Chapter 79
Far away, Huang Shao's general Dong Ye at the head of Ruyin City saw that the coach Huang Shao was defeated, so he wanted to send another army.
"General! Feng Yao's general, Ji Ling, came to attack the stone bridge at the north city gate, and the brothers on the bridge couldn't stand it anymore!" The scouts came to report.

"Let's go! Let's go to reinforce the North Gate Stone Bridge, and we must not let Ji Ling approach the North City Gate!" This incident directly changed Dong Ye's mind, and he gave up rescuing the coach, but chose to keep the city!
Dong Ye led [-] soldiers to get out of the north gate, and found that Ji Ling had already broken through the stone bridge and killed the generals!If he wanted to go back to the city, he was worried that Ji Ling would take advantage of the chaos and wander through the city, so he had to bite the bullet and go forward.

"Ji Lingxiu is going crazy, look at me Dong Ye is here to take your head!" Dong Ye flattered Ji Ling and fought together.Ji Ling was Yuan Shu's number one fighter, Dong Ye was his opponent, after two rounds of barely holding on, he was already exhausted, and was cut off by Ji Ling.

"The thief general is dead, all the generals will follow me into the city!" Ji Ling cut down several yellow scarf generals one after another, leading Chen Lan and Lei Bo straight to the north gate.

At the north gate of Ruyin City, the guard saw Ji Ling's bravery, and three returned orders to kill Dong Ye. He was so frightened that his limbs went limp, and he shouted: "Quickly close the gate! Let the arrows go!"

The archers on the city wall, regardless of whether they were friends or foes, drew their bows and shot at random. The three thousand yellow scarf soldiers who retreated were immediately killed by a round of arrow rain. Seeing that the city gate was closed, they knew that the guards Having abandoned himself, he dropped his weapon and knelt down to beg for surrender!

Ji Ling saw that the top of the city was tightly guarded, and the bandits dared not come out any more. Knowing that they had achieved their goal, Ji Ling led two thousand yellow scarf soldiers back to the north of Rushui, and guarded the bridge.

In the east of Ruyin City, Feng Yao quickly killed more than 2000 of Huang Shao's [-] soldiers, plus hundreds of self-injured soldiers in the chaos, nearly half of them were lost.

"Huh!" Huang Shao led the retreating hundreds of yellow scarves back to Ruyin City, and once he entered the city, he ordered the gate guards to lock the city gates tightly, and no one was allowed to enter the city again!

"I'll kill!" Zhou Cang and others were still leading the troops to kill the Yellow Turban soldiers who were divided and surrounded.

Feng Yao came from time travel in the 21st century, so of course he understands that the Yellow Turban Army was also forced!Regardless of whether these Yellow Turban soldiers are bandits or not, first of all, they are all Han Chinese!And most of them are Han Chinese in the Central Plains!That sentence, people who are not of my race must have a different heart, and it does not refer to the Yellow Turban Army. If they remove the yellow turbans wrapped around their heads, they can also be the people under their own rule!
For Feng Yao, a Han Chinese, man!Especially the Han people of the same race!It is the greatest wealth in the world!Han people kill Han people!It was not what Feng Yao wanted, so how could he still do this killing thing at this time!
"Send the order to withdraw the troops!" Feng Yao ordered.

The battle was coming to an end, most of the Yellow Turbans had lost confidence in their lives, they just waved their weapons symbolically, waiting to be killed. Just when there were only more than 2000 Yellow Turbans left, the passionate drumbeat on the battlefield suddenly Stop, become the sound of golden gongs.

"Retreat?" Both sides fighting on the battlefield were stunned!He temporarily stopped the weapon in his hand, and looked in the direction of the general Feng Yao.

Feng Yao shouted loudly: "The descendant will not die!!"

These are the words spoken by Feng Yao, the words spoken by the prefect of Runan himself!

The Yellow Turban Army was overjoyed when they heard the words, and quickly dropped the weapons in their hands and knelt on the ground.

"I will surrender my wish! I only ask the Lord to spare my life!"

At the beginning, only a few senior Yellow Turban soldiers shouted like this, and after a while, all the Yellow Turban soldiers begged in unison.

"Since I have said that those who surrender will not die, I will definitely do it, but this kind of opportunity is only once in this life. If someone dares to rebel, I will punish the three clans!" Feng Yao said loudly drank.

