Chapter 94
"Brother Ma, although I, Xu Chu, don't know where you come from, I just look at your personality. I, Xu Chu, have made up your mind for you as a friend!" Xu Chu said, then pointed to the big wooden house, "My previous home was There, but not so big, my parents were still alive at that time, but..., alas! It's all because I eat too much,..."

Xu Chu lowered his head and didn't want to say any more.

After bragging for a while, Xu Dayan came to Feng Yao at this time, offered Feng Yao a bowl of wine, and said loudly with his mouth full of alcohol: "Brother Ma! They don't believe me, you give me a cup of wine!" Prove it, and see if I, Xu Dayan, are bragging!"

Feng Yao smiled, stood up, took the wine and drank it all in one gulp, and laughed loudly amidst the applause of all knights: "Brother Xu's words are all true!"

Everyone burst into laughter, but Xu Big Eye was still happy and broke away with those knights, and said loudly: "From now on, in this world, Xu Big Eye has one more person whom I admire, and that is Ma Guang." Brother Horse!"

Xu Chu looked at his brother Xu Ding with a smile, shook his head, felt much better, and said to Feng Yao in a low voice: "Brother Ma, although my elder brother is open-minded and bragging, this sentence is indeed true! Before that, you might not have thought that the person he admired the most would be mine, but there is nothing to be proud of as a younger brother!"

"Let's just talk about it now. Our village seems to be prosperous, with food and drink, but I know that this kind of good life is only temporary! If there is no way, the current food can only last for two months at most! Yesterday Cao Cao sent I sent a few errands to enlist me as the governor of the Ministry of Music, but the tone of the errand as if giving alms was really annoying. Their relatives more or less died in the hands of Cao Jun. If they knew that I was going to vote for Cao Jun, they would definitely abandon me! And the most infuriating thing is that Cao Cao used me as a gunman, but he didn't have any money or food. If you don’t send it out, the position you’ve given is still useless!” Xu Chu could hold back his temper at first, but in the end the more he spoke, the more angry he became.

Feng Yao took a deep breath and rejoiced in his heart: "It's dangerous! If Xu Chu came one day later, Xu Chu might have agreed to Cao Cao's enlistment. At that time, the enemy would have one more general, and he would have lost one. !"

"Brother Xu, if it's about money and food, I think I can help you solve it!" Feng Yao said.

"Brother Ma, stop comforting me! Do you know how many people there are in the village now?" Xu Chu didn't believe what "Ma Guang" said at all.

"How much?" According to Feng Yao's guess, a hundred households and a village usually have only a few hundred people. Even if there are foreigners in Xujiazhuang, it will be 1000 to 3000, at most [-] people!How much is this?As long as Xu Chu, a fierce general, can be recruited, and these dozens of knights can support thousands of people, it is worth it!

"More than 3000 men and women!" Xu Chu chuckled.

These more than 3000 men and women not only include strong men, some of them are old people, women, children, etc. He doesn't believe that there are still people in the world who are stupid enough to raise these useless people!

Feng Yao was shocked when he heard the words, more than 3000!This was indeed a bit beyond Feng Yao's expectations, but Feng Yao immediately laughed.

"Is it more than 3000! I don't think it's too little! Even 13 people will be accepted!" Feng Yao stood up suddenly, his face suddenly became serious.

"What?!" Some knights who were close heard the conversation between the two, let go of the big bowl in surprise, and looked over.

This move attracted more people's attention, and they all stood up with surprised faces, wanting to see what happened.

Xu Chu asked excitedly, "Brother Ma! Are you serious about what you said?"

"No lie!" Feng Yao said.

At this time, Yang Wu and others all stood up after hearing the sound, standing behind Feng Yao one after another to prevent anyone from harming Feng Yao.

"If you can support everyone, my life, Xu Chu, will be yours from now on!" Xu Chu Teng knelt down on the ground.

At this time, Xu Big Eye seemed to wake up and stood up, "Who are you?"

"Look at this and you will understand!" Since Xu Chu was willing to serve, Feng Yao no longer had any worries, and directly took out the prefect's seal from his bosom, and put it in Xu Chu's hand.

Seal of Runan Prefect!These five seal characters are impressively engraved on the silver square seal.

"You are the prefect of Runan who has become famous recently?" Xu Chu was stunned.

"I am Feng Yao, the prefect of Runan County, and Ma Guang is just my pseudonym." Feng Yao said seriously.

Xu Chu stared blankly at Feng Yao for a while, then suddenly turned his head, and said loudly to the group of knights: "I, Xu Chu, want to join the Lord of Feng's Mansion in Runan! Are you willing to follow?"

All the knights said: "Your Majesty treats me like a brother, and we are willing to serve Lord Feng as our master!"

Xu Chu turned his head in great joy, bowed to Feng Yaona, kowtowed three times in succession, and swore: "From today onwards, I, Xu Chu, will serve Feng Yao as Lord! I will never go back on my word. That's it!" Xu Chu took a pair of chopsticks and snapped them off.

Seeing Xu Chu taking the lead, Xu Dayan and all the knights also knelt down and made oaths.

Feng Yao saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart. After all the knights finished their vows, he said loudly: "If you brothers don't abandon Feng Yao, I, Feng Yao, will never let you down!"

"My lord!" Everyone shouted happily.

What an honor it is to have the lord of a prefecture personally come and invite him to be his subordinate!All the knights let themselves follow the right person!If a lord like Feng Yao doesn't follow, there won't be a better lord in the world!
"Zhongkang!" Feng Yao helped Xu Chu up, Xu Chu nodded excitedly, called the lord softly, and followed Feng Yao.

"My lord, my name is Xu Ding, it's..." Xu Dayan was also full of excitement, he had wine with the lord, and meat with the lord!
"Hehe! You are Xu Chu's elder brother, right!" Feng Yao laughed before Xu Ding finished speaking.

Xu Ding was stunned behind, touched his head, and happily said to himself: "My lord actually knows me!"

"My lord! My name is..." Every chivalrous man helped by Feng Yao reported his name, and Feng Yao nodded and kept it in his heart.

Feng Yao helped all the knights who were kneeling on the ground one by one, and within a short while, 72 knights were taken in, not including brothers Xu Chu and Xu Ding.

Yang Wu, Dai Ling, Cheng Gu, Zhi Yue, Zhao Wang and others also had expressions of excitement on their faces. The stronger the lord, the brighter their future will be!

"Xu Chu—! You want to rebel!!! How dare you form a bandit here!"

Suddenly, there was a shout of anger, and more than a dozen people rushed out from behind the house.

Feng Yao looked intently, and saw ten soldiers who looked like servants holding steel knives, and there was a scribe in the middle with an angry look on his face.

Yang Wu, Dai Ling and other relatives changed their expressions, and immediately protected Feng Yao behind them.

"Xu Chu, are they the ones sent by Cao Cao?" Feng Yao asked.

"Yes, my lord, it's this gang of pickled bastards! The leader is Zuoshi surnamed Cao!" Xu Chu said.

"Then how to deal with this matter?" Feng Yao wanted to see what Xu Chu would do, so he asked again.

Xu Chu's face turned cold, and he clasped his fists and said, "My lord, please wait a moment until I go to settle this matter myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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