Chapter 84
Zhou Zheng was not angry either. After all, he was definitely not Huang Shao's opponent when he was fighting for strength, and he was over forty, and his physical strength was in a decline stage. But what did Zhou Zheng come for?They are here to instigate rebellion against the Yellow Turban soldiers.

Leading a thousand pawns, he did not join the battlefield immediately, but shouted loudly: "Brothers of Huang Tian! Listen to me, Zhou Zheng, I was just like you, just a small soldier in Huang Tian long,……!"

Zhou Zheng's shout!Many yellow scarves were moved. A few days ago, I heard that Du Heng had just surrendered, and Wen Xun had also become a general!This is real!Instead of beheading a yellow turban general, the new prefect Feng entrusted him with a heavy responsibility!And following Huang Shao, there is no hope at all, it is just a last dying struggle to survive in this chaotic world for a few more days!

"I am willing to surrender!" A brave yellow scarf soldier suddenly ran out and ran towards Zhou Zheng. In the process of running, in order to prove his sincerity, he not only threw away the weapon in his hand, but also threw away the gun on his head. Tear off the yellow scarf and throw it away.

"Good job!" Zhou Zheng praised, and ordered his subordinates to bring the yellow scarf soldier into his team.

"I'm waiting to surrender!!" With this example, a large number of Yellow Turban soldiers followed suit, and in a blink of an eye, more than 300 Yellow Turban soldiers were rebelled by Zhou Zheng.

Huang Shao was terrified, he swung his knife in the air, turned around and fled, Zhou Cang couldn't catch up, he thought that there were still ambushes behind him anyway, so he simply let him flee with more than 3000 yellow scarves.

Huang Shao fled for more than a mile, and suddenly an army rushed over diagonally, letting go of Huang Shao and other elite soldiers in front, and cut the Yellow Turban army in two.

The leading general was nine feet tall, extremely strong, with a big steel shield in one hand, and a mace in the other, and he didn't ride a horse. .

"It's him!" Huang Shao looked horrified.

In the battle with Lu Bu half a year ago, this big man also used the same weapon, and Huang Shao almost fell in his hands.

This step will be the most brave and loyal Dai Ling under Feng Yao's subordinates!

"Let's go! Leave him alone!" Huang Shao shouted, fleeing with the 500 people who were not stopped, and the [-] soldiers behind were beaten to death by Dai Ling with a few maces. Seeing the coach running for his own life, they all knelt down and begged for surrender!

Dai Ling had been ordered a long time ago, so he withdrew his hand and did not chase after Huang Shao, but returned with the surrendered Yellow Turban to return to his command.

When Huang Shao saw it, he secretly rejoiced, "The enemy soldiers are not strong enough, and they will not fight me to the death! This time we must have escaped!"

After walking not far, people were exhausted, and there happened to be a village in front of them, so they ordered scouts to investigate. There was no one living in the village, presumably to escape the chaos of war, so they ran for their lives!So he ordered his subordinates to go to the village to rest, to replenish their physical strength first, and then make plans.

The weather in July is so hot that one can imagine that after half a day of fierce fighting and fleeing, every yellow scarf was completely soaked. When I sat down, I didn’t want to move anymore, I just felt sore all over my body, hungry and thirsty .

Huang Shao ordered his men to go to each house to find some food and fetch some water to drink. He leaned against a tree and sat down, tied the horse to the tree, and began to think about the next step.

Runan Pingyu?Where is Liu Pi sitting in charge, and how can he still have his own status when he goes back after losing the battle?
Looking for another small county in Runan County?Forget it, Huang Shao didn't dare to imagine the result after not even defending a city as important as Ruyin.

surrender? "No! How can this commander hold his breath! Never surrender!" Huang Shao was furious when he thought of it.

Perhaps, it's time to find a mountain and become a king of the mountain!

"Marshal!" At this time, several soldiers who were ordered to find food and water came to return to their orders. After calling Marshal, they looked at Huang Shao sadly.

"Where are the water and food I asked you to find?" Huang Shao said angrily.

"Master! We searched all the houses, but there is no food left. Not only that, but all the water sources in the village have been poured with feces and can't be drunk!" The Yellow Turban soldiers replied dejectedly.




Suddenly, there was a loud cry of killing outside the village, and Chen Dao led a thousand ambush soldiers to kill him suddenly.

Chen Daodang led a few cavalry first, with a long spear mercilessly, stabbing anyone he saw, although there were only five cavalry, but at this time, in the eyes of the exhausted Yellow Turban Army, it seemed that Mount Tai was overwhelmed and could not resist at all. Before he could stand up, he was trampled to death by a horse while lying on the ground! !
Huang Shao was shocked. He jumped on his horse and fled towards a direction where there were few enemies. He had to follow a few horses behind him, but before he could run out of the village, he was tripped by a few bridle ropes. Stop, don't move!
Captured alive!Huang Shao closed his eyes and stopped talking!

Seeing that the general was captured, most of the remaining yellow scarves were killed in Chen Dao's charge. At this time, only more than 500 people were still relying on the houses behind them to resist. These five hundred yellow scarves were all Huang Shao's elite soldiers. The loyalty to Huang Shao is very high, and he would rather die in battle than surrender against his master!
"Kill!!" The five hundred elite yellow scarves roared, wanting to break through Chen Dao's siege and rescue the captured coach Huang Shao.

They are all soldiers with swords and shields. The shields are as high as half a person, and they are very thick. Can beat ten with one!

A charge of five hundred yellow turban elites immediately beheaded dozens of elite soldiers from Chen Dao, while he himself only suffered two casualties!

However, Chen Dao's elite soldiers were also well-trained, and he quickly forced the five hundred elite soldiers back!

Chen Dao was very surprised, his eyes lit up, "Huang Shao actually has such an elite soldier! It's a pity to kill them, if they can be used for their own use, it would be great!" He couldn't help but love talents.

"The enemy will listen to my words, I have surrounded this place heavily, and you will never escape! Why don't you submit to my lord! You can also have a wife in the future!" Chen Dao persuaded loudly .

"If we die, we will die, and we will never betray our lord!" Five hundred yellow turban elites roared sadly and angrily.

Chen Dao hurriedly called in the pikemen, hundreds of pikes forced the 500 elites against the wall, immobilized, if the [-] elites wanted to charge again, they would be stabbed into strings by the pikemen!So Chen Dao was still worried, and ordered the archers to go up to the surrounding roofs, aiming a sharp arrow at the [-] elite yellow scarves. As long as Chen Dao gave an order, all [-] people could be slaughtered!
"Huang Shao, if you don't want to see them destroyed! Just make them surrender!" Chen Dao pulled Huang Shao to face the five hundred elite yellow scarf soldiers.

A trace of guilt flashed in Huang Shao's eyes. When he ran for his life, Huang Shao never thought about the ending of the five hundred elites!

But these five hundred elites never thought of betraying their coach!Even at this point where he must die, he is still brave enough to save the coach and pledge his allegiance to the death!

(End of this chapter)

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