Chapter 87
Feng Yao was overjoyed, and also vaguely knew some legends about Xu Chu. It seemed that there were bandit soldiers who robbed the civilians in the village, and Xu Chu beat several people to death with several punches, scaring the bandit soldiers from coming again, but Feng Yao didn't say anything, but asked Cheng Gu happily: "General Cheng! Tell me what happened to make him so famous?"

"My lord! At that time, Xu Chu gathered thousands of people, and the food in a village was not enough, and it was eaten up quickly, so he proposed to exchange cattle for food with us. We were also farming nearby at that time, and we were in need Farming cattle, we agreed, and we followed the agreement during the exchange process! But after the cattle came into our hands, due to carelessness, the cattle ran away again and ran back to Xu Chu’s village. Back to the cow, but when Xu Chu saw the cow returning to the village, he was furious, dragged the cow's tail for more than a hundred steps, and yelled for us to go over and take the cow away! We were all terrified, how dare we approach him? ! For fear of being punched to death by him!"

Cheng Gu still has a look of shock on his face when he recalls it, his eyes are wide open, but his eyes are extremely empty, as if he is still immersed in that shocking scene.

All the generals were also amazed, not only marveled at Xu Chu's domineering arrogance, but also frightened by Cheng Gu's expression.

"How mighty and strong does this man have to be to be so domineering?" Feng Yao secretly said, "If I don't get such a strong man, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life!"

"General Cheng!" Feng Yao shouted.

Only then did Cheng Gu let out a sigh of relief, and saluted, "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Do you know where Xu Xuan lives in Qiao County?" Feng Yao asked.

"My lord, my subordinates will never forget that place!" Cheng Gu said.

"That's good! After lunch, get ready, we'll go meet Xu Chu together!" Feng Yao said.

"Yes, my lord!" Cheng Gu looked a little flattered.

"Why does the Lord Fu value this person so much?" Lu Fan stroked his beard with one hand, and looked at Feng Yao in surprise, as if he wanted to see something from Feng Yao's face, which made Lu Fan more and more attractive. I can't understand it anymore, but there is always a kind of convincing novelty from its seemingly immature face.

According to the thinking of ordinary officials, Xu Chu is just a rough warrior with a slightly famous background, and he must not have read many books. The ruler of a county actually wants to brave the heavy rain to conquer! ...

From the eyes of the people staring at him, Feng Yao could see the confusion in the hearts of the people, so he had to come up with a reasonable and satisfactory explanation!
"By the way! Why don't I use this story to explain?" Feng Yao had an idea, and immediately thought of a solution, with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ziheng, I can see Xu Chu's character from the story General Cheng told!" Feng Yao said.

"Doesn't the Lord Fu want to say that Xu Chu is a man who keeps his word?" Lu Fan asked.

"Ziheng is right!" Feng Yao praised, and then said: "Xu Chu dragged the cattle back, which shows his faith. He gathered a crowd to fight against the bandits, which shows his unyielding. Although he is poor, he is not a thief, which shows his great ambition! He can gather thousands of people. People, it shows that his virtues are not bad, and when he is alone, it can be seen that he is brave and fearless, and his wisdom can be seen by dragging the oxtail! Such a wise and courageous person, with faith first, and with high morals, is like winning thousands of troops. If you are one step late, it would be a pity to miss it!"

Everyone took a long breath and nodded in agreement with Feng Yao's point of view.

Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the goal was set, it was enough to achieve it immediately. Feng Yao couldn't help but began to look forward to the appearance of the famous tiger idiot Xu Xuan in the Three Kingdoms as his subordinate.

But before leaving, everything must be arranged!This is also the reason why Feng Yao called all the generals here today. There are 37 counties in Runan. Express your opinion.

If you surrender, you can let the magistrates of these counties or the Yellow Turban Army continue to have their respective territories, but you must first send [-] well-armored elite soldiers, [-] stones of grain and grass, and [-] well-trained horses.If not, Feng Yao would send a large army to attack the city, then there would be no such easy talk!
"General Ji! I order you to take back the counties of Fubo, Yuanlu, and Qisi in the south of Ruyin immediately after the rain stops tomorrow!" Feng Yaoling said.

"Your subordinate obeys!" Ji Ling hurriedly knelt down to accept the order.

