day of the Lu Bu Army's Daqing celebration, all meritorious soldiers were rewarded. The city was very lively. Many soldiers who received rewards came from various taverns, inns, and various trick shops and kilns in the city.

Longmen Inn, this is the property that Feng Yao invested a lot of money in Puyang at that time, but not many people know that the real shopkeeper of Longmen Inn is Feng Yao.

Some of the guests who came here were servants who were not the core of the Dragon Inn. They only knew that Yuan Ping was the shopkeeper of the Dragon Inn, and Yuan Ping acted as the shopkeeper both externally and internally.

On July [-]th, the first day of Lu Bu's celebration, Yuan Ping ordered his confidant Liang Teng to set off to Runan to report to Feng Yao the recent events and the current situation of Longmen. Out of caution, Liang Teng went back to his hometown alone to visit relatives Leaving the city for reasons, he didn't have any written documents except for enough money and food. Liang Teng kept everything in his head and reported it to Feng Yao face to face.

In Puyang City, there is another courtyard that is wider than Longmen. This is Lu Bu's private residence. There are three large characters on the plaque outside the gate of the residence, Wenhou Mansion.

In the inner courtyard of the mansion, there are twenty thick maidservants divided into two teams to conduct offensive and defensive training with each other. None of the twenty maidservants is pleasing to the eye, especially now that it is dog days and the weather is hot. All the maidservants are wearing only thin shirts, and their figures are unsightly, let alone wearing thin shirts, even if they are completely naked, no man is interested in taking a second look.

Upon closer inspection, most of the maidservants have no femininity except that they are female. Some have faces like the bottom of a pot, some have waists as thick as ten feet, and some have fists like hammers. No matter how strange these maids are, But there are a few things that are exactly the same, that is, their arms are as thick as men, their eyes are as sharp as arrows, and their expressions are as serious as winter. The weapons of each maid are also different. Bows, some use a pair of short knives, and some use long spears more than one foot long.

In addition to these twenty ugly maidservants who have their own unique skills, there is also a slender and graceful girl in the inner courtyard, with a machete on her waist and a bow on her back. The fairies in the painting come to the world.This woman is Lu Bu's daughter, Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi is currently under 15 years old, and her figure is somewhat taller than that of ordinary girls. She has a shattered face that is extremely cute, but her almond eyes reveal a maturity and firmness that is rare among her peers.

More than a month ago,... Pull the hook, hang yourself, and you are not allowed to change for 100 years. Whoever wants to change will be thrown into the shit pit! ... The sweet girlish voice was Lu Lingqi's oath she made to Feng Yao when she forced Feng Yao to pull the hook!

Unexpectedly, after more than a month, the original dream is really about to come true!Every time Lu Lingqi thinks of Feng Yao's expression of being fascinated by herself and trying to avoid it, the corners of her mouth will involuntarily turn up, and a sweet smile that she can't detect at all will appear. Whenever this happens, most of the maids They will all look at Lu Lingqi's smile and stand still, even if they are also daughters, they can't help but be moved by Lu Lingqi's smile.

"You're being lazy again!" Lu Lingqi suddenly noticed that the maidservants had stopped training, she immediately opened her almond eyes, scolded coquettishly, and walked over angrily.

All the maidservants were startled, and they all woke up from their "hearts", and started to practice duels with you coming and going.

In their minds, Lu Lingqi is not only a master, but also a benefactor who can never repay their kindness in a lifetime! !If it wasn't for Lu Lingqi, they might have starved to death now, or they were still begging along the road wrapped in tattered and dirty coarse clothes, or they were doing murder and robbing that they themselves hated, just to survive!No one would want to join the army, no one would look up to marrying someone, even if they were to be slaves, no one would want such a gluttonous and ugly woman like them!It is also impossible to set up a family and live in peace of mind, because they are not men, she does not have this kind of power, and women are born as property belonging to a certain man.

When Lu Lingqi, a noble and beautiful girl like a princess, smiled and asked them if they would like to be her entourage, they could hardly believe it was true!
Lu Lingqi is their master, their god!All their happiness is tied to Lu Lingqi, so they only know one thing, no matter who they are, as long as they want to harm their master, they are their enemies, and they will use increasingly sharp minions to tear apart all enemies!
"Practice well for this girl!" Lu Lingqi showed her feminine power.

The twenty maidservants didn't need too much urging from Lu Lingqi, the sound of gold and iron intersecting was accompanied by hoarse and charming shouts one after another.

After watching for a while, Lu Lingqi showed a satisfied smile. These twenty maidservants were just her preliminary idea. Lu Lingqi wanted to build a most loyal women's army who only obeyed her orders. She wanted to use this unformed army The Detachment of Women went to help the "him" in my heart.

The name "Feng Yao and Feng Zimou" Lu Ling only dared to call softly in her heart once or twice, and more often, she used "he" instead, so as not to blush and heartbeat.


(End of this chapter)

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