Chapter 78
What responded to Huang Shao was the sound of an arrow piercing through the air, followed by a muffled groan, a cavalryman shook a few times, fell off his horse with a plop, and was trampled by the iron hoof behind him before he could scream. Bloody.

Huang Shao was startled, but more angry!
Each of these fifty cavalrymen is Huang Shao's confidant, and all of them have extraordinary abilities. They are close brothers with Huang Shao, but they didn't expect that they were shot dead by the enemy before they met each other. !How not to be angry! !

"The enemy general in front who only shoots cold arrows will report his name? Wait for me to take your head and go back to repay the credit!" Huang Shao shouted angrily.

"Haha! The thief will know that you are afraid! Listen, remember my name! This gentleman is your master Runan Taishou Feng Yao! If you are afraid, get off your horse and accept the surrender. This gentleman is in a good mood. , maybe I can even make you an official!!" Feng Yao mocked loudly.

Although verbally he did not put the enemy general in his eyes at all, Feng Yao did not dare to be careless. It is not impossible to shoot another yellow turban cavalry to death with another arrow, but the time was a bit rushed, so he quickly replaced the long-range bow and arrow with He is equipped with melee equipment, a medium-sized shield in his left hand, and a three-foot fine steel long sword in his right hand.

"Form defense!" Feng Yao shouted in a deep voice.

"Obey! My lord!"

The [-] infantry who were lazy and scattered a moment ago roared, and quickly changed from a long snake formation to a neat infantry phalanx!
"It's the pikemen!" Huang Shao's cavalry team exclaimed!
I saw long spears like a forest, and the bright spear tip shone like a cold star in the sun!
Each spear was more than two feet long, neatly inserted obliquely on the ground, and the soldier holding the gun held the heavy gun barrel tightly, his eyes burst out with cold killing intent!
As long as the cavalry dare to charge, they will be greeted by cold spear points!

cavalry!Hey, let our pikemen come and see you off!
"Brothers! Use our spears to pierce the belly of the enemy soldiers, and use the blood of the enemy to achieve our feats! Hold on! Victory is ours!" The generals of the spear formation roared loudly.

"Kill——!" There was a deafening roar from the spear array!At this moment, they had temporarily forgotten their fear. In their eyes, they seemed to see the scene of the enemy cavalry being smashed by the spear in their hands, with their intestines pierced, blood dripping, and the screams of the enemy! !

Most of Huang Shao's cavalry use long spears, but the length can't be compared with this kind of long spears specially designed to deal with cavalry. The long spears of horse warfare are generally only more than one foot long. In the gun formation, it was like a plaything! !

"The cavalry attacked the long spear array from the side!" Huang Shao was worthy of being a battle-tested general. He immediately led the charging cavalry to lift the reins and circled to one side. Then a dozen horses charged, trying to get out of the spear array. side attack.

Feng Yao had expected it a long time ago, waved the command flag in his hand, and shouted: "Change!"

The spear array was immediately divided into three, front, rear, left, and right, each with a smaller square array, forming a square defensive array, with the tip of the spear still facing outwards, aiming at the yellow turban cavalry who wanted to charge!

Feng Yao and the other dozen or so cavalry were guarded tightly by the spear array in the middle of the zigzag square array! !
"Haha! Huang Shao! This prefect thinks that you are still a strong general, and I don't want to see you die like this. Why don't you surrender!" Feng Yao laughed again!He thought to himself: "Huang Shao will be furious, and he will lose his mind when he gets angry. He will definitely think of using his thousands of infantry to defeat my five hundred spearmen!"

"You——!! Despicable and shameless!!" Huang Shao yelled angrily. Feng Yao's change of formation so quickly disrupted all his plans. Gun array, can't stop at all!But how could Huang Shao be reconciled, Feng Yao, the chief general of the enemy army and the prefect of Runan County, was more than ten feet in front of him!Just kill the damned hundreds of spearmen and capture Runan prefect!This honor is enough to leave a name in the history books!
"Come out and compete with me if you have the guts! Don't shrink in like a turtle!" Huang Shao scolded.

