Chapter 93
Out of politeness, Feng Yao and the others got off their horses, led the horses and followed Xu Yu through the welcoming warriors on both sides.

Xu Yu looked very excited, and asked Ma Guang, "Brother Ma, it's still about our temper. You may not know that a few businessmen came here yesterday with arrogance, gesticulating on my site, and saying what is for us?" What is the order of Mr. Cao in Yanzhou! I, Xu Chu, don’t like those people, and now I’ve left them aside for the whole night, and they’re still hanging on, hahaha!”

Feng Yao patted Xu Chu's shoulder vigorously, and praised: "Brother Xu, well done! To be honest, brother, I also hate those people very much. I only dare to bully those who are weak. If you give them some advantages, they will be obedient. Like a dog!"

Seeing that Feng Yao praised him and patted him on the shoulder, Xu Chu was very happy. Ever since he was a child, everyone was afraid of his strength. Although they respected him a lot, Xu Chu felt somewhat lonely. In every move of "Ma Guang", Xu Yu didn't see a trace of fear or a sense of aloofness. On the contrary, he was like an old friend for many years, with no politeness at all, and most importantly, "Ma Guang" even brought Had Xu Chu's favorite mutton and his favorite wine!
How many days has Xu Chu not eaten meat or drank wine? In Xu Chu's view, using grain to make wine is simply using human life to make wine!

Because of his humble background, he was just a commoner. Although Xu Chu had gained a little reputation, in the eyes of the gentry in some counties and counties, he was just a reckless man. There were some people who thought of hiring Xu Chu, but they all had a superior attitude. , and only hired Xu Yu alone, which of course Xu Yu would not agree to. The thousands of strong men in the village came here for their own names, how could they abandon these good brothers for their own sake!
For some reason, after talking to "Ma Guang" for two or three words, Xu Chu felt a different feeling from "Ma Guang", which made Xu Chu feel very happy.

"Brother Ma, let's go to my house. After a while, we two brothers will tell you their jokes while drinking and eating meat!" While Xu Chu was talking, he was overly excited, and he raised his hand as big as a cattail fan. Feng Yao patted on the back, also wanted to show his approval for "Ma Guang".

Feng Yao was almost dumbfounded when he saw it, but since he took the picture first, what should others do if they want to show their intimacy?What else can I do, just accept it with a smile!
There was a "bang", although Feng Yao had been prepared for a long time, or the golden star in front of him, he almost didn't vomit blood, but this face can't be lost, Feng Yao pretended to be nothing, still laughing, but in front of him But he was extremely shocked in his heart, "Hold the grass, this palm weighs [-] catties, but it weighs [-] catties! Fortunately, I have never stopped exercising since I crossed, and if I give it to ordinary people, I won't let it go." Already?"

After a few steps, Feng Yao passed through the fence built of earth and wood, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Inside the fence, there was a large open space, presumably for the convenience of resisting foreign enemies. The open space was covered with short There are rows of green trees in the middle of the short grass, and more than a dozen horses are tied to the trunks of some of the green trees. The horses are lying or standing, and they are slowly chewing the grass.

Feng Yao's eyes were fixed, and he counted silently, there were eleven horses in total, and looking at the dress and body shape of these horses, he understood that Zhiyue was right, they were war horses!Looking at the houses in the village, most of them are stone-based thatched houses, and only a few are made of green bricks and stones. The green brick and tile houses are not residential houses in appearance, but government buildings. office place.

"Look, Brother Ma, those horses belong to the tolerances I mentioned!" Xu Xuan said.

"En!" Feng Yao responded without saying anything.

After turning a few turns, Xu Chu brought Feng Yao and his party to a fairly spacious wooden house in the village, and Xu Chu ordered the accompanying village warriors to help Feng Yao and others find a place with dense trees for the horses tie up.

Dozens of people came out of the wooden house upon hearing the sound, walking in a calm and down-to-earth manner, with a hint of brilliance in their eyes from time to time.

Feng Yao's heart trembled, and he thought to himself: "These people don't seem to be weak in skill, they must be some knights who follow Xu Chu!"

"Zhao Wang, take off the wine and meat from the carriage, and let me pay respects to all the heroes of Xu Family Village!" Feng Yao said loudly.

