Chapter 88
"All orders have been issued, everyone please get up and execute quickly!" Feng Yaoxu gave a support.

"As ordered!"

Everyone responded and saluted again before getting up and taking their orders and leaving.

In the end, only Feng Yao's new commander, Yang Wu, remained in the tent.

Yang Wu is seven feet seven inches tall, with a thick back and a hulking waist. His usual weapon is a three-foot saber that can be used both for horse and step. Wu Yi dare not say that he is the tallest among fifty relatives, but he is extremely calm and upright, so Feng Yao made him his relative. Then commander, Yang Wu will take him with him on this trip.

Seeing that everyone else had left, Yang Wu bowed, "My lord!"

Feng Yao nodded lightly, and said, "Yang Wu, you go and choose ten suitable candidates. This time we are going to Qiao County as a ranger! You should prepare everything for the road."

"Yes, my lord!" Yang Wu bowed and retreated.


At the junction of Yanzhou and Yuzhou, near Xiayi County, Liangguo, Yuzhou, a small river meanders from west to east.

A group of 11 people immediately stationed on the north bank of the small river one by one. Judging from their attire, they should be servants sent by the government. Each of them wears a plain knife with a handle.

"Everyone!" The leading scribe cleared his throat and pointed forward, "Just cross this small river and you will be in Xiayi County of Liang State. At the same time, we have also entered the territory of Yuzhou. Look at the low mountain in the distance. .”

The servants heard the words and looked in the direction of the scribe's finger. In the distance to the left in front, there is a continuous low mountain, which is full of emerald green trees. On the east side of the mountain is a flat river, surrounded by endless farmland Dotted with several small villages.

"Cao Zuoli, I heard that there is a mountain in Liang State called Mangdang Mountain, but is that mountain?" one of the guards asked.

"That mountain is the famous Mangdang Mountain in our Han Dynasty, but recently I heard that there are bandits rampant in Mangdang Mountain. After we enter the Liang Kingdom, we must drive carefully and try to avoid the vicinity of Mangdang Mountain. Fifty miles west of it to the south Going forward, we will pass through Xiayi County of Liang State today, and Jianping County of Pei State tomorrow, if we hurry up, we will be able to reach Qiao County of Pei State before dark tomorrow!" The scribe called Cao Zuoli by the guards immediately The following route is drawn up.

"I'll follow Cao Zuoli's arrangement!" The guard turned slightly and cupped his hands towards Cao Zuoli.

"Okay! You follow me, there is a small bridge over there, let's cross the river on the bridge!" Cao Zuo envoy said loudly.


three days ago

Cao Cao's Central Army Tent, Fan County, East County, Yanzhou

Not long ago, Cao Cao was ambushed by Lu Bu in Puyang, and almost lost his life in the city. After the defeat, Cao Cao was frightened and returned to Fan County, where the army was stationed. Started, this day I felt my body recovered, so I raised my account and gathered everyone to discuss.

Xun Yu in Zhizhong, Cheng Yu in Dongping, ..., and the young general Li Dian, who was newly promoted as a captain, was also present.

Cao Cao helped the case and asked: "In ten days, can you have a plan to defeat Lu Bu?"

Cheng Yu said: "My lord, I have a strategy. Although it is not a good strategy, it can make Lu Bu ignore his head and tail, exhaust him, and consume a lot of his food and grass!"

"Zhongde, as long as you have a plan!" Cao Cao cheered up, his face beamed, and he looked at Cheng Yu impatiently and said.

"Although Lu Bu won a game in Puyang, he lost Juye City. Now the entire Liangshanbo is under the control of our army, and food and grass can be easily sent to the surrounding Juye, Chengshi, Dingtao, and Fan through Langshanbo. In this case, it is better to order Xia Houyuan and Li Dian to lead the army to advance along Liangshanbo, water and land, first take Chengshi, and then attack Dingtaocheng. Dingtaocheng is the prefecture of Jiyin County. Now, we can control the whole county of Jiyin, so I predict that Lu Bu will go to break the siege of Tao, and our army can take this opportunity to attack Puyang! Although I dare not say it will be successful, it is enough to make Lu Bu burn out!" Cheng Yu said.

"Good plan! Zhongde must have spent a lot of thought these days! If this plan succeeds, Zhongde will be the first to contribute!" Cao Cao said happily.

Everyone looked at Cheng Yu with admiration, only Xun Yu's face was cold and arrogant, with disdain on his face, but it was not obvious, and if you don't pay attention, you can't see the subtle expression changes on Xun Yu's face.

Cao Cao had already seen this in his eyes, and when the crowd calmed down, he asked Xun Yu, "Wen Ruoke, what's the best idea?"

Xun Yu bowed his head, and then said with a smile: "Zhongde's plan is good, but if there is a slight change, taking Puyang is like picking something out of a pocket!"

As soon as Xun Yu said this, everyone's expressions changed.

A certain general had a look of sneer on his face, and he was displeased, "Puyang is easy to take? Then why didn't you say that last time when you attacked Puyang? Could it be that you purposely wanted the Lord to lose the battle last time! But a person who can only tell lies It’s just an aristocratic family that seeks its own interests! Why do you look down on Cheng Zhongde’s strategy? If Cheng Zhongde hadn’t tried his best to preserve Dong’a and Fan County, Yanzhou Juancheng would have been lost at this time! How can you sit here and talk nonsense? Opportunity?"

A certain general's face changed, "Dr. Cao once compared Xun Yu with Zhang Liang, so he must have an astonishing plan!"

More generals showed unbelievable expressions on their faces. They couldn't believe what Xun Yu said, but they showed great interest and looked at Xun Yu with wide eyes.

Cao Cao sat in the main seat, and his pupils shrank after hearing Xun Yu's words, and said, "Wen Ruo has something to say!"

Xun Yu was already thirty or two years old at this time, and although his beard was not thick, it was still several inches long. Xun Yu stroked his beard lightly a few times, pondered for a while, as if his plan had been decided, and suddenly smiled , said: "If we follow Zhongde's strategy, when Lu Bu rescues Dingtao, our army does not have to attack Puyang immediately. Puyang City is high and deep, so it is not easy to capture it. After breaking through the siege of Dingtao, we will surely return with a large army, and then we will attack Puyang City inside and outside, even if our army has the upper hand, we may still be defeated!"

At this time, Li Dian's expression was already impatient, Cheng Yu not only helped Li's family to avenge their revenge, but also strongly recommended himself, and his kindness to Li's family was as great as a mountain, but unexpectedly he was humiliated by Xun Yu face to face, how could he swallow this breath.

"Even if Lu Bu goes back to defend Puyang, how can his thousands of troops compete with our army! If he is in the city, he can hold on, but if he is in the wild, I think Lu Bu is just throwing himself into a trap!" Li Dian objected.

Li Dian is only a fifteen or six-year-old boy at this time, and he has become a general commanding nearly ten thousand people in just two or three months. He is guarding Dong'e and has made great achievements in the battle of breaking Juye City, so it is inevitable that he is a little heroic. Rise, the phenomenon of self-esteem too high.

"General Li, you haven't really seen Lu Bu's bravery, nor the majesty of Lu Bu's two hundred Bingzhou cavalry, so you can say such a thing! If our army doesn't study countermeasures well, it will be several times stronger than Lu Bu's army. , may not be better than Lu Bu!" Xun Yu said with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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