The soldiers who surrendered made an oath that they would never betray. Feng Yao ordered Lu Fan to count and accept the surrendered soldiers. There were more than [-] soldiers in total.

In this battle, Feng Yao only suffered more than [-] casualties, and killed nearly [-] Yellow Turban soldiers. Proportionally, it was almost one enemy ten, a big victory!
Later, Feng Yaosheng's account gathered with generals to discuss matters.

Zhou Cang first asked: "My lord! Ruyin City has not yet been attacked, so why did you withdraw your troops halfway? Also, with so many surrendered troops left, if these surrendered troops rebel in the middle of the night and join forces with the yellow scarves in the city, wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"...?" Chen Dao didn't say anything, but he watched, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Lu Fan smiled and said nothing, the other generals didn't dare to say more, they seemed to be waiting for Feng Yao to clarify their doubts.

"Brother Ziheng! You should understand what I mean! Why don't you explain it to the generals!" Feng Yao slightly cupped his hands, motioning for Lu Fan to speak.

Lu Fan bowed his hands to the generals and said: "Ruyin City has moats on all sides, and the moat in the north of the city is the natural barrier of Rushui. If you attack from here, you can only forcefully attack the city gate, and the casualties must be huge. The other three sides of the Yin City are artificially excavated moats, which are more than five feet wide, and only three suspension bridges are connected to the outside. Similarly, it is not advisable to attack from the front gate, and the other parts of the city wall cannot be directly crossed by ordinary ladders and cloud towers. The moat cannot get close to the city wall, if you want to attack the city forcefully, at least half of your troops will be lost before you get close to the city wall, so Ruyin City can only be trapped or attacked from the inside!"

Zhou Cang said: "Brother Ziheng, you are right! I understand, my lord doesn't want to see too many casualties in our army. In that case, even if we get Ruyin, it will be very unfavorable to our army in a short time! It will definitely affect To the next action!"

Feng Yaoxi said: "Yuan Fu, I didn't expect you to improve so much in such a short period of time! Congratulations!"

"My lord, you're making fun of Yuan Fu again!" Zhou Cang said with a "red" face and a smile.

All the generals discussed with each other a few more words, returning to tranquility, they all wanted to hear what Lu Fan had to say, and all the generals admired Lu Fan from the bottom of their hearts.

Lu Fan went on to say: "After this big defeat, Huang Shao will definitely defend the city, so he is not worried that Huang Shao will send troops to attack. Most of the newly recruited soldiers today were abandoned by their commanders. They must hate Huang Shao. How can there be another The heart of rebellion? As long as I wait like myself, I will be able to quickly subdue their hearts. After I have subdued their hearts, I will make these surrendered soldiers appear outside the city. The yellow scarves in the city will definitely be moved when they see them. There will be civil strife after a long time, and then they will attack the city , it is easy to turn back."

When the generals heard about it, they repeatedly claimed a good plan. Feng Yao said: "Brother Ziheng really has a good idea!"

After Lu Fan thanked Feng Yao for his compliment, he continued, "Your Majesty, I want to dedicate another city. If I get this city, the hearts of Ruyin and Huang Shao's troops will definitely be shaken!"

Feng Yaodao: "Could it be that Brother Ziheng is referring to Xiyang City?"

Xiyang County is next to Ruyin County, and the county seat of Xiyang County is only sixty miles away from Ruyin City, and is located in the north of Ruyin City. Feng Yao has studied the map a long time ago, but he has never been able to come up with a perfect strategy. There is a thorn in Feng Yao's throat, it is not easy to take it, and if you don't take it, you are worried that during the siege of Ruyin, the Xiyang Yellow Turban Army will attack, and then cooperate with the defenders in Ruyin City, it is really not easy to deal with.

"What the Fujun said is right! Xiyang City is my hometown, and many gentry in the city have a deep friendship with me. As long as I sneak back to the city in disguise, they will cooperate secretly with private soldiers. According to the report, there are only 2000 Yellow Turban defenders in Xiyang City, and only [-] to [-] soldiers are divided into each city gate. If the Fujun can send an army of about [-] people, as long as they reach Xiyang City, I will be in the city. Take the opportunity to take down one of the city gates with private soldiers and welcome the army into the city, and the Yellow Turban bandits will definitely abandon the city and flee after hearing the news!" Lu Fan said.

(End of this chapter)

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