"General Zhou Cangzhou! I order you to lead the headquarters and General Cheng Gucheng's headquarters with a total of [-] soldiers and horses to recover Song, Sishan, Chengfu and other counties in the northern part of Ruyin," Feng Yaoling said.

Zhou Cang accepted the order, with an excited look on his face.

"Zhou Zheng Zhou Sima! I order you to lead the troops of the headquarters, and then lead He Tong and Tie with a total of [-] soldiers to meet Ji Ling and Zhoucang's north and south troops! He Tong and He Tie, you two must assist Zhou Sima with all your heart, and you must not Neglect!" Feng Yaoling said.

Zhou Zheng and other three generals knelt down to take orders.

He Tong said: "Don't worry, my lord, the two brothers under my command will definitely obey Zhou Sima's order! If there is any violation, I will be punished by the military law!"

Hearing that the second general made such an oath, Feng Yao felt a little relieved. After all, the second general was his personal soldier and was temporarily transferred to Zhou Zheng's subordinates. He was afraid that the second general would be unwilling, so he emphasized it.

Feng Yao's layout is to open up the north and south roads first, so that the entire eastern half of Runan County is under his control. After he returns from Qiao County to collect Xu Chu, he will raise an army again, personally lead the middle road, and then supplement it with the north and south roads. , the three roads marched westward side by side, and could attack all the way to Pingyu City, the county government of Runan County!

Pingyu City will be the place where the decisive battle will take place. When the three roads encircle Pingyu, it will only be a matter of time before Pingyu is broken!
Feng Yao looked at Lu Fan again, and Lu Fan folded his hands and waited for Feng Yao's order.

"Lv Fanlu County Magistrate! I order you to return to Shen County tomorrow, train your troops, and repair the road between Shen County and Ruyin City as soon as possible, and at the same time recruit a large number of talents for my use!"

"Follow the order of the lord!" Lu Fan knelt down to accept the order.

In the end, only Chen Dao had no orders. Of course, Feng Yao had orders for him, and relatively speaking, Chen Dao's responsibility was the most important. At this time, Ruyin was already an important stronghold of Feng Yao. , must not lose, Feng Yao doesn't want to wait for himself to go out for a trip, and when he comes back, he will see that Ruyin has changed hands.

"Chen to County Magistrate Chen! I order that after I leave, lead all the remaining soldiers and horses to defend Ruyin City to the death, and nothing will be lost!" Feng Yaoling said.

Chen Dao immediately knelt down to accept the order, "Chen Dao would like to obey the Lord's order!" But then he asked in amazement: "Master, don't you take the troops out of Qiao County this time?"

"Third brother, Qiao County is far away from here, and it is not within our sphere of influence. Many places along this road do not know whether they are friends or foes. It is inconvenient to take troops out! But don't worry, I will bring dozens of relatives to accompany you." We went together!" Feng Yao explained.

At this time, Dai Ling couldn't sit still anymore, and said anxiously: "My lord, please order Dai Ling to accompany you!"

"Dai Ling! I originally planned to take you there this time! You also go to prepare later, and hand over the military power to County Magistrate Chen first, so let's meet up!" Feng Yao said.

Dai Ling is the current Sima of the other department, and is Feng Yao's most loyal servant. He is nine feet tall and extremely strong. In addition, Feng Yao made him a large stainless steel shield. In terms of defense, no one can match him. Feng Yao had another idea. If Xu Chu refused to accept it and brought Dai Ling along, the two of them could have a competition, and maybe they would get unexpected results.

Received an affirmative answer from the lord Feng Yao, Dai Ling was overjoyed and excited!It seems that Dai Ling can feel more meaningful if he can guard the lord Feng Yao at any time!

Seeing the blackness kneeling in front of him, Feng Yao accepts it calmly, because now Feng Yao is giving orders in the capacity of the lord, and all those who receive orders must kneel down!Needless to say, Feng Yao's servants and others, even if Lu Fan does not usually kneel to Feng Yao, this time is no exception!This is a unique rule of this era, there is no rule without rules, so Feng Yao didn't help anyone.

But kneeling is not kneeling with five bodies on the ground, nor kneeling on both knees, but kneeling on one knee, hands clasped over the head, and slightly lowered the head.

(End of this chapter)

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