Chapter 82
Feng Yao asked some news about Puyang again, knowing that the overall situation of Puyang has been settled, and there won't be too many changes in a short period of time. The most important thing right now is to quickly gain a foothold in his own territory. Without strength, everything is useless.

"Liang Teng, when you came, did Yuan Ping tell you that he wanted you to go back?" Feng Yao finally asked again.

"Treasurer Yuan asked the little one to follow the arrangement of the lord after he finds the lord!" Liang Teng replied.

"Okay then, go and take a rest first, don't leave for now, after Ruyin City is captured, I still have something for you to do!" Feng Yao said.

"Little one obeys!" Liang Teng said.

Feng Yao called his attendant who was waiting outside the tent, and ordered him to take Liang Teng to rest.

"It seems that Lu Bu is still waiting and watching!" Feng Yao secretly said.

It has been 20 days since he sent the letter to Lv Bu. Liang Teng has not brought any news about the alliance with Lv Bu, and Lv Bu has not sent anyone to reply to the letter. All these signs can be seen in Lv Bu's attitude.

In the afternoon, Chen Dao suddenly came to find Feng Yao in person.

"Third brother, what do you want from me?" There was no one around, and they just met alone, so Feng Yao directly refused to be polite to Chen Dao.

Chen Daowei was taken aback, and clasped his fists to Feng Yao and said, "Brother, I have something to say, listen to it and see if it makes sense."

Feng Yao pulled Chen Dao to sit down, and said with a smile: "Third brother, there are only you and my brother in the tent now, so feel free to talk if you have something to say, there is nothing we can't say between brothers!"

"Yes! Brother, I was ordered to defend the west gate. After careful consideration for the past few days, I feel that there is one thing that must be changed, that is, we can't besiege Ruyin City to death!" Chen Dao looked solemnly, frowned slightly, and looked into Feng Yao's eyes Said.

"Huh? Why?" Feng Yaoqi asked, looking at Chen Dao in surprise.

"Brother, Sun Tzu's art of war has a saying that if you multiply it ten times, you will surround it; if you multiply it five times, you will attack it; In the past few days, the enemy army has been defeated and their morale is low, so they dare not go out of the city to fight, but I am afraid that if the enemy army fights a trapped beast and concentrates its forces in one place, how can our army hold it?" Chen Dao Said.

Feng Yao smiled when he heard the words, he had thought of this question a long time ago, he expected that once Huang Shao was bitten by a snake and would be afraid of the well rope for ten years, even if there were few soldiers placed, he would not dare to go out of the city to fight. Knowing how to fight due to beasts, I originally thought about gathering people in these two days to change my strategy, but I didn't expect Chen Dao to propose it on my own initiative. It seems that Chen Dao has indeed improved a lot after leading the army these days.

Feng Yao wanted to hear Chen Dao's thoughts, and said, "Third brother, you are right, so how should you deal with it according to your plan?"

"Brother! In fact, even if all the enemy soldiers come out, I have made preparations. Outside the west gate, I ordered my soldiers to secretly dig many traps in the dark every day, and moved all the civilians within ten miles away. The yellow scarves If the army doesn't come out, it's all right, if it comes out, there will be chaos after being caught in my trap, I just need to avoid its edge and attack its weakness, it is not difficult to defeat it, but it will inevitably cause too many casualties." Chen Dao said.

"Third brother, you have done a good job! You can adapt to the situation, and you must not stick to the rules. It is fine if you fail to complete the task, and you must not lose your army because of it! Third brother! You must have a better plan if you come to me. ?" Feng Yao nodded again and again, agreeing with Chen Dao's strategy.

"Yes! I suggest to surround Ruyin City on three sides and not on one side. You can retreat the Ximen troops ten miles away and lay in ambush, so that the enemy has a way to retreat!" Chen Dao said.

"Okay! Just do as you said. After you arrange it, I will order to attack the city! Force him to abandon the city!" Feng Yao said.

Chen Dao was overjoyed and took orders to leave.

Feng Yao sent another message to Lu Fan to discuss the siege of the city with Lu Fan, and then he said what he meant, Lu Fan understood, and praised: "This plan is very clever! If you follow this plan, I predict that Ruyin will die within three days. Down!"


