Chapter 80
"Okay! Brother Ziheng's plan is very clever. I will order Ji Ling to dispatch two thousand soldiers with you! You can set off for the expedition today!" Feng Yao immediately adopted Lu Fan's plan.

Afterwards, all the generals discussed the specific matters concerning the siege of the city together, and each took orders to leave.

The east gate of Ruyin City was defended by Feng Yao himself, the south gate and west gate were defended by Zhou Cang and Chen Dao separately, and the north gate was separated by Rushui, so it was more difficult to defend, so the troops were also the largest, and Ji Ling defended them. The main purpose of the defense is to trap Ruyin to death and force him to leave the city for a decisive battle.

The most important means of siege is to cut off the food and grass in the city. The food and grass in Ruyin City are mainly transported by water in Rushui, and a large number of traders use the boats to ship fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, duck, fish, sheep and other meat in the territory every day, as well as millet. Grains such as wheat and fodder for horses were transported to Ruyin for sale.

The three gates in the southeast and west are relatively easy. Not to mention, outside the north gate, Ji Ling set up ten checkpoints along the Rushui River. Hundreds of people are stationed every twenty feet to intercept passing ships. No ships or people are allowed to approach one part of Ruyin City. On the other side, and purchased a large number of grains, grasses, fruits and vegetables that were supposed to be transported to Ruyin City, and made a plan to besiege Ruyin for a long time.


To attack Ruyin this time, Feng Yao mobilized almost all of his troops. Shen County only left [-] elite soldiers and [-] miscellaneous soldiers, led by Xun Zheng and Hu Fen.The total force of the expedition reached [-]. Feng Yao personally led [-] soldiers, including [-] elite soldiers and [-] miscellaneous soldiers. Ji Ling led [-] elite soldiers and [-] miscellaneous soldiers. The ratio is as high as three to one.

After Runan went through the turmoil of the Yellow Turbans, many people were forced to become members of the Yellow Turbans. As a result, there is not enough soldiers and the number of newly recruited elite soldiers is insufficient. This is why Feng Yao wants to recruit the Yellow Turbans.

Feng Yao thought about the [-] newly recruited Yellow Turban soldiers, and ordered Zhou Zheng, the current governor of the Ministry, to appease them and mix them into the miscellaneous soldiers. Chang, since he was defeated in the first battle with Lu Bu, he surrendered to Lu Bu and became Feng Yao's soldier. Now he has been promoted to one of Feng Yao's confidant governors.

Feng Yao thought that with Zhou Zheng's status, it might be easier to impress these [-] soldiers and make them return to their hearts completely!
After setting up the camp, Feng Yao ordered Sima Chen Ren to lead [-] miscellaneous servants to clean up the battlefield and bury the corpses. He also ordered Lei Xu to lead [-] elite soldiers to patrol outside.

Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, He Tong, and He Tie each led [-] miscellaneous soldiers to guard around Feng Yao's tent.

The large tent in the middle was Feng Yao's camp, and there were as many as 50 people guarding Feng Yao's personal entourage outside the tent, more than 50 of these 40 people were selected from among the hundred knights under Lu Fan, although the number was only five Ten, but the combat power is enough to be five hundred elite soldiers!Others among the hundred knights became county magistrates, scouts, and generals at all levels!Each knight has received suitable arrangements according to his own ability.

Outside Ruyin City, Feng Yao Dazhai
As soon as night fell, a bright moon jumped out of the mid-air and hung in the mid-air, illuminating the entire military camp extraordinarily brightly. Bonfires gradually lit up among the tents in the army, and the soldiers began to bury pots and make meals.

It was already early autumn, but the weather was the hottest time of the year. Feng Yao sat in the tent and watched the battle report for a while, and felt that the heat was unbearable. He threw down the bamboo slips and opened the curtain. I feel that every pore of my body is refreshed.

The guards at the tent gate were the chivalrous man Yang Wu and two guards. Seeing that it was Feng Yao who came out, Yang Wu knelt down and cupped his hands, "My lord! What's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's too hot inside, I'll go out for a walk!" Feng Yao said.

"Hey! Today is the fifteenth?! No wonder the moon is so round! Yang Wu, go and ask Zhao Wang to cook more delicious food today, so that we can celebrate today's victory together!" Feng Yao said.

"Yes! My lord!" Yang Wu took the order and left.

Zhao Wang's own martial arts are not high, and he can't meet Feng Yao's current requirements for personal followers, but he can cook good food, and since Pingyu City, he has been following Feng Yao out for a year and a half Lai was loyal and humble, so Feng Yao still kept him as his personal follower.

Not only Zhao Wang, Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, He Tong, He Tie, and Zhou Zheng all served as the governors of the upper part of the entourage who followed Feng Yao in the army, and Xu Xian and Chen Ren became the commanders of the army. Although the military commander was not always in charge of the army, he was in charge of the entire army's money and food, and was responsible for escorting food and grass. He was not the most trustworthy person. It was impossible for Feng Yao to sit in such a position.

Zhao Wang and Liu Shun were not as capable as the others, but they also had their strengths. Zhao Wang was in charge of the food for Feng Yao and other entourages, and Liu Shun led the scouts to scout for news everywhere.


Nothing happened overnight, and the next day, Lu Fan led two thousand soldiers from Ji Ling to attack Xiyang.

Less than an hour after breakfast, Zhou Zheng came to report: "My lord, two young generals in the Yellow Turban soldiers are fighting!"

"What? You mean someone is going to rebel?" Feng Yao jumped up.

"No, there were two generals who refused to accept each other and fought!" Zhou Zheng said.

"Then why didn't you stop it?" Feng Yao said.

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent, so I came up with a way to select a general from a martial arts competition. I wanted to choose a trilogy supervisor from among them. At first, it was fine. There was a young yellow turban general who defeated dozens of opponents in succession, but then another young general came up. People come and go, and they have been fighting for nearly a hundred rounds, and the outcome is still undecided. Now the fight is getting harder and harder. The subordinates think that these two generals are talents to be made. I'm here to ask my lord to make a decision." Zhou Zheng said in panic.

"Is there such a thing?" Feng Yao suddenly became interested, and wanted to see what the two young generals, who even Zhou Zheng would praise, looked like, so he laughed and said, "General Zhou, you did a good job! Get up, Take me to see what's going on!"

After Feng Yao called ten relatives, he followed Zhou Zheng to the temporary camp. When he arrived at the gate of the camp, he heard the cheers in the camp. But what caught Feng Yao's eyes was that the 2000 soldiers who surrendered yesterday There are many yellow scarf soldiers, all standing neatly, and their spirits are not as sluggish as yesterday, but they are full of morale and strict discipline, and they look more powerful than ordinary miscellaneous soldiers!

"General Zhou, I didn't expect you to be so good at it! You have trained these soldiers to be so mighty in just one day! When this incident is over, I will definitely give you a great credit!" Feng Yao was happy. Said.

"My lord, this is all inspired by your benevolence and righteousness. The subordinates only made a little effort. How can it be considered a great contribution? If other soldiers know about it, they will feel aggrieved!" Zhou Zheng panicked answer.

Feng Yao nodded, didn't say much, came to the arena and took a look, and sure enough, as Zhou Zheng said, the two young generals were fighting indistinguishably. feet, but the waist and back are more than twice as wide as ordinary people, and they hold a wrought iron halberd in each hand.

The two generals were coming and going, the weapons in their hands were constantly colliding, and there was a piercing sound of gold and iron. Feng Yao was terrified when he saw it, and thought: "This is not a martial arts contest! It is clearly a life-and-death struggle!"

(End of this chapter)

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