The backup forces of both sides have already pushed up. Behind Feng Yao, several infantry in a phalanx of hundreds of people are rushing forward to rescue Feng Yao, and the [-] yellow scarf soldiers on Huang Shao's side are also within a stone's throw away. land!

"Feng Yao! Come out and fight me! Otherwise, when my army overwhelms you, you won't be able to escape!" Huang Shao shouted.

"Keep the formation and retreat slowly!" Feng Yaoming said.

"Haha! The enemy's main general has retreated, all the good men of the Yellow Turbans! Charge! Kill!" Huang Shao roared.

"Kill! We are about to win!" The morale of the yellow turban soldiers who had already pressed up greatly increased, and under the order of the coach Huang Shao, they accelerated their pace of charge.

"Your Majesty, why don't you retreat first! Leave this place to me to lure the enemy into the siege!" Lu Fan watched the Yellow Turban soldiers rush up like a colony of ants, and remonstrated again.

Feng Yao shook his head, and said in a low voice: "It seems to be a success. If I retreat, Huang Shao may withdraw his troops, and all previous efforts will be wasted! And the enemy is at hand, how can I have the heart to leave Brother Ziheng to fight alone! Don't worry about it! Bring it up again!"

"Continue to maintain the formation and speed up the retreat!" Feng Yao gave an order loudly.

"Swear to protect the prefect!" The phalanx roared again!The entire phalanx quickly retreated under the command of generals at all levels.

In an instant, a very funny scene appeared on the battlefield. Huang Shao led more than 40 cavalry and surrounded Feng Yao's hedgehog-like spear phalanx, running around in a hurry, but could not find a breakthrough. If Feng Yao was let go, Huang Shao was reluctant to give up the fat that had already been brought to his mouth!He could only follow Feng Yao's retreating pace, constantly mobilizing the cavalry to look for opportunities, and at the same time loudly ordered the Yellow Turban infantry not far behind to speed up and charge up.

"It's just a little bit closer! Hurry up! Hurry up! We will be able to encircle the enemy's main general in no time!...!" Huang Shao's eyes were spewing fire at this moment, staring at Feng Yao, wishing he could swallow it in one gulp the next moment.

But Huang Shao didn't notice that at this time, there were forests on both sides of the official road.

"Kill!!" The yellow turban infantry finally caught up panting, and in an instant came into close contact with Feng Yao's spear phalanx.

"Puff..., Kacha,..." The sound of the knife and gun piercing the flesh was heard, and the screams followed.

"It's now! Ambush!" Feng Yao commanded, and the flag guard waved the command flag desperately!

"Boom, boom, boom..." A burst of rapid drumming suddenly sounded.

Two ambush soldiers rose up from the woods on both sides. Zhou Cang led [-] soldiers on the left and Chen Dao also led [-] soldiers to the right. , causing the Yellow Turbans to fall into chaos! !
Huang Shao was shocked, knowing that he had been ambushed by Feng Yao, he didn't care about Feng Yao anymore, he hurriedly called out the accompanying cavalry to retreat into the formation, regardless of whether it was enemy or friend, they charged all the way to the horse, and many yellow scarf soldiers were killed. Trampled to death by a horse!When the other yellow turban soldiers saw that their main general was defeated, and they ran against the formation, they still wanted to fight. They just held their knives and rushed to kill indiscriminately, wanting to escape from the battlefield!

"The whole army is attacking! Don't leave Huang Shao, the leader of the Yellow Turbans!" Feng Yao pointed his long sword, and led Lu Fan and his followers to charge into the enemy soldiers. Help!
Zhou Cang stared wide-eyed, riding a big burgundy horse, and swung a black dragon-eating sun knife vigorously. Every time the knife was struck, it would bring up a bloody light. As soon as you swing the knife, you will shout, "I will kill! I will kill!!"

Chen Dao didn't say much, the black horse, the zhang ten python's sharp spear spewed out letters like a dragon, and all the enemy generals covered their throats with their hands, fell to the ground and died, under the cold eyes, everyone was terrified!

 Ask for a reward! ! 10 point coins are only a dime!But the encouragement given to 120 is huge! !

(End of this chapter)

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