The next day, Feng Yao sent an order that Zhou Cang at the south gate and Ji Ling at the north gate pretended to attack the city. Sure enough, the Yellow Turban Army at the head of the city was terrified, and they dared not close their eyes day and night.

On the next day, scouts came to report frequently, and Ximen often saw the defected Yellow Turbans fleeing the city at night. Feng Yao was overjoyed and ordered Zhou Zheng to recruit [-] soldiers to recruit those deserters.

Cheng Gu, general of the Huang Shao tribe in Ruyin City, shot down a letter of surrender overnight, expressing his willingness to offer the east gate to surrender, and agreed to offer the gate at the beginning of the fifth watch the next day.

Feng Yao urgently recruited the Yellow Turban surrender generals Du Heng and Wen Xun, and handed over the surrender letter to the second general to watch.

Du Heng said: "My lord, Cheng Gu is known to his subordinates. He is insidious and cunning. The subordinates are worried that there may be fraud. Our army should be careful!"

Wen Xun refused to accept it and said: "My lord! Wen Xun is willing to be the vanguard and enter the city first. If he is caught, Wen Xun will kill a few backs even if he dies. If Cheng Gu really wants to surrender, he can take Ruyin City in one fell swoop. It would be a pity to give up a good opportunity because of worry!"

Du Heng saw that Wen Xun wanted to grab credit, so he said anxiously: "This subordinate is not a covetous person who is afraid of death, and is willing to attack Ruyin with General Wen!"

Of course Feng Yao will not miss this kind of opportunity, even if he miscalculates, at most hundreds of people will be lost, or if he succeeds, then Ruyin can get it with a single gesture!Compared with attacking Ruyin head-on, the loss of troops is almost negligible!To be on the safe side, Feng Yao cupped his hands and asked Lu Fan, "Brother Ziheng, what do you think of this matter?"

Lu Fan replied: "Your Majesty! I think it's worth a try. You can make the north and south gates pretend to attack at the same time to attract the enemy's forces. First, let the two generals enter the city to occupy the east gate, and then the army will enter. The enemy will be defeated. It would be safer to send another general to meet General Chen Dao outside the west gate!"

"Okay! Let's act according to this plan!" Feng Yao immediately made a decision.

On July 24th, before the fourth watch, Feng Yao ordered the whole army to bury pots and cook food in advance. As soon as the fifth watch arrived, the north, east, and south forces were all overwhelmed.

As soon as the fifth watch arrived, the sky had just brightened. Du Heng and Wen Xun each led five hundred miscellaneous soldiers and headed straight for the east gate. The defenders at the top of the city did not release arrows.

When the two generals approached the city gate, the suspension bridge was lowered at the top of the city, and then the city gate slowly opened.

The two generals led the troops into the city one by one, and after a while, they saw that the banner at the top of the city was replaced, and the banner of the Grand Administrator of Runan, the great Han of Feng Yao's army, was inserted.

Feng Yao was overjoyed and ordered the army to beat a big drum, and the whole army pressed down on Ruyin.

The drums of "dong dong dong" sounded together, and Ji Ling and Zhou Cang's ministries rushed to respond to the sound of drums. In a blink of an eye, the sound of drums shook the sky, and the Yellow Turbans in Ruyin City were in chaos.

The guard Huang Shao was shocked and rushed to the top of the city. Seeing that the guards were sleepy and unwilling to move, he was furious and drew his sword to kill several people. The yellow scarf soldiers who guarded the city got up in panic and picked up their bows and arrows in a panic. , Shooting down the city.

At this time, there was a lot of killing at the east gate, and the two generals Du Heng and Wen Xun had already started fighting with the Yellow Turban enemy soldiers who had heard the sound. How could the Yellow Turbans in the city be able to resist the enemy in a hurry.

Cheng Gu, who had just presented the east gate, ordered all his yellow scarves to be removed from their heads, and shouted everywhere: "We have surrendered to the prefect Feng! Why don't you abandon the dark and turn to the light, and welcome the prefect into the city together!"

The Yellow Turban soldiers who were fighting with him heard the news, took off their yellow scarves and joined Cheng Gu's team, and headed towards the city together!
(End of this chapter)

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