Chapter 81 Recovering Xiyang
"Don't stop!" Feng Yao shouted.

The two generals glanced at each other, seeing that the lord was coming, they quickly stopped their hands, but their eyes were still staring at each other, and neither of them accepted the other.

"Why are you fighting?" Feng Yao knew the reason for the fight between the two, but he still asked, but his tone was reproachful.

"Mr. Huifu, the younger one's surname is Du Mingheng, and he is just competing for the position of governor of the trilogy!" Bachi young general said.

Seeing that Du Heng spoke first, the seven-foot general remained silent. After Du Heng finished speaking, he bowed his head and replied respectfully, "Little man Wenxun, I have seen Fujun!"

"Since the two of you are equal in martial arts, then each of you will get one, and temporarily serve as the tribune supervisor. If you have military achievements in the future, you will be officially promoted!" Feng Yao said.

Du Heng and Wen Xun were overjoyed, they knelt down and said, "Your subordinates will live up to my lord's expectations!"

Feng Yao nodded and said: "I hope you can persuade the Yellow Turban guards in Ruyin City to surrender! End this war as soon as possible!"

"Subordinates understand!" the second general said loudly.

"Okay!" Feng Yao helped the second general up, and patted the shoulders of the two vigorously. He found that the second general was indeed very strong. Judging from the fighting situation just now, the second general's strength should not be inferior to Zhou Zheng's. It's just that I don't know how good this soldier is in fighting, but there is no way to see it right now, so I have to wait and observe slowly in the future.

"General Zhou! There is one thing, I hope you will pay attention to see if there are some of them with some special skills. If there are, they will form another battalion department and report the details when they are finished." Feng Yao said.


July [-]

The good news came from Xiyang, Lu Fan not only successfully captured Xiyang City, but also recruited nearly a thousand private soldiers, and recommended Deng Shu, a famous scholar of Xiyang City, as the county magistrate.

On the [-]th, after dealing with the incident in Xiyang County, Lu Fan returned to Ruyin with [-] soldiers.

After Feng Yao knew about it, he led Ji Ling out together for a few miles, brought Lu Fan into the camp, held a banquet to reward the generals, and the camp was full of joy.

But in Ruyin City, it is completely opposite!

"Get out of here! Useless things!" Huang Shao shattered the bowl in his hand, and cursed at a cook: "If the big Ruyin city can't find any decent dishes! Eat this thief's pickles every day !"

At this moment, a scout rushed over with a flustered expression. He was startled by the sound of Huang Shao throwing the bowl before he even opened his mouth, and he refused to make a sound.

Huang Shao was on fire, and seeing the scouts cowering, he became even more angry, and shouted, "Report quickly if you have anything to do!"

The scout shuddered, his teeth chattering, "Big, Commander! Xiyang is gone, and Feng Yaojun is holding a celebration wine outside the city!"

"Ah!" Huang Shao kicked the scout somersault, his face turned livid, and he was so angry that he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and said angrily: "Feng Yao's kid is too bullying!" !"

The scouts were afraid that Huang Shao would attack again, and they didn't care about the pain on their bodies. They even crawled away and wiped the blood from the corner of their mouths. After being treated like this, if the enemy fights again, I will be the first to surrender!!"

The Scout isn't the only one with such thoughts!

The entire Ruyin City has not eaten fresh fruits and vegetables for several days. Not only is the morale of the Yellow Turban Army low, but the ordinary people in the city are bullied by the Yellow Turban Soldiers every day. The backlog of complaints broke out at once, and rumors spread everywhere, all of which were unfavorable to the Yellow Turban soldiers.

Zhou Zheng, Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, He Tong, He Tie and other old surrendered generals, as well as Du Heng and Wen Xun, who were reused by Feng Yao just after surrendering, these yellow scarf generals kept shouting outside the city every day. Many of the yellow turban generals guarding the city were envious of the surrender of the generals in the city. They secretly wanted to surrender the city to Feng in order to become a general, but they were afraid of Huang Shao's majesty and did not dare to show it.

On the 21st, Feng Yao's tent
A scout came to report that he had caught a spy, claiming to know the lord, and he had something important to report to the lord.

Feng Yaoming took him to the tent, and after a while, he saw a middle-aged man who was tied up and shoved in. The man's complexion was sunburned and his clothes seemed to have not been changed for many days, full of dust.

"My lord, it's me, I'm Liang Teng!" Seeing Feng Yao's excited expression, the man quickly fell to his knees and shouted.

Feng Yao took a closer look and found that it was indeed Liang Teng. He hurriedly ordered the left and right to untie the ropes on Liang Teng's body, and after stepping away from the left and right, he asked, "How did you find this place? What about Yuan Ping and the others? Did something happen? ..." A series of questions.

Liang Teng: "My lord, the Longmen Inn is fine. Now the business is getting bigger and bigger, and an inn has been purchased for guests to rest, so shopkeeper Yuan specially sent a villain to report the news!"

Feng Yaodao: "That said, I'm relieved! But how did you know I'm here? I've only been the prefect for a month, so the news didn't spread so fast, did it?"

"My lord! Ever since my lord left, Treasurer Yuan specially arranged a few confidantes to go out to inquire about the news because of my lord's safety. That's why I found out so quickly! My lord, do you know that after I heard that your lord became the prefect? , we're all so happy!" Liang Teng said happily.

"It turned out to be like this! You did a great job! After returning home, tell Yuan Ping to secretly develop a secret team, open the Dragon Inn all over the world, and secretly seek out all useful information!" Feng Yao said.

"Remember, my little one, the shopkeeper Yuan Ping still has an important news for me to report to my lord!" Liang Teng looked around and saw no one, so he whispered: "My lord, Cao Cao's 2 troops besieged me not long ago. Puyang, but in only seven days, was defeated by Lu Bu's tricks, Lu Bu beheaded more than [-] Cao Cao's troops, and the soil inside and outside the city was dyed red!"

"Ah!" Feng Yao exclaimed, and asked urgently, "Has any of you been affected?"

Cao Cao personally led the army to attack Puyang. Feng Yao knew the result a long time ago. According to the trend of history, Cao Cao must be defeated, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Feng Yao originally planned to send someone to bring Yuan Ping to Ruyin as soon as the war in Ruyin ended, but now it seems that this is not necessary, it is more appropriate for Yuan Ping to stay in Puyang.

"Thanks to my lord's blessing, the Longmen Inn is safe and sound, and has not been affected in any way!" Liang Teng replied, and then said: "The little ones are just a life, so don't worry too much, my lord! The little ones will have a way to deal with it !" After saying this, Liang Teng's nose turned sore, his eyes turned red, and he was on the verge of tears.

If Yuan Ping hadn't closed the gate in time that day, the rebels would have broken into the inn long ago, and Liang Teng could have seen blood dripping from the weapons in the hands of the rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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