Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 90 Xun Yu's Plan

Chapter 90 Xun Yu's Plan

"I have to go for this matter!" Xun Yu said confidently.

Most of the counselors under Yuan Shao's tent were Xun Yu's old acquaintances, relying on these relationships, and giving generous gifts, even if they didn't support them, they would definitely not stop them. Except for Xun Yu, no one is more suitable than Xun Yu.

After Xun Yu revealed the whole strategy and decided to go out in person, Cao Cao immediately swept away the depression of more than half a month. After Xun Yu's analysis of the seemingly bleak battle situation, the future turned out to be bright!
"Wen Ruozhen is my son's house!" Cao Cao praised.

Cheng Yu also said: "Wen Ruo's wisdom is beyond my reach!"

Everyone was very excited, if Yuan Shao could be persuaded to send troops, why worry about Lu Bu not being destroyed!

"It's just..." Xun Yu was not as excited as the others, but was a little worried about this almost [-]% successful strategy.

Cao Cao asked: "Wen Ruo! Are you worrying about our army's lack of money? It's hard to impress Yuan Shao's advisers if you give less? Don't worry, I'll order someone to prepare it for you right away! As long as you can get Puyang back, all costs will be paid. Worth paying for!"

"My lord! That's not what I'm worried about! What I'm worried about is Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu. If Zhang Miao is not removed, Lu Bu will be able to retreat to Chenliu even if he loses Dongjun and Jiyin. Zhang Miao has been the prefect of Chenliu for many years. Virtue is important, money and food are sufficient, without Lu Bu and Zhang Miao, no great things can be achieved. If once Lu Bu is forced to Chenliu, it may cause Zhang Miao and Lu Bu to truly unite. Wouldn't that be letting the tiger go back to the mountain? It is best to be able to "Xun Yu road.

Cao Cao thought the same thing, if he wanted to fight, he would beat Lu Bu so that there was no possibility of turning over, so Chenliu County must not become Lu Bu's retreat!
At present, Chen Liu is only attacked by Xun You, who is a county official in Yingyin County, Yingchuan County, and thousands of soldiers are attacking. It is entirely supported by the financial resources of the Xun family, which can only play the role of attracting Chen Liu's army and play a role in attacking Chen Liu. effect is too small.

According to Xun Yu's strategy, after Yuan Shao won Baima, Yanjin, Yan and other counties, his next target must be Linjun Chenliu, and Yuan Shao would definitely attack the northern counties of Chenliu Commandery!

"We can't let Yuan Shao get more territory!" Cao Cao secretly said, the Dongjun troops can't take care of Chen Liu for the time being, maybe Xun You is the key to solve this matter.

But Cao Cao didn't say it out, but asked Xun Yu directly: "How should we deal with it according to Wenruo's plan?"

Xun Yu said: "In the past two years, the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan have attacked the city and seized the county many times, and many officials have been killed. Therefore, although the imperial court has appointed the heads of counties and counties at all levels, most of them have never been appointed. The current prefect of Yingchuan only took one I don't have the slightest achievements in my position. It is better to send people to the central government to seek the post of prefect of Yingchuan for my nephew Xun You with generous gifts. At that time, let Xun You attack Chenliu from the southwest with all the county soldiers. At the same time, send people to lobby Chen Guoxiang Luo Jun, let him attack the counties of Chenliu County from the south with a generous profit!"

"Wen Ruo's plan is very clever! If so, Chenliu has Yuan Gong in the north, Xun You in the southwest, and Luo Jun in the south. After our army breaks through Juyang, we can also send an army to attack from the northeast. Zhang Miao this time Like Lu Bu, he will have no power to fight back, but it is a pity that Chen Liu still has escape routes to the west and southeast." Cao Cao sighed.

Xun Yu said: "It would be great if Liang Guo, which is adjacent to the southwest of Chen Liu, could send troops, but it's a pity that Liang Wang is very strict and does not allow his subordinates to participate in the battles in other counties!"

"My lord, the general has something to say!" Li Dian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up, clasped his fists and saluted loudly.

"Mancheng, do you have any good plans?" Cao Cao looked at Li Dian happily.

For Li Dian, Cao Cao never underestimated him because of his youth. On the contrary, Cao Cao admired Li Dian's ability very much and believed that Li Dian was a talent worth cultivating. He valued Li Dian more than everyone else. Among them, those who can achieve the position of captain are all veterans who have followed Cao Cao for many years, except Li Dian, who is just 15 years old this year and has become a captain who controls thousands of people. In addition, there are more than 3000 Li Menliang Mountain knights, the total strength is close to ten thousand.

Li Dian said: "My lord, there is Qiao County on the border of Liang State. It is less than [-] miles from the southeast to Chenliu. His surname is Xu, his name is Hu, and he is as powerful as an ox. Now thousands of strong men have gathered in his hometown, and the yellow scarves and bandits from far and near are all afraid of him. If he can be persuaded to lead the thousands of strong men, wouldn't it be even better it is good."

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and he said, "Mancheng's plan is good, but Qiao County is far away, how do we know if Xu Chu is up to the task?"

Xun Yu said at this time: "Don't worry, my lord. General Li's plan is not bad. How about this? Let's give that knight a false position first, and make him the governor of the trilogy first, and lead him to find ways to raise money, food and equipment. , if he can really attack Chenliu, and has meritorious service, he will be given a real job and formally recruited into the army!"

Cao Cao thought for a while and agreed, "That's fine too!"

Afterwards, the generals and advisers deliberated the whole plan again, Cao Cao issued orders one by one, and ordered his subordinate Cao Zuo envoy to take ten guards and rush to Qiao County to recruit Xu Chu.


Since the 27th, Feng Yao set out from Ruyin with Dai Ling, Yang Wu, Cheng Gu, Feng Yao's full-time cook Zhao Wang, and a team of five.

A carriage, nine war horses, and ten people, except for Zhao Wang who drove the carriage with all kinds of utensils and money for the journey, all nine of them rode on horseback. Chengfu County, the northernmost part of Runan County.

After inquiring, he found out that although Chengfu County had surrendered to the Yellow Turban Army in name, it was actually guarded by the officers and soldiers of the big Han. The father will watch the wind and come down.”

When Feng Yao and his party arrived near Chengfu City, it was almost dark on the 29th.

"Let's go! Let's go to the city to spend the night and get up early tomorrow!" Feng Yao said.

It's only so close to the county seat, if stationed outside the city, it's easy to be regarded as a spy by the patrolling county soldiers. It's relatively safe to spend the night in the city, and Feng Yao has another plan. He heard Cheng Gu talking about Xu Xuan along the way. Feng Yao came to the conclusion that Xu Chu is a generous person who loves to eat meat and drink very much!
"Determine your friendship and then ask for it,..., do what you like,..." etc., have always been the most reasonable sayings that Feng Yao firmly believes in.

Since I was going to see Xu Chu as a ranger, I had to buy more good meat and wine, otherwise, as a prefect of a county, I would come to the door empty-handed, not to mention anything else. Do you think so too, but if you were in Xu Xuan's position, you would feel more or less disappointed, right?
After giving dozens of copper coins as tax money, the county soldiers guarding the gate readily let the group of people enter the city.

(End of this chapter)

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