Chapter 91 Strange Boy
Although Chengfu can be regarded as a large county, the city is not lively, which may be caused by the war in the past two years.

However, Feng Yao didn't bother to deal with these things, so he directly found an inn that looked pretty good from the outside, Chengfu Inn.

"Guest officers, do you still want to stay in the hotel?" Xiao Er immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Stay in the hotel." Feng Yao said.

"Excuse me, how many days do you want to stay? Do you want to stay in the room or leave the room?" When he heard that he was going to stay in the hotel, Xiaoer became more polite. Ten people need at least five rooms. If it is one room, one hundred per day For copper coins, only twenty copper coins are needed for the next room, judging from the clothes of Feng Yao and others, they must be for the upper room.

"Let's make an appointment for ten days first, six rooms!" Feng Yao said.

Xiaoer was overjoyed when he heard that, he quickly greeted him, helped to pull the carriage to the backyard, and arranged the room.

Feng Yao didn't follow, but ordered Zhao Wang to follow Xiao Er to deal with these broken locks.

There are very few people eating in the lobby, there are only two tables of people, one table is four people, judging from their clothes, it should be a rich local businessman, and on the other table is a drunk young scholar, judging from his clothes, he should be a scholar He is a son of the family, but he is so drunk, and there is no servant to take care of him, which seems a little strange.

Feng Yao found a larger table and made it, everyone sat down one by one, ordered another waiter in the shop to prepare wine and food, and started eating.

After a while, Zhao Wang finished his work and came out. The little second followed behind happily. Feng Yao guessed that Zhao Wang must have secretly rewarded the little second, or the little second How can I laugh so happily!However, it is estimated that Zhao Wang also obtained a lot of useful information from Xiao Er's mouth.

Xiao Er came out and bowed to Feng Yao. When he turned around, he suddenly found that the young scribe was still in the store. He frowned and said, "Why are you still here? Wouldn't this affect the honored guests' eating!" Obviously, Xiao Er The honored guest in the mouth refers to Feng Yao and others.

"Let's go! Go home quickly when you're drunk!" Xiaoer looked displeased and wanted to drag the young scribe out of the shop.

The noise here had already caught the attention of Feng Yao and the others, they all stopped their chopsticks and turned their heads to see what happened.

The young scribe was originally lying on the table, but at this moment he was pulled by Xiao Eryi, who raised his head strong enough and said angrily: "Go away! I am not drunk!..., I am not drunk!"

When he raised his head, Feng Yao could see his appearance clearly, he looked about his age, with delicate features, majestic appearance, and a straight nose that reached to the heavens, he looked like an extremely intelligent man!It's just that Feng Yao always felt that there was something wrong with the young scholar's appearance.

"Get up! This is not a place for you to be drunk and crazy!" Xiao Er said bluntly, and called another Xiao Er who was idle in the hall, and the two of them directly set up the young scribe, as if they were going to stand outside the shop , Throw it outside on the street.

The young scribe was drunk, how could he resist, cursing, still yelling: "..., I am not drunk, let me have another jar of... wine,..."

However, Xiaoer is a master who only recognizes money, and one of the Xiaoer sneered: "Oh, how about returning the son? How can the son not have a servant to wait on you?"

Looking at the young man's sharp eye sockets and browbones, Feng Yao suddenly thought of a possibility, and when he took a closer look at the young man's eyes, there was a hint of blue in the black eyes, and he suddenly realized: "Could it be that his ancestors were Westerners?"

"Stop!" Feng Yao stood up suddenly at this moment, and shouted to stop the two young men, "Give this young master an upper room and help him to rest!" As he said, he took out a few pieces of broken silver and didn't even look at it. The weight, estimated to be two or three taels, was thrown directly to Xiao Er, "This is the son's rent, and if there is more money, I will reward you two, but I ask you to take good care of him.

Immediately, the eyes of the two young men lit up, and they said happily, "My lord, I will do as you ordered immediately!" With a haha, they collected the silver that Feng Yao had thrown away on the table, and said to the young scholar His attitude immediately became respectful, and he didn't dare to hold on anymore, but one of them immediately squatted down, carried the young scribe on his back, and carried it carefully to the backyard.

Feng Yao and the others sat down again and continued drinking and eating.

It was getting dark quickly, Xiaoer came back after waiting for him, and told Feng Yao that the young scribe had been settled, and he was sleeping soundly.

Feng Yao nodded, pointed to a plate of roast lamb on the table and asked: "This dish is well done!"

Xiaoer immediately said happily: "This is the most famous dish in our restaurant. Only our restaurant can roast such good lamb in Chengfu County. If the guest officer wants more, I can give you another one for free! "Xiao Er, who received a lot of rewards from Feng Yao, seemed generous.

But Feng Yao didn't mean that.

"Then can your shop make me a roasted whole lamb? I want to take it away tomorrow morning!" Feng Yao asked.

"Yes! But it takes too much time to roast a whole lamb, and the price is also quite expensive, and the weather is so hot now, if you cook it early, the meat will become sour after a long time... Ah! This is, you again Do you want to reward me with money? Hehehe! Master, you are too generous, and I will not sleep tonight, but I must let my master get the delicious and hot roasted whole lamb early in the morning!" Xiao Er Originally talking non-stop, after receiving another ingot of silver as a reward from Feng Yao, he immediately knelt down in excitement.

After drinking and eating, Feng Yao ordered several people to take turns to watch the night, and the others rested and didn't talk about it all night.

In the early morning of the next day, just after five o'clock, there was a little fishy white in the east, and Yang Wu followed him to wake up Feng Yao, saying that someone asked to see him, and after asking, it turned out to be the drunk young scribe from yesterday, so he hurriedly put on his clothes, and went to bed again. Ask Yang Wu to fetch water, and after washing, ask Yang Wu to bring the young scholar in.

However, the young scribe didn't seem to appreciate Feng Yao's help yesterday, instead he directly put an ingot of five taels of silver on the table and said, "Thank you Mr. Feng for your help yesterday, but I never want to owe favors. I will pay you back! We will not owe each other in the future!"

Yang Wu looked embarrassed, he didn't expect that the young scribe had waited for so long and came here just to pay back the money!If you had known earlier, Yang Wu would never have dared to wake Feng Yao up so early, and just collected the money.

Feng Yao's eyes lit up, and he thought that although this young scribe was a bit wild and unruly, he was actually a thoughtful person. On the surface, he was paying back the money, but he was actually testing Feng Yao's attitude!Otherwise, he would have waited silently for a long time, just to pay back the money!

The young scribe introduced himself very clearly by paying back the money, with clear grievances and grievances, that is to say, whoever treats him well, he will repay him ten times, and whoever treats him badly, he will also remember very clearly!
That's why he made such an attitude on purpose to test Feng Yao's reaction. If Feng Yao can't see it, or if his face shows displeasure, it proves that Feng Yao is not a sensible person, nor is he a magnanimous person. Of course So it won't be the person the young scholar wants to find, and then he will turn his head and leave without saying anything more!

(End of this chapter)

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