Chapter 95
At this time, the Cao Zuo envoy suddenly noticed Feng Yao who was being protected, and asked angrily: "Who are you! Haven't you heard of the name of my master Cao Yanzhou!" Then he waved his hand and ordered several subordinates Said: "This person dares to prevent Tolerance from doing business, kill him for me!!"

In Cao Zuoshi's eyes, Feng Yao had only a few servants around him, and he had ten elite soldiers on his side. Wouldn't it be easy to kill Feng Yao and others?As long as these people are killed, Xu Chu will definitely change his mind and accept Cao Gong's requisition!Moreover, the position of Buqudu is something no one can ask for. It's a pity that the lord doesn't value himself. As a member of the same clan, he is still an inconspicuous assistant!If such a good thing happened to him, he would be willing to let him abandon his wife and children.This Xu Chu didn't know if there was smoke rising from his ancestral grave, and he could change from a commoner to a general's superintendent overnight, how could he refuse such a good thing!
"Stop!" At this moment Xu Chu jumped out suddenly and shouted angrily.

Cao Zuo made his eyelids twitch, and shouted: "Xu Chu! Don't be fooled. These people are the most important criminals in the official series. They always like to pretend to be officials and trick people into joining the gang. I don't want to meet you here today. Why don't you help me?" Let's kill these important criminals together! I can also report to the government!"

When Feng Yao heard this, he almost fell down in shock, and said angrily in his heart: "This envoy Cao Zuo is very scheming! It seems that he can't be kind today!"

"Protect the lord!" Yang Wu shouted loudly, all of Feng Yao's subordinates flew to protect Feng Yao in the moment.

Dai Ling laughed angrily, holding a mace in his right hand, and slammed on the large steel shield in his left hand, there was only a deafening bang, which made Cao Zuo's calf tremble in fright.

"Dai Ling is here, who dares to come over!" Dai Ling shouted.

Xu Chu didn't believe what Cao Zuo envoy said, instead he took a step forward, pointed at Cao Zuo envoy, and scolded angrily: "It's just a running dog, and it dares to act wildly in Xujiazhuang! It's been a day, not only has a grain of grain not been delivered, I still ate a lot of white rice, and you want me to wait to work for your lord? I think you think that more than 1 people in Xujiazhuang are fools, don't you? I didn't want to talk to you, but I didn't expect you to slander my lord , see if I kill you first!"

After finishing speaking, the tiger roared, stepped forward with one stride, and knocked down the simple knife of one of the guards with one punch, and broke the neck of the guard with a snap of the other punch. This was not over, Xu Chu shouted again, With one hand, he directly picked up the body of the officer who was beaten to death, and even used the body as a weapon!

"Those who dare to offend my lord, this is the fate!" Xu Chu shouted loudly, swung the humanoid weapon in his hand, and swiped across with a sweep, and swept down two approaching guards with both the man and the weapon.

He took a step and shouted: "Death!" He stepped down fiercely, only to hear a shrill scream, and there was a burst of cracking and cracking ribs!
The rain of blood spattered Xu Chu's leg with a "puchi"!
Killing two people in a row in the blink of an eye not only failed to extinguish Xu Chu's anger, but made Xu Chu fierce, he raised his foot and stomped it down again, and the other guard who fell to the ground received the same death without even making a scream. Law.

"Ah—?" The remaining guards let out a scream, with fear in their eyes!Scared and overwhelmed.

Taking advantage of the moment when all the guards were in a daze, Xu Chu directly lifted one of them with his right hand, and slammed it to the ground. Together, the death was terrible.

Envoy Cao Zuo finally came to his senses, and shouted in horror: "Let's besiege and hack Xu Chu to death!"

Under Cao Zuo's order, the remaining six servants instinctively surrounded him, and all six simple knives chopped at Xu Chu.

At the same time, when Cao Zuo saw Xu Chu being stopped by his servants, he turned around and ran away.

Feng Yao's eyes sharpened, since the beginning has already been started, it is impossible to let anyone of Cao Cao's people go!
"Dai Ling! Kill that man!" Feng Yao pointed at the escaped Cao Zuoshi.

"Yes, my lord!" At the very beginning, Dai Ling wanted to strike first, but Xu Chu took the lead, so he retreated back to protect Feng Yao again. Then he jumped out, but Dai Ling didn't chase after Cao Zuoshi, but made a move that surprised Feng Yao!
Dai Ling took off the large stainless steel round shield on his left arm, saw the direction in which Cao Zuo was running together, and slammed the big round shield. The big round shield turned around very fast with a whistling sound, and went straight to Cao Zuo. The envoy flies away!

"Go!" Dai Ling shouted in a deep voice.

This big round shield was custom-made by Feng Yao before. The entire big shield is made of fine steel and weighs 69 jin!Moreover, the middle of the large shield is thick and the edge is thin, although it is not as sharp as a sword, but under Dai Ling's tremendous force, a shield smashed down is like a knife, an axe, and a chisel. , Cut Cao Zuo envoy in half!

As soon as the blood mist flashed, Cao Zuoshi's upper body flew to one side, and his internal organs and stomach flowed all over the ground, making people want to vomit!

Xu Chu here roared, "Get out of the way!!" With a swing of the corpse in his hand, six knives slashed at the corpse, cutting the corpse into several pieces, but the six knives were also swung away by the corpse.

"Brother Xu, don't worry, I'm Dai Ling to help you!" Dai Ling arrived, smashed a mace down, smashing a servant into a pile of meat, picked up another mace, and picked another servant flying In the middle of the sky, a cloud of blood rained down, and he couldn't live without seeing it.

In the blink of an eye, there are only four of the six servants!

At this time, there was a "swish" sound of a bow and arrow, followed by a "poof" sound of piercing into the flesh. One of the four guards swayed and fell slowly, and an arrow hit his throat!

This arrow was definitely not shot by Feng Yao's people, because no one had a bow and arrow when Feng Yao came out this time!
Feng Yao turned his head and saw a knight holding a bow and arrow, and the arrow hit him and shot it.

"My lord! Since we have made an oath to follow our lord, we will never go back on our word!" the chivalrous man shouted.

"Kill!" All the knights had already charged up when Xu Chu started to attack. At this moment, there was a shout of kill, and the swords came down, stabbing the last three servants full of big holes in an instant.

Seeing that all the guards were dead, Xu Chu laughed loudly, walked up to Feng Yao and knelt down in front of Feng Yao, "My lord! The thieves are all wiped out!"

Feng Yao helped Xu Chu up, and praised: "You are really a tiger idiot!"

Xu Chu was overjoyed when he heard the words, as if he was very satisfied with being called a tiger idiot, he excitedly said to the knights surrounding him, "From now on, I, Xu Chu, will be named a tiger idiot!"

"Tiger Crazy! Tiger Crazy! Tiger Crazy!" All the chivalrous men burst into joy.

Feng Yao smiled and said nothing, thinking that although I did not invent the name of tiger idiot in history, no matter how history has been changed, Xu Chu's name of tiger idiot is still most suitable for Xu Chu!
Xu Chu knelt down in front of Feng Yao again, "Tiger idiot Xu Chu thanked the lord for the name!"

"Thank you brother Dai for your help!" Xu Chu cupped his hands to Dai Ling again.

At this time, counselor Zhi Yue suddenly stood up, with a happy face, and bowed to Feng Yao, "Your Majesty, I have a suggestion!"

(End of this chapter)

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