Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 77 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 77 Lead the snake out of the hole
Ruyin County got its name because it is close to Rushui.

The south of the mountains and the north of the water are called yang, and vice versa, the north of the mountains and the south of the water are yin. Ruyin County is named because Ruyin City is located on the south side of the Rushui.

On [-] July, the weather was fine and hot.

In Ruyin City, in the camp of the Yellow Turban Army Commander, Huang Shao, commander of the Yellow Turban Army, was discussing with the generals about attacking Dian County and attacking Feng Yao, when suddenly the scout soldiers came in panicked and knelt on the ground, panting heavily Before he had time to wipe off the sweat all over his face, he said loudly, "It's bad! Commander! Runan prefect Feng Yao led an army of [-] to attack us!"

Huang Shao was discussing with his generals on a crucial point, when he was suddenly interrupted by scouts, he said angrily: "Feng Yao is just a lanugo child, how capable he is! You are more powerful than others, Destroying one's own morale, showing such a frightened expression, shakes the morale of our army!"

"Come on!" Huang Shao drew out a command arrow, pointed at the scouts, and said loudly, "Drag it out and chop it up, just in time to sacrifice the flag!"

Two of Huang Shao's personal soldiers came in from outside the tent, they couldn't help but dragged out the scout who had reported the news, after a moment there was only a scream, Huang Shao's personal soldiers raised their heads and came back.

Huang Shao said: "Hang his head outside the Yamen for publicity. Anyone who dares to disturb the morale of our army will be killed without mercy!"

Ok?Did Feng Yao come from the north or the east?

Huang Shao suddenly realized that he didn't ask the scouts for details just now, but he couldn't ask at this time, he thought: "Anyway, it's either north or east, I'll take a look and make a decision! According to the scout report, Feng Yao only has one Ten thousand soldiers, and we have more than 2 soldiers, how dare you come to attack Ruyin?"

"Everyone! Follow me to the top of the city to defend against the enemy!" Huang Shao ordered, and all the yellow scarf generals were ordered to go to the city.

Huang Shao seemed to be lucky. As soon as he climbed the east tower, he saw Feng Yao leading an army coming out of the distant forest.

After looking at it, Huang Shao laughed loudly and said, "Feng Yao, hehe! He is really just a nobody! You can see that his team is sparse, and the marching ranks are very long. At this time, only a thousand elite soldiers are required to fight out. , and still beat him to the point of throwing away his helmet and armor! Hahaha, wait for me to go and behead this kid and come back to drink the celebration wine!"

One mile to the east of Ruyin City, Feng Yao and Lu Fan rode side by side along the official road on the Rushui side. Wang Ba and other relatives followed closely behind holding a big flag. Winding in the direction of Ruyin City, there will be another two miles to reach Ruyin City. Feng Yao decided to set up camp one mile away from the city.

"My lord, I don't know if Huang Shao can see through this trick to lure the snake out of the cave!" Lu Fan asked with a smile.

"Brother Ziheng, I dare not tell others, but I have fought against Huang Shao personally. Although he is good at martial arts, he doesn't have much strategy, and he acts decisively. Whenever he thinks of something, he will do it immediately. I He must have deceived me when I was young, I don't know how to lead troops, seeing our army is loose, I can't help leading troops out of the city to make a surprise attack, but I don't know how many troops he will dispatch?" Feng Yao said.

Huang Shao, commander of Huangjinqu, originally planned to lead a surprise attack with a thousand elite soldiers. Later, he thought, since a thousand elite soldiers can defeat Feng Yao's vanguard, why not bring more soldiers and kill them all from the beginning to the end in one go? better!So Huang Shao dispatched [-] elite soldiers and [-] miscellaneous soldiers at once, which would be one-third of the entire Ruyin City. Half of the soldiers and horses will be dispatched directly.

Ever since he was defeated by Lu Bu last time, Huang Shao has made up his mind to run away when he sees Lu Bu. Damn, that's not a person, but the King of Hades! !

