Chapter 85
"Brothers of Huang Tian! You all listen to me. I know that each of you has your own family. Why did we rise up in the first place? Isn't it all for a meal? Isn't it all because you want your family to be able to eat?" Have a good life?" Huang Shao shouted.

"I am defeated today. I don't blame others, but I blame myself for not leading my soldiers well! I resigned! But! You can't do this! You have to continue fighting! I order you, put down your weapons! Surrender! "

The five hundred yellow turban elites wept loudly and shouted in unison: "Marshal! Let me wait to die!"

"What? You won't listen to my command now?" Huang Shao said angrily.

"Big guy!"

"Don't put down your weapon yet! This is an order!" Huang Shao shouted.

"Marshal!" The five hundred yellow turban elites threw away the weapons in their hands, knelt down on the ground, knocked their heads on the ground, and cried out in pain!
Seeing the loyalty of these five hundred elite yellow scarves, everyone was in awe!
Chen Dao sighed: "Such elite soldiers are what I have been looking for in my life!"


Ruyin City was captured by Feng Yao, with only 600 casualties!Destroy 4000 enemies!More than [-] Yellow Turban soldiers were collected!
in the city, on the school grounds
Chen Dao escorted the five hundred elite yellow scarves and Huang Shao, the commander of the yellow scarves, to Feng Yao for disposal.

Feng Yaodao: "Huang Shao, I think you still have a heart for the people, I hope you can submit to me!"

Huang Shao originally wanted to kill him to establish his prestige, but after learning about Huang Shao and the five hundred elites, Feng Yao couldn't bear to kill Huang Shao again!And those five hundred elites really touched Feng Yao's heart!If the five hundred elites could be subdued, why not spare Huang Shao's life.

"Feng Yao! My commander has been defeated, so I have nothing to say! But don't want my master to surrender to you! Hahahaha! Please cut off my head quickly, and let me follow in the footsteps of the great virtuous teacher!" Huang Shao looked determined and laughed.

"Marshal!" The five hundred elites knelt down in front of Huang Shao again. They couldn't change Huang Shao's fate. They could only bid farewell to their former master in this way!They still have to continue their unfulfilled dreams!It's just that there are some changes in the way now!

"Hurry up and send me on my way! I have seen the great virtuous teacher come to pick me up!" Huang Shao urged loudly.

Feng Yao nodded solemnly.


With a click, Huang Shao's head fell to the ground!
"Listen to my order! Bury Huang Shaohou outside the city!" Feng Yao ordered.

The five hundred elite kowtowed farewell to Huang Shao, and kowtowed to Feng Yao, thanking Feng Yao for burying the old master.

"I will surrender to the lord, not to the Han court! If the lord accepts it, we will serve with death. If you can't accept it, please kill us now!" Five hundred elites knelt on the ground with a firm expression and looked at Feng Feng. Yao.

This request completely met Feng Yao's request. It would be a headache if the five hundred elites asked to surrender to Han but not to Feng.

"I agree with your request!" Feng Yao said.

Five Hundred Elite's eyes lit up, staring at Feng Yao for a while, and after confirming that Feng Yao was serious, he said firmly, "My lord! Please accept our worship! From now on, our lives belong to the lord!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed in his heart, but because he had just beheaded Huang Shao, he didn't show it. He just nodded in relief and lifted up the five hundred elites one by one. A person!Although this may take a lot of time, Feng Yao thinks it is necessary. With just a little help, a loyal and well-trained elite soldier can be recruited!Where in the world can you find such a cheap thing!If it is possible, Feng Yao really hopes that this action can be more, and it can help him a thousand, ten thousand! !

Feng Yao can pick up every elite yellow scarf, no, from now on it will be renamed, they are elite soldiers, every time Feng Yao raises an elite soldier, he can read his admiration and loyalty to himself from his eyes!

Everything is fair in this world!Feng Yao gave his sincerity to these five hundred elite dead men, and he also reaped the sincerity of every dead man in this moment of lifting up!


This is a memorable day, July 24th in the autumn of the first year of Xingping

Ruyin City, an important city in the eastern part of Runan County, belonged to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao selected more than 3000 elites from the yellow scarves, and selected 1000 miscellaneous soldiers. The remaining [-] were more than [-] wounded and elderly. Feng Yao distributed money, houses, and fields to the others to live in Ruyin City. In addition to farming, part of the taxes for disabled and wounded soldiers was reduced or exempted.

After Lu Fan's statistics, the latest battle report has been submitted!

The total force of Ruyin City is 3000!Among them, there are [-] elite soldiers, [-] elite dead soldiers, and the rest are miscellaneous soldiers. Although the elite soldiers have reached [-], more than [-] of them only have weapons, no uniform leather armor, and are still wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes.Most of these weapons-only soldiers are yellow turban soldiers who surrendered. When they used to cover their heads with yellow turbans, they looked neat, but now that the turbans were removed, if they were not holding knives, they would look like ordinary people. They don’t look like soldiers!
"No way, how can we fight like this? How can we distinguish between the enemy and the enemy? I have to make a batch of military uniforms exclusively for me!" Feng Yao secretly said.

To make military uniforms, you need money. A set of the cheapest cloth armor costs 4000 taels. Now there are 3 miscellaneous soldiers. Make more, because let’s start with [-] sets, which will cost [-] taels of silver. Although half of the [-] elites have leather armor, Feng Yao still wants to make it uniform, but leather armor is much more expensive. A set costs at least five taels of silver, and a total of [-] taels is needed. Kai Fengyao doesn't plan to do it, so let's equip the hundreds of captured ones for generals at all levels.

Feng Yao took another look at the spoils from the attack on Ruyin City. All the money was converted into silver, about 30 taels. Although not a lot, it was more than enough to make a full set of military uniforms, and the rest was basically enough for officials within a year. The salary and the military pay of the soldiers.

It may be because of the autumn harvest just now, but this time I got a lot of food, about 50 shi. After calculation, it is enough to feed more than 2 people for two years.

Another 56 horses were seized. Feng Yao became interested when he saw this. He always wanted to form a cavalry, but there were too few horses. Before, Feng Yao's entire army only had 56 horses, only a few senior generals and senior leaders. Now there are [-] more war horses, oh, it’s still too few, it’s better to reach a hundred war horses, and you can also form a minimum of a hundred-man song formation, if there are more Dozens of horses would be fine.

There are only more than 1000 other male and female servants, all of whom belong to the original Yellow Turban, and the number is not large. For these more than 1000 servants, Feng Yao has not been kind enough to remove them all. This is normal in this era and cannot be done anymore. normal thing!It doesn't mean that these slaves will be untouchables forever. According to the law, as long as they have made certain meritorious service, they will have the low status of themselves and even their relatives removed!And meritorious service is also very easy to get now, just join the army, fight with the army, kill a person and come back head-on is enough!If you have more meritorious service, you can also get titles of different levels and become a scholar who is higher than a commoner.

(End of this chapter)

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