Chapter 86 Thirst for Talent
This time, Chen Dao made a great contribution to capturing Ruyin City, and Ruyin is one of the two major cities in Runan County. Of course, Feng Yao wants to hand over this city to his brother. He has read a lot of books since he was a child, and he behaves in a round and square way, and he is the best candidate for Ruyin county magistrate.

Feng Yao appointed Chen Dao as the county magistrate of Ruyin, and everyone had no objection. The other main officials at all levels continued to use the original officials. Yao was dismissed or questioned, and ordered people to post a recruitment list to recruit talents and generals from all over the country, as well as all kinds of skilled craftsmen. Regardless of their origin, as long as they are talents, they will be entrusted with important tasks immediately. The specific selection and appointment of talents will be in charge of the new county magistrate Chen Daiguo .

Similarly, recruiting troops is a must every time you go to a place, and this matter is still handed over to Ji Ling for execution.

Cheng Gu, the former general of the Yellow Turban Army, Feng Yao would not be discouraged because he took the lead in offering the East Gate. He was promoted to Cheng Gu as a school lieutenant. There are more than 500 fixed soldiers in the army, and they have their own army Sima and independent food and grass.

However, this is just the school lieutenant awarded by Feng Yao, although with Feng Yao's permission, the power is similar to that of a real school lieutenant, but it is actually much worse.

Feng Yao's current military position is Kou Kou Lieutenant, this is the military position appointed by the imperial court, he can recruit troops by himself, and he can appoint his own generals at all levels.Cheng Gu's school lieutenant was not recognized by the imperial court, but a temporary "general" appointed by Feng Yao to unify the school's soldiers and horses. Without Feng Yao's permission, he could not recruit troops and appoint generals at all levels under him.


Feng Yao reported to the imperial court in time, ordered people to go to Beijing to manage, and got back the seals of officials at all levels. These trivial matters will not be said much.

At the same time, Feng Yao didn't forget to pass the good news to Zai Shouchun's parents!

After Yuan Shu received Feng Yao's handwritten letter, he was overjoyed. He took the letter to find his wife, Madam Feng, and said excitedly, "Madam! Look, this is the good news for our son. Yao'er has already captured Ruyin City!!"

After reading the letter happily, Madam Feng shed tears, "Husband! I miss our Yaoer!"


The total strength of Feng Yao and the counties is 110!War Horse [-] Six!The prefect of Runan County, the captain of Kou Kou.

Possessing the entire military power of the soldiers, the left half of the soldier talisman of all other trilogy, can directly mobilize all troops, and the generals at all levels who have the right half of the soldier talisman must have Feng Yao's permission to mobilize a certain amount of troops. To the left half of the soldier symbol, the two soldiers can only be transferred if they match one.

Feng Yao personally commanded the army, Army Sima Chen Ren commanded 100 miscellaneous soldiers to transport food, 100 elite dead soldiers, He Tong, He Tie, and Lei Xu respectively supervised 50 elite soldiers, and Du Heng commanded 61 miscellaneous soldiers, plus [-] military musicians. , [-] scouts (commanding Liu Shun), [-] personal followers (commanding Yang Wu), with a total force of [-], including [-] elite soldiers and [-] horses.

The school lieutenant, Ji Ling, has the right to temporarily mobilize a school's troops. He personally commands [-] elite soldiers, and the army commander Xu Xian has [-] miscellaneous soldiers. The other generals have [-] elite soldiers from Lei Bo, [-] elite soldiers from Chen Lan, and [-] miscellaneous soldiers from Wen Xun. soldier.The total force is [-], [-] elite soldiers, and [-] horses.

The school lieutenant Zhou Cang, Tong Ji Ling, one of the army Sima Zhang Shi, the general Shi Ren and so on.The total force is three thousand, one thousand elite soldiers, and ten war horses.

School lieutenant Cheng Gu, Tong Ji Ling, and army Sima Wang Ba.The total force is three thousand, five hundred elite soldiers, and ten war horses.

Sima Zhouzheng of the other department directly commanded a thousand troops, and had independent food and grass and temporary free command.

Sima Dailing of the other department, commanding a thousand troops, the same as above.