After hearing that Lv Bu had occupied Yanzhou, Huang Shao hurriedly contacted Qu Shuai from all parties, saying: "We can't be in the Yingchuan and Chenliu area anymore, Lv Bu is not easy to mess with, and this area is flat land, which is suitable for cavalry to fight. Lu Bu knows that we are active in Chenliu County, his territory, and brought hundreds of cavalry to kill the generals. Wherever we go, we can’t outrun the horses. Why don’t we go south? Runan is a good place, and it’s close to here. The west side is full of mountains, even if one day the army is defeated and you hide in the mountains, you can still be the king of the mountain."

The commanders of the Yellow Turbans agreed with Huang Shao's opinion and captured Runan. Huang Shao kept his mind and chose Ruyin City, which is the farthest from Lu Bu!
Seeing Feng Yao's hundreds of soldiers and horses scattered in a long line from a distance, Huang Shao was secretly happy, "Hey, there are only a dozen cavalrymen, and our side has about fifty cavalrymen. We will definitely need those dozen horses soon." Grab it!"

Relying on the advantage of his own cavalry, Huang Shao waved his hand and ordered the army to outflank the past, while he led fifty cavalry straight to Feng Yao and others.

200 meters away! !The sound of hoofbeats on the road was like drumsticks shaking the ground densely. If it was not known that there were cavalry charging, Huang Shao would really suspect that Feng Yao was deliberately luring the enemy!
Feng Yao finally moved. To be precise, he saw the opportunity and wanted to turn around and "flee". But how could more than a dozen horses run away with all the people?The soldiers walking in the rear were suddenly disrupted and ran back.

"Huang Tianbless me! Kill me!" How could Huang Shao miss such a good opportunity to attack, shouted loudly, and called the accompanying fifty cavalry to speed up.

The infantry following Huang Shao was about to enter the enemy's formation as soon as they saw the commander. Fearing that the commander might make a mistake, the generals in charge of the army ordered the army to beat the drums.The yellow turbans wrapped around the heads of the [-] Yellow Turbans flocked to the "enemy" army like a large group of yellow moths.

"Your Majesty! The enemy soldiers have launched a general attack, and our goal has been achieved, let's withdraw!" Lu Fan worriedly reminded, it's not that Lu Fan was afraid of the Yellow Turban's crowd, but that Feng Yao was the coach and everyone If there is any mistake, even if you kill all the yellow turban thieves, you will not be able to save it!
From the very beginning, Lu Fan objected to Feng Yao personally going forward to lure the enemy, but Feng Yao said: "If I am greedy for life and death, how can I ask the soldiers to fight to the death? Besides, if I don't show up in person, it won't do much to lure the snake out of the hole. However, it cannot attract all the Yellow Turban soldiers into an ambush. Killing a few Yellow Turban forwards will not hurt Huang Shao's vitality. At that time, he will inevitably have to forcibly attack the city. I am afraid that there will be more casualties!  …, We can't fight the Yellow Turbans slowly, we must regain all the lost ground in Runan before the end of the year!"

Seeing Lu Fan reminding himself, Feng Yao nodded and said: "Brother Ziheng, it won't be too late to retreat after I lure Huang Shao again!" After speaking, he took his strong bow from his back and pointed an arrow at it. A yellow turban cavalry shot away, and a bowstring sounded, and the yellow turban cavalry immediately fell off their horses.

After this delay, the yellow turban cavalry had already rushed within 150 meters. Before the cavalry rushed to the front and handed over the short soldiers, there was only time to fire two more arrows. Feng Yao took out an arrow as usual, set it up, but did not shoot it, but loudly Shouted: "The enemy cavalry in front must move forward! Otherwise, I will shoot arrows!"

Huang Shao didn't stop charging. Instead, he flattered him and sped up his charge. He thought to himself, "Aren't you scared? You want to threaten the cavalry with just one bow? Even if the arrow hits, at most two cavalry will be sacrificed. There are 47 rides!"

"Hahahaha!" Huang Shao laughed loudly: "The enemy general in front, stop working for your incompetent general! If you dismount now and accept the surrender, and join my Yellow Turban Volunteer, you can still save your life, otherwise, my horse As soon as it arrives, I will immediately take your head!"

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(End of this chapter)

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