Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 83 The Battle of Ruyin

Chapter 83 The Battle of Ruyin
"Commander, it's not good! The east gate Cheng Gu has surrendered to the enemy, and Feng Yao's army has entered the city!" The scouts came to report.

Huang Shao's heart trembled, knowing that Ruyin was no longer to be defended, he shouted: "All generals will follow my west gate to break through!"

"Marshal, there are enemies in the three gates, but the west gate is invincible. I'm afraid the enemy soldiers will be deceitful!" Huang Shao's subordinates remonstrated.

"Nonsense, the enemy's soldiers are obviously smaller than ours, so they must be insufficient. They want to force me out of the city, so they have a way to retreat. Otherwise, our army is desperate, and the outcome is unpredictable! If the east gate is not lost today, It will be difficult to break Ruyin City for another three months!" Huang Shao said angrily.

The general had no choice but to restrain the soldiers and follow Huang Shao to the west gate!

After picking up the remnants all the way, by the time they left the door, Huang Shao had nearly [-] soldiers under his command!
"Hehe! I still have [-] soldiers, so why be afraid of enemy soldiers!" Huang Shao sneered.

After walking less than a mile, the vanguard in front suddenly screamed again and again. Huang Shao rushed to take a look, only to see that dozens of huge traps had been trampled over, and those who fell in were stabbed through the body by the wooden spear in the pit. The ten traps killed hundreds of Huang Shao's troops in one fell swoop.

"Explore the road ahead carefully, don't fall into the enemy's trap again!" Huang Shao ordered Huang Jin to move forward carefully.

The Yellow Turban Army came out of the city at this time, worried about chasing and killing them from the rear, who didn't want to run fast, so Huang Shao's order played very little effect, and could only restrain more than 2000 people in the Chinese army. Not only did they quicken their pace, there were even cases where hundreds of soldiers disobeyed collectively and turned around and defected.

Huang Shao didn't care about these things anymore, he kept the green hills, even if there was no firewood to burn, it was important to run for his life first, as long as he could take away most of the main force, with his title of commander in chief, he would soon be able to get a large number of troops!
"Whoosh whoosh!"

Suddenly the sky darkened, and a rain of arrows fell down. Huang Shao swung his knife and slapped down a few arrows. Looking in the direction of the arrows, his pupils shrank violently, and he saw a thousand arrows rushing out of the distance. The enemy soldiers, each holding a strong bow, are about to shoot the second arrow.

When the first wave of arrows came down, Huang Shao had already lost nearly 500 people. If there were more waves, Huang Shao couldn't imagine the result of 8000 people. He shouted in horror: "Archers, fight back!"

The yellow turban archers took the lead and pulled the team apart, but before the arrow was shot, the enemy flew in with another arrow.


There was a scream, and nearly five hundred casualties fell to the ground.

After shooting two arrows, the enemy soldiers in the distance did not wait for the Yellow Turban archers to fight back, they heard the sound of gold ringing and retreated away.

"Kill me with anger!" Huang Shao ordered the army to speed up, trying to keep the formation as neat as possible. As long as he escaped to the nearest village and relied on the village to defend for a while, the enemy would not be able to chase with the whole army!
After walking another mile, there was a forest with lush branches and leaves. Huang Shao hurriedly ordered the army to stop and ordered the scouts to explore the road first.

Yu Lin Moru, as a veteran who has fought for many years, Huang Shao still understands this simple art of war, not to mention Feng Yao's ambush in the woods not long ago was defeated, so he was more careful this time.

After waiting for a while, scouts came to report that there was no ambush in the woods. Huang Shao was overjoyed, and secretly said: "Feng Yao's use of troops is nothing more than that. If I am here to ambush a soldier, I will definitely not dare to enter, so I have to let go. ! It seems that the sky will never die, and I will too!"

Almost no enemy soldiers were chasing him, Huang Shao felt relieved, at this moment, suddenly, an ambush army came out from behind, the first general, with a face like a black date, eight feet tall, holding a big knife, went straight to Huang Shao's rear army Hack and kill the past.

"Grandpa Zhou Cang is here, put your head out and let me chop it off!"