The county magistrate of Shen County, Lu Fan, had [-] county soldiers, and the commanding generals were Xun Zheng, Hu Fen and others.County magistrates have the right to recruit troops independently.Ten horses.

Ruyin county magistrate, Chen Dao, has [-] county soldiers and has the right to recruit troops independently.One thousand elite soldiers.Ten horses.

The county magistrate of Xiyang, Deng Shu, has a thousand soldiers.Have the right to recruit troops independently.


On July 26, it began to rain in Runan. Fortunately, the entire Ruyin battlefield has been cleaned up, and the dead bodies have been buried in time. The blood that stained half of Ruyin City has been washed away by the rain. vibrant.

In Ruyin City, due to the talent recruitment list in the past two days, a large number of literati and military generals have come to apply. Lu Fan and Chen Dao, who are in charge of recruiting talents, are all overjoyed to see the endless stream of talents. Comparing talents!Feng Yao ordered Chen Daoyi to act as a county magistrate.

Feng Yao called Liang Teng again, personally selected a vacant residential house that was very close to the county government and the military camp, and gave it to Liang Teng. He took out 1000 taels of silver from the spoils, and ordered him to open a steamed stuffed bun in Ruyin as usual. The shop will develop slowly, and wait for the opportunity to secretly recruit all kinds of talents.

On a rainy night, Feng Yao suffered from insomnia again!
The legendary deeds about fierce generals and wizards in the Three Kingdoms that were extolled by the world kept echoing in my mind!

it's time! !
"In this chaotic world, I finally have my own territory and my tens of thousands of troops!!...! With my good brother Zhou Cang and Chen Dao! And my father who silently supports me behind the scenes!"

"Now I have the strength and qualifications to subdue those heroes who have long been fascinated in my heart. I will use them to contribute to my great cause step by step! I will conquer the entire Three Kingdoms!!"

Feng Yao clenched his fists tightly, his eyes shone with a compelling light in the darkness!
"Since recruiting talents is not enough! Then I will take the initiative!! I want to learn from Liu Bei and visit the thatched cottage! I want to learn from Cao Cao to appoint talents!!"

"Xu Shu, Wei Yan, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Guo Jia, Xu Chu...!"

Feng Yao swung his fist vigorously, unable to control himself for a long time!


The next day, it was still raining.

Feng Yao raised his account to discuss matters, Lu Fan, Chen Dao, Ji Ling, Zhou Cang, Dai Ling, Zhou Zheng, Cheng Gu and other major generals, as well as his confidant Yang Wu and scout leader Liu Shun were all sent to the camp by Feng Yao.

"I once heard that there is a very smart person, whose surname is Guo and whose name is Jiayingchuan. Do you know this person?" Feng Yao asked.

All shook their heads.

But Chen Dao suggested: "My lord! Yingchuan is close to our Runan, why not send someone to inquire about it!"

"That's a good suggestion, Uncle Zhi, I will leave this matter to you to arrange!" Feng Yao nodded.

According to the historical process, Guo Jia is just a down-and-out scholar at this time. Although he has the lowest title of his ancestors, his family is poor and not valued by the world!It's normal that no one has heard of it!Feng Yao was not angry.

"I also recently heard that there is a famous strong man named Xu Mingchu in Runan. He is extremely brave. Why hasn't he been recruited for three days in a row?" Feng Yao asked again.

Most of the generals also shook their heads to express their ignorance, but Lu Fan and Cheng Gu's expressions moved, as if they had something to say.

Feng Yao looked at it with his eyes and gestured to speak bluntly.

Lu Fan said: "Fujun! When I was a knight-errant, I heard a person in the same way mention him. He is quite similar to what Fujun described, but this person's name is Xu Dali, and he is not from this county, but from this county. A native of Qiao County at the junction of Chen, Liang, and Pei!"

Cheng Gu quickly responded: "Yes! Yes! That's him! My lord! Xu Dali is Xu Chuye! When my subordinate was still in the Yellow Turban Army three months ago, he hadn't come to Ruyin at that time, and he stayed there for a while. , that Xu Dali is extremely powerful. We tried to go to their village to borrow food many times, but we were all defeated by thousands of strong men under his leadership. Shocking Huairu, many people only know his name Xu Dali, but they don't know his real name is Xu Chu!"

(End of this chapter)

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