"Yes, my lord!" Zhao Wang opened the curtain of the carriage in response, and began to move down the wine and food on the carriage.

Two of Feng Yao's followers also walked over to help, Yang Wu and others carefully guarded Feng Yao's back.

When Xu Chu saw jars of fine wine brought down, boxes of gourmet pastries unloaded, and finally a big roasted whole lamb, his eyes were wide open, and he shouted happily: "Brothers, this This is Brother Ma! These drinks and food are the meeting gifts that Brother Ma gave me!" Xu Chu happily patted Feng Yao on the back, and introduced them to the knights. I could bear it, coughed a few times, and bowed my hands to salute all the heroes one by one.

Xu Chu said loudly again: "It's sweltering in the room, why not go outside and have fun, why don't I wait and eat and drink under this big tree?"

All the knights cheered and cheered, and soon someone took out many straw mats from the house and spread them on the ground. Feng Yao couldn't help being touched by this scene, and he was very excited. He ordered Yang Wu and others to sit down and enjoy themselves. Although Yang Wu He agreed, but he didn't sit down, but stayed behind Feng Yao's body every step of the way.

After a while, Zhao Wang took all the wine, meat, and delicacies from the carriage, but although all the knights stretched their necks with greed, none of them ate or drank first.

Seeing this, Feng Yao directly picked up a bowl of wine, drank it all in one gulp, and laughed loudly: "Are you afraid that I, Ma Guang, poisoned the wine and food?"

Xu Chu was furious: "Brother Ma, don't underestimate me, Xu Chu! It's just that the wine and food are really poisonous! I Xu Chu is only for the fact that Brother Ma didn't despise me, and that he can sit on this straw mat with me, don't say it." If they want to poison me to death, even if they order me, Xu Chu, to take off his head now, why not be afraid!"

After saying that, he picked up a bowl of wine, drank it down, and shouted: "Good wine!" Then he tore it with his big hand, and tore off half of the leg of lamb, chewing hard for a while, and said it was enjoyable!

Feng Yao laughed loudly and said: "Brother Xu really lives up to his reputation, such arrogance is unmatched in the world! I admire Ma so much!"

Seeing this, all the knights shouted hello!They scrambled to eat meat, and within a few moments, all the bones of a roasted whole lamb were robbed. If they didn't get any meat, they began to eat delicacies such as pastries, or hugged big bowls and drank fine wine. All the chivalrous men formed a circle, looking at Feng Yao slowly, their eyes became eager. They no longer belonged to each other, some bold ones walked over directly, toasted Feng Yao, and Feng Yao took it all. However, under the strong request of Yang Wu and others, they only took a sip to show their respect.

"Brother Ma, I'm waiting for my brother to have a friend like you, this life is worthwhile!" A big swordsman who was a little drunk toasted Feng Yao.

"Brother Ma, have fun!!" From time to time, some of the knights toasted Feng Yao.

"Brother Ma, if someone dares to disrespect you in the future, you just need to tell me the name of Xu Dayan!" The fat man who brought Feng Yao into the village was originally called Xu Dayan, Feng Yao nodded with a smile, Xu Dayan proudly bragged about the scene of meeting Feng Yao with a few chivalrous men beside him, how majestic and majestic, how the jade tree is facing the wind, etc., and even bragged about how he forcibly resisted "Brother Ma" Prestige or something.

Feng Yao felt embarrassed when he heard it in his ears. He thought that Xu Dayan should be renamed Xu Bo Niu. Make these knights happy first, and the relationship is good, and the next thing will be simple.

After eating and drinking for less than half an hour, Xu Chu lost his previous excitement. Instead, he held a jar of wine with a depressed expression. After taking a few sips, he let out a long sigh, patted Feng Yao on the shoulder, and pointed at the man who was bragging. Xu Dayan beamed with joy, "Brother Ma, that's my elder brother Xu Ding. Sometimes I wish I could be as happy as him every day, but I can't!"

"Oh...? Brother Xu, if you have any troubles, you can tell me bluntly, I, Ma, have many friends in the counties and counties aside from my other abilities! As long as I open my mouth, there is nothing I can't solve!" Feng Yao said.

(End of this chapter)

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