This general is Feng Yao's powerful general, Zhou Cang and Zhou Yuanfu. The big sword is made of refined steel and weighs 48 catties. The name of the sword is Black Dragon Eater of the Sun. , It's frightening between waving.

Zhou Cang led several cavalry and accompanied him like chopping melons and vegetables, and there was no one under his command.

Huang Shao's fierce generals are all following around. Seeing that Zhou Cang only brought 2000 people, how dare he think that his own 6000 people are easy to bully?

"Marshal! This guy is too crazy! Wait for me to get his head!"

A member of the Ministry rushed to Zhou Cang in flattery.

It was less than three times, and the scream of "ah" was cut in two by Zhou Cang!

"The thief dares to hurt my brother, let's go together and kill him!"

This time, the three generals greeted them together!
Zhou Cang beheaded one general, and just after he took his head, he saw three generals coming, not only did not fear, but laughed loudly: "Here comes the one who sent the head!" With a wave of his sword, he fought with the three generals.

"Dang--!" There was a sound of weapons intersecting, and Zhou Cang slashed with his sword, which shocked the general and his horse back a few steps one after another.

"Cut him quickly!" The yellow turban general who was shaken back was shocked, and hurriedly called the other two generals to help.

Zhou Cang yelled angrily, beat his horse and rushed out of the encirclement of the three generals, the three generals thought Zhou Cang was going to escape, and then chased after him, but Zhou Cang turned around sharply and chopped the first general under the horse, then turned the horse's head, and fought with the horse again. The two generals fought together, and after only five rounds, the two generals were too weak, and their movements slowed down. Zhou Cang spotted one of them and chopped off the head of one of them.

The last general didn't dare to fight any more, and wanted to escape by hitting his horse, how could Zhou Cang let him escape?Catching up, he slapped the general's helmet with a knife, shrunk his head, and fell under the horse. His neck was shrunk in half, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore!
Zhou Cang beheaded four of Huang Shao's generals, and his momentum was greatly boosted. The morale of the [-] infantry behind him was high, and there was a burst of shouting and killing, which made the Yellow Turban soldiers dodge one after another. In a short time, hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers were killed.

Huang Shao couldn't sit still this time, if no one could withstand Zhou Cang and let him kill him, how could it be so great, he roared: "General Huang Shao is here, the enemy will come and lead him to death!" Pulling his horse towards Zhou Cang kill.

Zhou Cang smiled and said, "The thief will send his head again?"

Huang Shao was furious: "Damn it!"

Huang Shao also used a big sword, and took the lead in picking Zhou Cang from bottom to top with one knife, but this knife did not pick Zhou Cang, but aimed at Zhou Cang's bay red horse!

"Oh! This is the only skill for a great commander? He only dares to attack horses!" Zhou Cang teased, but he was shocked in his heart, secretly thinking that Huang Shao's skills are really extraordinary. In a horse battle, the most difficult thing to resist is to pick a knife , Picking a knife can borrow the power of the ground through the horse, and if you can't stop it, you can be picked up and fly off the horse, and another knife can kill you.

Zhou Cang yelled loudly, his body sank, and he swung Huang Shao's broadsword away. Both of them were startled, and each took a step back, staring at each other, knowing that they were facing a formidable enemy.

After a few breaths, Huang Shao couldn't hold his breath anymore. The Yellow Turban Army lost four generals in a row. The soldiers who lost their command have fallen into chaos.

"Kill!" Huang Shao rushed up again, Zhou Cang caught it, and fought together, but seeing the shadow of the horse flying and the horse neighing, the kill was indistinguishable, and the two were evenly matched.

After the fiftieth round of the battle, one of Feng Yao's generals came out from the rear, leading a thousand infantry. Seeing Zhou Cang fighting Huang Shao, he shouted loudly: "Yuan Fu, don't worry! Zhou Zheng is here to help!"

This army is Zhou Zheng, the general of Feng Yao's party to recruit the defeated Yellow Turbans. Zhou Zheng was originally from the Yellow Turbans. With this identity, he can easily gain the trust of the Yellow Turbans, so the main task is to collect numbers or instigate rebellion against the Yellow Turbans.

"It's you! Hmph! It turns out that you are just a small corporal commander in our army. I don't bother to kill you for how capable you are!" Huang Shao laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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